Help need advice


New Member
Ok here is the thing, i love this guy more than anything in the world. I would walk through the fire pits of hell to prove to him that i loved and still love him. He swears up and down that he loves me and whatnot but now we are apart and it is killing me. I miss him so much. We have a daughter together. I believe kid's need both parents. I am so tired of having three kid's without two parents in the house. Now here is the situation, he is bipolar not on meds, i have borderline personality disorder and we both are sorta a mess. We fought all the time. We just started couples counsleing and then three weeks into it we ended up breaking up. We got into this huge fight and he broke some stuff then came to me crying telling me how much he loved me and how desperate he was for us to change. Well one week later we got into this huge fight that got very physical now for months when i was pregnant it got like this.
I was mainly to blame for this. I am now enrolled in therapy and anger management and have asked to be on meds. I left the house that night pissed of and not thinking correctly, i went to his aunts in a daze and told her i was calling the cops she said go to the hospital, so i did. I was so dazed and confused i should not have been driving. I wish i had never done it, going to the hospital and all becasue i cried and begged them not to call the police but they said they had no choice. I was pretty f**** stupid that night. I love this man so much and i am now getting help for all my issues. He says he still loves me, he thinks i want to take our daughter away from him and it isn't true. Now in court he could not even look at me. I could only cry. I have been crying so much now.
I lost something so very dear to me and it is all my fault. I would do anything and i mean anything to be a family with this man again. I have lied to him on the most stupid thing's and i have hurt him so many times. He thought i actually cheated on him and i did not ever do any such thing. I said some thing's to my ex husband such as i still loved him and whatnot. I am a very sentimental person and i should not have said it when it was not true what i should have said was that i still cared.
He has forced me to face who i am and forced me to finally face the thing's that i want. I bcause of him basically handing my butt to me on a silver platter and saying here look at what you have done, i have grown in many ways. I have a long road ahead of me but he is worth all the effort.
I am not excactly sure what to do as far as trying to prove to him my love is genuine and i repent for the thing's i have done but is there anyway anyone can suggest to help me out????
You must understand this man i am so inlove with is a hard person to get to, he when pissed is a cold and caculating person with not much regard for how another might feel. I know how very angry he is with me and i truly from the bottom of my soul regret all i have done. I never wanted this to end up this way. I wish to god i could have the chance to show him and to prove to him i can do everything he has asked me to do.
He asked me to
1. Get cousenling (which i am going now)
2. Anger managment (doing now also)
3. finally face who i am.... (WORKING ON)
I was not the best GF in the world i know that. I lied,and was untrustworthy. But he used to always say why do you treat me so good,why do you do so much for me. I loved him that is why. I should not have lied over the dumb small stuff.
How can you show someone you are changing and you would do anything they asked if given the chance if they are not willing to listen at this time.
He wants permant custody of our baby, he says i am unstable... yes on some things i am. Others no. I can take care of her as well. If he loved me once can't he try once more????
Please somone help me , my soul is broken and so is my will and my heart!!!
I have honestly never felt a pain this deep in my entire life. I would stay in this county,marry him,give him a son and "serve" him for all eternity if he would only give me one last chance to prove myself to him.
Evn if he took me back i would continue with the therapy and what not.

I have this obbsession with johnny depp.... my stuff with him means alot to me shoot ven to prove how serious i was about changing who i am and growing i would make a bonfire out in the yard with everything from my past to prove i am ready to face up to reality and face him as a mate and say yes i am closing these doors to my past and i am ready for the future.
How many people can say they could actually do that for someone?? I know he is the only one for me and i know my life belongs to him. He is my one true love and i would die for him. A long time ago i could never say that but i realize now when you have true love you would die for that person. I feel kinda like a empty shell walking around pretending to be happy on the outside. Help anyone someone please.......


just one of those days...
Why don't you write him a letter saying how you feel? That way he can know your true feelings without saying anything to interrupt you. That is the only thing along with time that I can think for you to do.


New Member
Hey, yeah i have written him a few letters and whatnot. I have heard nothing and know nothing. He said after two months of me being gone that perhaps he would reconsider going back to cousleing. I just do not know. The only thing i can do is wait it out. It hurts knowing how much i truly do love him and that perhaps i will not get another chance, but i am hoping that over time i can prove to him all the changes i am making. I was not always the winner of the worst GF award. We both had our issues and whatnot , like they say it takes two.


