Having a baby....


New Member
Cowgirl said:
Well, in that case, I think it would make you a huge ass. :howdy:
I am a huge ass. :biggrin: But so are you.

Just because you think it's a wonderful and loving thing to do (and maybe it is), that does not justify telling him to: "get over it".


Well-Known Member
Cyurius said:
Would you ever be a surrogate mother for someone? Would it be for just anyone? How much would you want to be paid?

What if your husband says no? What would you do then?


I my wife hired her whoum out as a surrogate without my permission. I would accidently push her out of the bed belly first one night.


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:
I am a huge ass. :biggrin: But so are you.

Just because you think it's a wonderful and loving thing to do (and maybe it is), that does not justify telling him to: "get over it".

:shrug: I don't think that makes me an ass at all. If my SO still said he didn't want me to do it, I'd do it. Of course I wouldn't tell him to "get over it," but I'd tell him I was going to do it whether he liked it or not. If he had that much of a problem with it that he'd leave me or cheat on me, then obviously we weren't meant to be together. If there was something so important to me and he didnt' care to see that, then I'd leave him. Simple as that. :shrug:


Cleopatra Jones
Ha_Satan said:
Whether or not the tubes are connected, you should be able to do it :shrug: Or is this the fu... I mean, low-tech version where you get to bangbangba... er... use more than just your uterus to help them :really:

I already have enough penises hanging around. I don't need to add another. :lmao:


I am so very blessed
If someone close to me were unable to have a child, and asked me to carry one for them, I'd seriously consider doing it for her. Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. But I would give it a lot of thoughtful discussion with Bob and other close family members.

However, if there was any hesitation on Bob's part that he wouldn't want me to do it, then I wouldn't.

It has nothing to do with his opinion taking priority over my opinion or the situation. It's just that carrying a child wouldn't just be an impact to me, but to US, and to the dynamics of OUR family. If me carrying someone else's child were to disrupt the harmony that we have, then I'd have to say "no", and focus instead on my own family.


I am so very blessed
Cowgirl said:
:shrug: I don't think that makes me an ass at all. If my SO still said he didn't want me to do it, I'd do it. Of course I wouldn't tell him to "get over it," but I'd tell him I was going to do it whether he liked it or not. If he had that much of a problem with it that he'd leave me or cheat on me, then obviously we weren't meant to be together. If there was something so important to me and he didnt' care to see that, then I'd leave him. Simple as that. :shrug:
But that's exactly what you previously said your response would be. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Cowgirl said:
:shrug: I don't think that makes me an ass at all. If my SO still said he didn't want me to do it, I'd do it. Of course I wouldn't tell him to "get over it," but I'd tell him I was going to do it whether he liked it or not. If he had that much of a problem with it that he'd leave me or cheat on me, then obviously we weren't meant to be together. If there was something so important to me and he didnt' care to see that, then I'd leave him. Simple as that. :shrug:

Have you thought about how that would make your husband feel? If you wanted to have a kid for your sister. You are basically telling him that you want to have another kid but don't want it to be his.

It won't make a man feel good. If every time he looks at his pregnant wife he knows that it is not his kid. A lot of men would see somthing like that as grounds for divorce.


Well-Known Member
BadGirl said:
But that's exactly what you said previously. :shrug:

I meant I wouldn't say the exact phrase "get over it." If my sis didn't/couldn't have kids, and asked me to do it for her, I would do it. I wouldn't like to live my life knowing that I could have helped them have a baby but didnt' because my hubby would be inconvenienced. :shrug:

This situation won't ever come up, because my sis already has 2 beautiful children, and I'm not married. My BF knows how close my sister and I are. If we were married, I doubt he'd have a serious problem with me carrying a baby for them. He might have some questions and doubts, but I know he'd support my decision.


Well-Known Member
pingrr said:
Have thought about how that would make your husband feel? If wanted to have a kid for your sister. You are basically telling him that you want to have another kid but don't want it to be his.

It won't make a man feel good. If every time he looks at his pregnant wife he knows that it is not his kid. A lot of men would see somthing like that as grounds for divorce.

:roflmao: Are you serious? It's not telling him I don't want to carry his child. It's telling him that I want to give my sister and her family the opportunity to have a biological child. A gift that will last a lifetime. Every time hubby looked at me he'd see me giving the most precious gift there was. It's not being unfaithful. It wouldn't be his child, and it wouldn't be my child either. Do you understand that? It's like I'm just the oven for a bun that was placed in their by a doctor.


Well-Known Member
Cowgirl said:
: It wouldn't be his child, and it wouldn't be my child either. Do you understand that? It's like I'm just the oven for a bun that was placed in their by a doctor.

It would be your child. Maybe not legally but the maternal bond would be there. A lot of people who are surogets grow very attached to the kids they give away. Expesially if it is for a faimily member. Chances are you would not have the normal aunt/niece relationship. That may be a relation ship that you husband doesn't want to be a part of that you would be thrusting opon him.


New Member
Cowgirl said:
:shrug: I don't think that makes me an ass at all. If my SO still said he didn't want me to do it, I'd do it. Of course I wouldn't tell him to "get over it," but I'd tell him I was going to do it whether he liked it or not. If he had that much of a problem with it that he'd leave me or cheat on me, then obviously we weren't meant to be together. If there was something so important to me and he didnt' care to see that, then I'd leave him. Simple as that. :shrug:
You're right. You weren't made for each other.

You don't care what's important to him either. Gotcha. :yay:


I am so very blessed
smoothmarine187 said:
I just need to practice at making children, can you help me with that?
You shoot blanks, don't you?

I'm not gonna fall for that "practice making a baby" line again. I mean....trick me once, shame on you. Trick me twice, shame on me. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
smoothmarine187 said:
I just need to practice at making children, can you help me with that?

That line reminds me of a little game I used to play called "Just the tip"


I've thought about this before and basically I'd be okay with being a surrogate however the only problem I have with it is worrying about the real mom watching me like a hawk, what I eat :jameo:, am I smoking :jameo:, am I getting enough sleep for THEIR child :jameo:, am I drinking too much caffiene :jameo: etc.... that would drive me bonkers :crazy: and so far there's been nobody out there that I would make that kind of sacrifice for that isn't that nutty that has bounced the idea off of me. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
BadGirl said:
You shoot blanks, don't you?

I'm not gonna fall for that "practice making a baby" line again. I mean....trick me once, shame on you. Trick me twice, shame on me. :lmao:

:roflmao: That's not till next month, I'm still ready for action right now.


Well-Known Member
BadGirl said:
If someone close to me were unable to have a child, and asked me to carry one for them, I'd seriously consider doing it for her. Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. But I would give it a lot of thoughtful discussion with Bob and other close family members.

However, if there was any hesitation on Bob's part that he wouldn't want me to do it, then I wouldn't.

It has nothing to do with his opinion taking priority over my opinion or the situation. It's just that carrying a child wouldn't just be an impact to me, but to US, and to the dynamics of OUR family. If me carrying someone else's child were to disrupt the harmony that we have, then I'd have to say "no", and focus instead on my own family.
:yeahthat: Not to mention the loss of income that you take from maternity leave, hubby dealing with mood swings, or that pregnancy is not always great on a woman's health.