Heated UP



migtig said:
let me see if I understand all of this.

1) SMTR is an outfit that promotes trail rides

2) Several SMTR members and associates came on here and called Appyday fat

3) Appyday said I know I am and so is Sahrab

4) Several SMTR members and associates continue to personally attack and slander Appyday

Conclusion, several SMTR members and associates do not seem to be the type of people and organization that I will ever give money to nor encourage others to participate in based upon what I have seen. Am I wrong in my observations and conclusion?

Now, on a side note, Appyday and happyappy, I recently inherited several walkers, and I don't have a place to keep them, nor am I sure I want to. Is there a direction you can point me on listing them for sale with reputable people? The walkers are currently located out of state. TIA

:smack: Whoooo Cares and as 4 the Walkers...send them to Melvin. :lmao:


New Member
equineaddict said:
:smack: Whoooo Cares and as 4 the Walkers...send them to Melvin. :lmao:

Wouldn't make much sense to ship them here to sell at MF's prices.
Good online sales sites are Dreamhorse.com and Equine.com
Or, sell them through a barn where they're at now. Good Luck!