Holding my hand worked for me, they both got on my nerves so bad.
I came home with a few one grading period and boy was I punished. No yelling, no screaming just a calm hell. If I picked up the phone it was "Deb let me see what you did in school today"...Head in to watch TV "Deb come here, did you do your book report yet? ...knock on the door, "No, shes getting ready to tell me everything her math teacher talked about today in class"...Going to walk to Highs for a Pepsie "Wait up, Dad will walk with you" "I can go by myself, I always do, I'm old enough." Dad said "Not responsible enough though."
I asked why they were hounding me and the reply was simple. "Well we thought you were responsible enough to know to study, listen in class and know what is expected of you in school and do it. We were wrong, so we will hold your hand and walk you through everyday, like when you were little. When you show us you can handle it yourself, we might let go of your hand again."