Hello Friggin 98.3, Our New Radio Gods


You're all F'in Mad...
Wasn't there a lot of fanfare last year showcasing that the radio stations had purchased generators so they wouldn't be off the air during storms? :confused:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Oz said:
Wasn't there a lot of fanfare last year showcasing that the radio stations had purchased generators so they wouldn't be off the air during storms? :confused:
That's what I thought. They were arguing that the County should buy them or something. Guess they bought their own and aren't going to use them for the good of the citizens of the County.


You're all F'in Mad...
BS Gal said:
That's what I thought. They were arguing that the County should buy them or something. Guess they bought their own and aren't going to use them for the good of the citizens of the County.

St Mary's County Emergency Management Home Page:

Here's the posted contact for the Emergency Management department if you click on the Email button on the left:

and as always, the Board of County Commissioners:


Lem Putt
I wonder if they would bother to provide information if the Nuke plant had a problem? Imagine the nuke sirens going off, but all you get on the radio is Tears for Fears.


You're all F'in Mad...
Nicole_in_somd said:
I dont give a flying f what you think or how you feel you can kiss my azz. You are nothing to me. You cant take it anymore, come over here and shut me up.



Set Trippin
Nicole_in_somd said:
ya you are a big roller, right? please. I will talk what ever I want when ever I want don't like so f'ing what.
Did you just send me red karma? You forgot to sign it...

And I'll pass on kissing your ass, I'm sure it's not worth the trip...


How you like me now?
mainman said:
Did you just send me red karma? You forgot to sign it...

And I'll pass on kissing your ass, I'm sure it's not worth the trip...

no I did not send you karama I said what I had to say in here.

I am sure it is not worth the trip to you either since I am a female.


Stretch's Mom
Oz said:
Found the article on Somar "Plans" to buy generators - guess no one told them when hurricane season starts! :rolleyes:


Article written by Kevin Conron - kconron@somdnews.com

Wait a minute, now you may have something. See, as a part of the EAS system then they HAVE to have generators or back up power of some sort to relay EAS messages even in case of a power outage. If they don't...then they are in violation of that FCC rule about serving the community. I thought they got in trouble for this last time and that's what sparked the debate about subsidizing the generator purchase?


How you like me now?
mainman said:
So we're gonna do little rascal references now? I guess that would make you Pete...:shrug:

That is what you got out spanky? Give me an effing break.

Ahhhhhhh moron, that is the nicest thing you’ve ever called me! Spanky!

LOL So what you are saying is that you don’t deny liking young boys just the fact that you are not capable of understanding what I am saying therefore feel threatened and can only attack me by throwing immature quips as if you were still in High school?

So what’s next for you? Eating granola and rolling your own tampons?


yeah yeah
Nicole_in_somd said:
That is what you got out spanky? Give me an effing break.

Ahhhhhhh moron, that is the nicest thing you’ve ever called me! Spanky!

LOL So what you are saying is that you don’t deny liking young boys just the fact that you are not capable of understanding what I am saying therefore feel threatened and can only attack me by throwing immature quips as if you were still in High school?

So what’s next for you? Eating granola and rolling your own tampons?

Spaz much?


You're all F'in Mad...
IrishGal said:
Wait a minute, now you may have something. See, as a part of the EAS system then they HAVE to have generators or back up power of some sort to relay EAS messages even in case of a power outage. If they don't...then they are in violation of that FCC rule about serving the community. I thought they got in trouble for this last time and that's what sparked the debate about subsidizing the generator purchase?

The FCC is too busy worrying about Janet Jackson's nipple to be concerned about Southern Maryland's radio monopoly.


New Member
Nicole_in_somd said:
That is what you got out spanky? Give me an effing break.

Ahhhhhhh moron, that is the nicest thing you’ve ever called me! Spanky!

LOL So what you are saying is that you don’t deny liking young boys just the fact that you are not capable of understanding what I am saying therefore feel threatened and can only attack me by throwing immature quips as if you were still in High school?

So what’s next for you? Eating granola and rolling your own tampons?
Hey mainman,
Stop effing around and just eat this biatch to show her how large you roll. :killingme :yay:


New Member
mainman said:
Did you just send me red karma? You forgot to sign it...

And I'll pass on kissing your ass, I'm sure it's not worth the trip...
I think she lied to you on the karma thing to. What time was yours?

Hello Friggin 98.3, Our... 09-05-2006 03:53 PM U dont like what I say then dont read it.

(forgot to sign) :rolleyes:


New Member
Nicole_in_somd said:
That is what you got out spanky? Give me an effing break.

Ahhhhhhh moron, that is the nicest thing you’ve ever called me! Spanky!

LOL So what you are saying is that you don’t deny liking young boys just the fact that you are not capable of understanding what I am saying therefore feel threatened and can only attack me by throwing immature quips as if you were still in High school?

So what’s next for you? Eating granola and rolling your own tampons?
Now why would he do that? :shrug:
hmmm maybe you need to change yours! :shrug: