Has karma made forums meaner?



You will find out on Friday when Slutted shows you why his nick name is Amtrak.
Uh... Amtrak?

I was only mildly nervous about meetin' the crazy lot of ya... now I'm flat out terrified :lmao:


All Up In Your Grill
It seems people are being more angry more openly on the forums since the end of karma. :lmao: What are your thoughts?

:drama: Mind your rice, biatch. :talktothehand:

No, they are the same old mean people that were on here before. The only difference is now they insult you to your face instead of "anonymously". Plus the insults have gotten much more creative. I actually think there's less :bs: because some folks are chicken to say to your face what they used to say in karma. Of course, no matter what, the gossips and rumor mongers are still flapping their gums because they have nothing better to do, but that'll never change.

I :heart: migtig. :love: