Having a baby....


I Need a Beer
Mikeinsmd said:
Oh having someone elses baby regardless what your husband thinks isn't shallow?? :duh:

No, that's not shallow part, if fact, its rather admirable. The shallow part is "
chasing nooky cuz my "preggo by another man" exwife was so busy giving birth."


Cowgirl said:
Glad you're not my hubby. My BF knows how close my sister and I are. He knows that if I really wanted to carry a baby for my sister and her hubby, I'm going to do it.

It's not like I'd just carry any old ho's baby. :lol:
How much, maybe we can work a deal? :popcorn:


New Member
pixiegirl said:
Good Lord, and I thought I was a control freak. :huggy:
Not a control freak but I think that's a major ordeal and to just say: "Well eff you hubby, I'm doing it anyway." is pretty obnoxious. :flowers: :love:


Cleopatra Jones
Ha_Satan said:
I'm agreeing with you. It's your body and your choice. Who cares what he thinks? or what demon woman he has to deal with for 9 months? or what all he has to help you with while you're pregnant or recovering from childbirth? He chose to be with you good or bad and as such, should support whatever descision you make without question- no matter how it impacts him. You'll be putting yourself through all kinds of hell and if he won't be there for you, what good is he?

Really, a man has to do all those things. A woman is simply incapable of having a child without help? I guess no one sent my ex husband that memo. :yay:


New Member
citysherry said:
No, that's not shallow part, if fact, its rather admirable. The shallow part is "
chasing nooky cuz my "preggo by another man" exwife was so busy giving birth."
That's not shallow either. He wasn't given a say in the matter so he's on his own.

Oh I'd ask 1st before I went nooky chasing and when she said "no", I'd say: "Well tuff titties baby, I'm doing it anyway. You can splain to the friends and family." :lmao:


Cleopatra Jones
Mikeinsmd said:
Not a control freak but I think that's a major ordeal and to just say: "Well eff you hubby, I'm doing it anyway." is pretty obnoxious. :flowers: :love:

She didn't say that she'd present it like that at all. She said he'd get over it. Is there nothing in life that you'd do against your spouses wishes? Absolutely nothing in the world that you'd not waiver on?

If I wasn't fixed and if my sister asked me to I'd do it. I'd present my case to my other half and if they were against it than I would most certainly try to help them see why it's important to me. If they would not budge I'd still do it. It's a temporary situation.


curiouser and curiouser
Mikeinsmd said:
Ever think maybe he doesn't want his wife running around pregnant?
Ever think maybe he doesn't want to explain to everyone?
Ever think maybe he doesn't want to put up with all the things BC she's preggo?
Pretty self centered if you ask me.
I'd tell ya to pound sand. :howdy:
He, he, he. That sounds pretty self centered as well.


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Not a control freak but I think that's a major ordeal and to just say: "Well eff you hubby, I'm doing it anyway." is pretty obnoxious. :flowers: :love:

:lol: If your wife (are you married?) wanted to do something for a really good reason (like have a baby for her sister)....something that meant everything in the world to her and her sister's family, and you didn't want her to do it simply because you might be inconvenienced for 9 months, wouldn't that make you the ass, and not your wife?


New Member
pixiegirl said:
She didn't say that she'd present it like that at all. She said he'd get over it. Is there nothing in life that you'd do against your spouses wishes? Absolutely nothing in the world that you'd not waiver on?

If I wasn't fixed and if my sister asked me to I'd do it. I'd present my case to my other half and if they were against it than I would most certainly try to help them see why it's important to me. If they would not budge I'd still do it. It's a temporary situation.
Carrying a baby for someone else is a MAJOR deal. I don't like the: "If he still didn't like it, he could get over it." attitude.

That says: "ok, we discussed it, you're against it but too bad, I'm doing it anyway."

If that's the treatment I get as the hubby, it's time to go chase nooky. :lalala:


The Challenger
pixiegirl said:
Really, a man has to do all those things. A woman is simply incapable of having a child without help? I guess no one sent my ex husband that memo. :yay:

If he can live with a preggo and not do anything to/for her AND/OR doesn't deal with her preggo-inspired crap, I applaud him for being wise enough to get into that position, or stupid enough not to notice. All men co-habiting with preggo's should be that lucky.


New Member
Cowgirl said:
:lol: If your wife (are you married?) wanted to do something for a really good reason (like have a baby for her sister)....something that meant everything in the world to her and her sister's family, and you didn't want her to do it simply because you might be inconvenienced for 9 months, wouldn't that make you the ass, and not your wife?
Nope. :snacks:

Maybe in your eyes but not mine.


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Ever think maybe he doesn't want his wife running around pregnant? Why? Explain why this matters?
Ever think maybe he doesn't want to explain to everyone? How hard is it to say "My wonderfully generous and loving wife is carrying a child for her sister because she is unable to bear children"
Ever think maybe he doesn't want to put up with all the things BC she's preggo? Think of all the crap she is willing to go through for someone else. It's selfish to think you wouldn't want her to do it because you don't want to be inconvenienced for 9 months out of your whole life.
Pretty self centered if you ask me.
I'd tell ya to pound sand. :howdy::howdy: Right back atcha!!


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Carrying a baby for someone else is a MAJOR deal. I don't like the: "If he still didn't like it, he could get over it." attitude.

That says: "ok, we discussed it, you're against it but too bad, I'm doing it anyway."

If that's the treatment I get as the hubby, it's time to go chase nooky. :lalala:

Why bother asking him??? :eyebrow:


The Challenger
pixiegirl said:
She didn't say that she'd present it like that at all. She said he'd get over it. Is there nothing in life that you'd do against your spouses wishes? Absolutely nothing in the world that you'd not waiver on?

If I wasn't fixed and if my sister asked me to I'd do it. I'd present my case to my other half and if they were against it than I would most certainly try to help them see why it's important to me. If they would not budge I'd still do it. It's a temporary situation.

Whether or not the tubes are connected, you should be able to do it :shrug: Or is this the fu... I mean, low-tech version where you get to bangbangba... er... use more than just your uterus to help them :really:


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
OK, but I have to warn you; due to religious reasons it has to be a natural insemination.

:shrug: Sure. If BF doesn't like it, he can go chase nooky elsewhere.


Cleopatra Jones
Mikeinsmd said:
Carrying a baby for someone else is a MAJOR deal. I don't like the: "If he still didn't like it, he could get over it." attitude.

That says: "ok, we discussed it, you're against it but too bad, I'm doing it anyway."

If that's the treatment I get as the hubby, it's time to go chase nooky. :lalala:

You're right it is a MAJOR deal and that's why you should really take into consideration that fact that she REALLY wants to do it. If my husband can't "allow" me to do something that means so much to me than he's obviously not taking my feelings into consideration. Soooo, if both parties are being "inconsiderate" and the wife decides that it means enough to her to do it and husband goes seeking out some nookie just because wifey did something he wouldn't allow her to do; well then that's controlling.