Handgun recomendations



Read post 3 in here.


The rest is interesting too, but I think this guy is probably right.

Definitely some interesting reading, thanks so much. I'll read the rest later but the few posts I read so far give me a lot to think about. Basically, if I shoot some thug in my own home I better break out the drama, claim to be absolutely distraught from the whole incident & get a really good lawyer. Well, anything still beats some punk possibly hurting/killing my little boy.

It's just disgusting that some pos can enter my home, threaten my family and possibly screw me over in the end. Welcome to Maryland, I guess. :frown:
Definitely some interesting reading, thanks so much. I'll read the rest later but the few posts I read so far give me a lot to think about. Basically, if I shoot some thug in my own home I better break out the drama, claim to be absolutely distraught from the whole incident & get a really good lawyer. Well, anything still beats some punk possibly hurting/killing my little boy.

It's just disgusting that some pos can enter my home, threaten my family and possibly screw me over in the end. Welcome to Maryland, I guess. :frown:

The one thing he stressed was say nothing.

With all that info though if someone were threaten my family I'd still try to pop 'em. Do society a favor in the meantime.

Old saying again, "it's better to be tried by 12 than to be buried by 6".


Super Genius
Definitely some interesting reading, thanks so much. I'll read the rest later but the few posts I read so far give me a lot to think about. Basically, if I shoot some thug in my own home I better break out the drama, claim to be absolutely distraught from the whole incident & get a really good lawyer. Well, anything still beats some punk possibly hurting/killing my little boy.

It's just disgusting that some pos can enter my home, threaten my family and possibly screw me over in the end. Welcome to Maryland, I guess. :frown:

FYI, one of the things you must do before getting anything (it's the law :rolleyes:) is take the Firearms Safety Training:
MD Firearms Safety Training

The training tells you when you are legal to defend yourself :rolleyes:

Oh, and that is only required if you are getting a "regulated" firearm (handguns and "assault weapons"). If you're going for a shotgun, you don't need to take the training.
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The one thing he stressed was say nothing.

With all that info though if someone were threaten my family I'd still try to pop 'em. Do society a favor in the meantime.

Old saying again, "it's better to be tried by 12 than to be buried by 6".

Yep, agree completely. If you're gonna shoot the punk, go for the gold! It looks like the only smart thing to say is that you thought you and your family were about to be killed, then keep your mouth shut. Some tears probably wouldn't hurt either.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I better break out the drama...

What you better do is take ownership of a firearm dead flat serious.

Learn how to handle it like it can kill your or someone else if handled wrong or accidentally. Because it can and it will. Understand that if you present a weapon in self defense that you have EVERY right to save your own life and protect your family but, also you are holding someone(s) else's lives, literally, in your hands. Once a bullet leaves your weapon, it has no conscience, no idea where it is supposed to go, what it is supposed to do nor does it care even a little bit what it runs into. You don't wanna be having these thoughts for the first time at 2 am, terrified.

You may well need to shoot to kill someone who is threatening you. You may well only need to whip it out. There may well be someone innocent on the other side of that wall or next door. That bullet does not care. YOU need to be in as much control of your weapon in some terrifying situation as you can. Train. Get comfortable handling it. Loading, unloading, deliberate controlled firing, cleaning, etc. Think about possible situations. Some drunk friend of your kids? Your own kid? Burglar? Rapist?

You can't be 'ready' for a sudden and shocking and terrifying life or death situation but, you can think about it, think it through. Better to know in your mind that you just may not need to pull the trigger than to have the mindset of just start blasting. Some clueless people are cool under shock and pressure. Some trained people crap their pants the first time and shoot themselves in the foot.

A firearm is only a tool but it is a damn effective one for what it was made to do.
What you better do is take ownership of a firearm dead flat serious.