New Member
Your right and the only person i am trying to change is myself. I am going to all kinds of therapy and going to be put on anti-depressants again, and anger management. I am trying to hard to face up to what i have done and who i am and fix the thing's that need to be fixed and i am taking one day at a time. It is a scary thing to finally realize that everything someone was saying to you was true. I could never see it a while back because i was not ready, but being forced to being ready is what i and he both needed. I was not willing to admit so many thing's and now i could go to the rooftops(lol) but i wont and admit and scream about what i have done and what is my fault and who i am becoming. I do feel refreshed and free for now choosing the path of being a honest person. If someone asks me if i did something i admit to it, if they ask me if i like something i am blunt about it. The other night at work i was a little to blunt. I am still getting the hang of tactfullness. I hurt her feelings by telling her her hair and makeup looked like crap. Oh well what can ya do???


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are (well kind of). I was in prison for 8 years for beating the piss out of my wife. I just got out last neek, and now I am trying desperately to get her back. I love her so much, and I have been writing her letters, sending her PM's, IMing her and even sitting out in her driveway for hours. Now she has a restraining order against me and I don't know what to do. Hopefully she reads this and realizes how much I need and love her...........

Nomoney.....please.....please.......for the love of god......forgive me. I will do anything!


New Member
Wow, i can honestly say i think we are both f**** up on this one. This is the most insane thing i have ever been through not to mention painfull. I feel like a wild horse that has had it's will totally broken and now i am just same tame thing wandering around.


smoothmarine187 said:
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are (well kind of). I was in prison for 8 years for beating the piss out of my wife. I just got out last neek, and now I am trying desperately to get her back. I love her so much, and I have been writing her letters, sending her PM's, IMing her and even sitting out in her driveway for hours. Now she has a restraining order against me and I don't know what to do. Hopefully she reads this and realizes how much I need and love her...........

Nomoney.....please.....please.......for the love of god......forgive me. I will do anything!

Come on Nomoney. People can change. Give the man a chance again to prove himself. Think about all the time that was invested. Just once more Nomoney. :huggy:

Nanny Pam

I, too have been treated poorly. I wanted HO-HO's from the store the other night and my husband told me he wasn't going to get them for me, so I waited till he went to sleep and shaved his head.
That'll teach him!


Nanny Pam said:
I, too have been treated poorly. I wanted HO-HO's from the store the other night and my husband told me he wasn't going to get them for me, so I waited till he went to sleep and shaved his head.
That'll teach him!

You should of gave him an Abe Lincoln.

Nanny Pam

smoothmarine187 said:
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are (well kind of). I was in prison for 8 years for beating the piss out of my wife. I just got out last neek, and now I am trying desperately to get her back. I love her so much, and I have been writing her letters, sending her PM's, IMing her and even sitting out in her driveway for hours. Now she has a restraining order against me and I don't know what to do. Hopefully she reads this and realizes how much I need and love her...........

Nomoney.....please.....please.......for the love of god......forgive me. I will do anything!
I know that down....deep...she still loves you! She still has pictures of your :gossip: all over her house. ...And yes, she kisses it!
She'll be back....just give her some time.


New Member
Your kidding right???? You shaved his head, wow my god. I could never have done anything like that i loved his hair to much.....What happened?

Nanny Pam

gothicsorrow78 said:
Your kidding right???? You shaved his head, wow my god. I could never have done anything like that i loved his hair to much.....What happened?
Well he kinda woke up toward the end of the shaving. When he jumped...I cut his head open. He only needed 14 stitches. Not too bad. So on the way home from the hospital, I pulled into Wawa to get my Ho-Ho's and he jumped into the drivers seat and took off with out me, and I had to walk 7 miles to home.

Nanny Pam

gothicsorrow78 said:
Any advice for me on the subject?????
Personally...I am not a shrink, but It really sounds like you guys are exactly alike. He has issues and so do you.
I;d stay away from each other at all costs. Speak by e-mail or letters only. Not by phone. Give it a good 6 to 8 months. If you both are satisfied with your progress, then try it again. If it fails again....move on.


Well-Known Member
gothicsorrow78 said:
Any advice for me on the subject?????

Just send me a letter everyday, and then pile up all that Johnny Depp junk that you have and videotape yourself burning it all. If that doesn't convince him...I don't know what will.

Nomoney used to get really mad at me because I used to be obsessed with Conway Twitty. That is what started our whole day I was sitting around listing to Conway Twitty's greatest hits, and she grabbed my record and smashed it over my head. Once I got out of prison I was determined to get her back, so after sitting in her driveway for 5 hours.....I decided to get all my conway twitty stuff out of my truck and burn it all on her front lawn.