He could probably be more annoying if he tried


Well-Known Member
What do your neighbors do that makes them needy, and makes you hate them? I am truly interested in your answer. Thanks.

Constantly asking for things. I've griped about this awhile back. Being neighborly and friendly is great. Mooching isn't. I don't really hate them. I just wish they would leave me alone.


Well-Known Member
I've had good neighbors usually. Became very good friends with a few of them. We're still in touch and close friends after 25 plus years with one and over 45 years with another. This bunch here have no clue what boundaries are. All they do is want to take and take.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I had a chance to buy the lot across the street for a song. I wish I had. The new owner all but clear cut the lot and put down a parking lot, a huge metal building, and a house, all with no permits. He drives a Peterbilt and pulls out between 3 and 4 am. He returns home around lunchtime and works on either his semis, his Harley, or his drag car. I didn't know open header rails were still a thing.

Next door neighbor has 2 yippy Pomeranians she lets out on her porch and a son with a sub-woofer the size of a Maytag in his Hyundai. She likes to yell at him when he's doing her yard work.

The neighbors several doors down host parties EVERY weekend, ALL weekend. They have a killer stereo, horse shoe pits, apparent hearing problems because they always yell, and burnout contests.


Throwing the deuces
One for a driveway. His family is well connected. He was fined big time, but his buildings are still in use.
There is someone in my housing development that built a pool in their backyard, They got fined because it was done without permission but they said they'd rather pay the fines because they knew they'd get denied.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
There is someone in my housing development that built a pool in their backyard, They got fined because it was done without permission but they said they'd rather pay the fines because they knew they'd get denied.
That's pretty much what mine did. It's better to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The only time I had really bad neighbors was when I lived in the townhouses off Pegg Rd. Overnight it seemed they started moving in Section 8 and all of a sudden these weird people were there. The good news is I was just renting and could move. I've been really lucky with good neighbors.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I was out grilling Saturday evening when all hell broke loose. A fight broke out one street over in front of a row of rental townhouses. Screaming, punches thrown. Went on for what seemed like 10 minutes. Finally a truck goes tearing out of there. Stops at the stop sign in front of my house and sits there for a moment. I'm wondering if they are deciding to go back for more. The truck finally leaves.

I told my wife that it's a good thing that we don't live in the Park and the fight was between a couple of rednecks. Otherwise there would have definitely been shots fired.


Well-Known Member
Constantly asking for things. I've griped about this awhile back. Being neighborly and friendly is great. Mooching isn't. I don't really hate them. I just wish they would leave me alone.

I have never had mooching neighbors, so, I can’t identify. As a rule, we have always helped each other out; storm debris removal, getting mail while out of town, sharing veg gardens, and occasional crab feasts. :😊


Well-Known Member
I have never had mooching neighbors, so, I can’t identify. As a rule, we have always helped each other out; storm debris removal, getting mail while out of town, sharing veg gardens, and occasional crab feasts. :😊
As a rule, we have always helped each other out; storm debris removal, getting mail while out of town, sharing veg gardens, and occasional crab feasts.

Same here. These people seem to think helping each other out means taking advantage.


Well-Known Member
Same here. These people seem to think helping each other out means taking advantage.

That is not right. Where do you live in somd? I lived in Calvert off of Broomes Island on Cove View Drive. And, now, living in MoCo...it is still the same great neighbors. What I would like to mention is the diversity of our neighbors...Shrilanka, Ethiopia, Black, Jewish, Hispanic, Military, Oriental, Good ole boys, Fauci worshippers, junk yard dogs, retired SS that got a new gig with our Gov, etc. But, we all are living in harmony for now. No racism where I live. We live in a libprog county under a libprog governor. Who knows what will happen. Waiting to see how this all goes under a Soros presidency. Take care.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
That Pineapple also makes you wonder what Master Gunnery Sergeant has been up to.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I don't get it.


#*! boat!
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A regular beacon of enlightenment.

A fountain of knowledge.

A cornucopia of counsel.
I was leading a very boring life as a God-fearing, church-going, tea-sipping, food kitchen volunteer that crocheted for a hobby. Then I discovered this forum.