Learn how to handle it like it can kill your or someone else if handled wrong or accidentally. Because it can and it will. Understand that if you present a weapon in self defense that you have EVERY right to save your own life and protect your family but, also you are holding someone(s) else's lives, literally, in your hands. Once a bullet leaves your weapon, it has no conscience, no idea where it is supposed to go, what it is supposed to do nor does it care even a little bit what it runs into. You don't wanna be having these thoughts for the first time at 2 am, terrified.

You may well need to shoot to kill someone who is threatening you. You may well only need to whip it out. There may well be someone innocent on the other side of that wall or next door. That bullet does not care. YOU need to be in as much control of your weapon in some terrifying situation as you can. Train. Get comfortable handling it. Loading, unloading, deliberate controlled firing, cleaning, etc. Think about possible situations. Some drunk friend of your kids? Your own kid? Burglar? Rapist?

You can't be 'ready' for a sudden and shocking and terrifying life or death situation but, you can think about it, think it through. Better to know in your mind that you just may not need to pull the trigger than to have the mindset of just start blasting. Some clueless people are cool under shock and pressure. Some trained people crap their pants the first time and shoot themselves in the foot.

A firearm is only a tool but it is a damn effective one for what it was made to do.

Well said.


Well-Known Member
Hand guns are NOT the best choice for home defense. Way too much penetration. Check out the web site theboxoftruth.com


What you better do is take ownership of a firearm dead flat serious.

Learn how to handle it like it can kill your or someone else if handled wrong or accidentally. Because it can and it will. Understand that if you present a weapon in self defense that you have EVERY right to save your own life and protect your family but, also you are holding someone(s) else's lives, literally, in your hands. Once a bullet leaves your weapon, it has no conscience, no idea where it is supposed to go, what it is supposed to do nor does it care even a little bit what it runs into. You don't wanna be having these thoughts for the first time at 2 am, terrified.

You may well need to shoot to kill someone who is threatening you. You may well only need to whip it out. There may well be someone innocent on the other side of that wall or next door. That bullet does not care. YOU need to be in as much control of your weapon in some terrifying situation as you can. Train. Get comfortable handling it. Loading, unloading, deliberate controlled firing, cleaning, etc. Think about possible situations. Some drunk friend of your kids? Your own kid? Burglar? Rapist?

You can't be 'ready' for a sudden and shocking and terrifying life or death situation but, you can think about it, think it through. Better to know in your mind that you just may not need to pull the trigger than to have the mindset of just start blasting. Some clueless people are cool under shock and pressure. Some trained people crap their pants the first time and shoot themselves in the foot.

A firearm is only a tool but it is a damn effective one for what it was made to do.

I couldn't agree more, you're right. Although I would take the responsibility of owning a gun very seriously, there's no telling how I'd react if the time ever came to use it. Sure, I'd go through all the required training & then some. I generally handle stressful situations very calmly. However, who knows what would happen at 2 am when someone was breaking onto my house? Like you said, people often don't react as they'd like to.

A lot to think about, not a decision I take lightly. I ask myself....what good will a gun do me locked in a box out of my son's reach when I hear someone breaking down the door? By the time I get to it, it's too late.

More concerning.....I obviously wouldn't leave a loaded gun within arms reach with a child in the house, which is where it would need to be in order for me to use it quickly. That's why I haven't gone this route yet & why I'm unsure at this point if I want to.


Super Genius
More concerning.....I obviously wouldn't leave a loaded gun within arms reach with a child in the house, which is where it would need to be in order for me to use it quickly. That's why I haven't gone this route yet & why I'm unsure at this point if I want to.

They make safes with pushbutton combinations or even fingerprint scanners for that.


They make safes with pushbutton combinations or even fingerprint scanners for that.

Wow, fingerprint scanners? Didn't know that, which shows you how much I've really looked into this. Thanks for the info.

Well, sorry I hijacked this thread. Hope the recommendations keep coming for OP so he can get his anniversary gift. :yay:


I know nothing
I couldn't agree more, you're right. Although I would take the responsibility of owning a gun very seriously, there's no telling how I'd react if the time ever came to use it. Sure, I'd go through all the required training & then some. I generally handle stressful situations very calmly. However, who knows what would happen at 2 am when someone was breaking onto my house? Like you said, people often don't react as they'd like to.

A lot to think about, not a decision I take lightly. I ask myself....what good will a gun do me locked in a box out of my son's reach when I hear someone breaking down the door? By the time I get to it, it's too late.

More concerning.....I obviously wouldn't leave a loaded gun within arms reach with a child in the house, which is where it would need to be in order for me to use it quickly. That's why I haven't gone this route yet & why I'm unsure at this point if I want to.

You need one of these then


  • doberman-pinscher.jpg
    56.7 KB · Views: 65


You need one of these then

Good idea, that dog would certainly be a lot more intimidating than our black lab is! At least he barks to let us know if anyone is around. He's a good watchdog but that's where it ends. :lol:

The previous owners had two pits & they left their "beware of dog" signs up on the gate. We just left the signs up, next to the Brinks security sign. The propane guy & I had a good laugh about it when he first delivered to us.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
However, who knows what would happen at 2 am when someone was breaking onto my house? Like you said, people often don't react as they'd like to.

Ah, but, most of us know how we react under stress; fight or flight, because we've all lived long enough to know. That is, at least, a starting point. :buddies:
Good idea, that dog would certainly be a lot more intimidating than our black lab is! At least he barks to let us know if anyone is around. He's a good watchdog but that's where it ends. :lol:

The previous owners had two pits & they left their "beware of dog" signs up on the gate. We just left the signs up, next to the Brinks security sign. The propane guy & I had a good laugh about it when he first delivered to us.

Dogs and lights. A home intruders worst enemies.


"Typical White Person"
Price is about the same.

.40 is harder hitting and faster.

9mm 147g=985fps, 317ftlb

.40 155g=1200fps, 496ftlb

Energy means next to nothing in projectiles traveling at handgun round speeds. Google Dr. Fackler and look at some of his research. Two things matter with a handgun round, of course, like always the most important is hitting something vital. CNS is best, followed by heart, lungs ect.. so I don't really count that. But what does matter is hole size, caliber or expandable projectile width(making them bleed out). The other consideration would be penetration, does the projectile penetrate far enough to hit vital organs?

Penetration is a weird thing in handgun rounds, too fast and too light penetrate terribly, too heavy and slow does not penetrate great either. Although I will say, I'd rather have heavy and slow over too fast and light.

I posted some charts here before illustrating some different caliber/weight projectiles and how they perform as far as expanstion and penetration.


Ah, but, most of us know how we react under stress; fight or flight, because we've all lived long enough to know. That is, at least, a starting point. :buddies:

For me, it's always been fight not flight. I have a big mouth/attitude, no patience for freeloading punks. So far it's worked well for me. I've been in a few situations where I've had to defend myself & that's just what I've done. Of course, never with a weapon.

But....I've noticed that having a baby makes me think differently. For instance, if someone came up to me in a parking lot in the past & tried to take my purse, I fought back & kept my belongings. Now if someone approaches me when I'm with my son, they can have my damn purse. Not worth it. I'd like to assume that I'd remain cool under pressure. I have no doubt that I'd shoot someone to defend my family. Hopefully I'd miss my foot! :lol:


"Typical White Person"
Nobody is aiming at night, groggy, scared. Point shooting time.

Officers in the line of duty, awake, aware, deliberate, sure. The rest of us ain't taking the time to aim after taking a dump in our union suits.


I have these sights on my concealed carry piece, G19, these things look light a lit beer can on the end of oyur gun and are perfect for an HD handgun or concealed carry handgun imo.

There is a youtube vid of the designer shooting small steal targets at 50 yds with them too, so they can be precise if needed.

XS Sight Systems - Handgun Sights - 24/7 Express