Help need advice


Well-Known Member
nomoney said:
you can't even make your truck payment :duh:. You're in court almost every day and you can't even get insurance. You need to try and get a 2nd job at 7-11 or something before I'd even consider anything pertaining to you.

I'm still mad about the time you told me you could help me get my phone set up to send pix messages and then you stole a picture of me off it and stole my bf's phone number off of my friends dad's cell phone and put them on his phone.

I told you I would work 3 jobs if I could get you back, but you would be surprised how many people slam their doors in my face when they find out I only have a 6th grade education. Then, if they can get past that.....they find out I have a prison record. Maybe I will go to work for Billie at Waldos wide wide world of wigs and wierdos. I will be able to give you free food and free wigs!


curiouser and curiouser
leslie3977 said:
Put yourself and your kids first.
:yeahthat: There's nothing more pathetic to me than a mother whose main concern is whoever she's sleeping with. If you know that you feed into this abusive relationship, why would you want to bring your children back into that? :confused: You can't rely on someone else to make you happy, that has to come from you.


Well-Known Member
gothicsorrow78 said:
Hey, yeah i have written him a few letters and whatnot. I have heard nothing and know nothing. He said after two months of me being gone that perhaps he would reconsider going back to cousleing. I just do not know. The only thing i can do is wait it out. It hurts knowing how much i truly do love him and that perhaps i will not get another chance, but i am hoping that over time i can prove to him all the changes i am making. I was not always the winner of the worst GF award. We both had our issues and whatnot , like they say it takes two.

This sounds like Azzy...she just threw in an extra kid to confuse us.

But in case it's not....

Sounds to me like he was right for leaving you. Give him the daughter, give your other babies to their daddies. Stop reproducing. There's a start.


aka Mrs. Giant
Number one if you truly are under doctor/counselor care, then you already know that until you are healthy and adjusted, you can NOT have a healthy relationship with anybody. Including your children and any "mate". Actually, your counselor has probably told you this already several times. That is, if you truly are seeing a professional.

So the first thing, is to work on yourself. That's it.

I'm presuming, that if you are as ill as you say, then you must have lost custody of your children. If not, you need to release care of them to another family member. Obviously if you are unable to care for yourself, then you are NOT capable of caring for your children.

Once you are adjusted, then you can work on repairing the relationship with your children. That's the goal you should be working towards.

Lastly, when you are healthy, balanced, adjusted, able to care for yourself and your children in a positive loving manner, then you can see where you stand on your "relationship". You might even discover that you no longer need that person, or that you want someone else, or perhaps even that you don't need anybody but yourself and your family.

However, there is no quick fix. You are looking at years of continuing therapy, and medication and healing broken bridges with your immediate family.

In the meantime, you need to let go of this failed relationship, and move forward.

This thread was a petty attempt at attention. Which taken in context with your illness, screams that you need to have your medication adjusted and increase your therapy sessions.

Good luck.


wandering aimlessly
Nickel said:
:yeahthat: There's nothing more pathetic to me than a mother whose main concern is whoever she's sleeping with. You can't rely on someone else to make you happy, that has to come from you.
Excellent points!


migtig said:
Number one if you truly are under doctor/counselor care, then you already know that until you are healthy and adjusted, you can NOT have a healthy relationship with anybody. Including your children and any "mate". Actually, your counselor has probably told you this already several times. That is, if you truly are seeing a professional.

So the first thing, is to work on yourself. That's it.

I'm presuming, that if you are as ill as you say, then you must have lost custody of your children. If not, you need to release care of them to another family member. Obviously if you are unable to care for yourself, then you are NOT capable of caring for your children.

Once you are adjusted, then you can work on repairing the relationship with your children. That's the goal you should be working towards.

Lastly, when you are healthy, balanced, adjusted, able to care for yourself and your children in a positive loving manner, then you can see where you stand on your "relationship". You might even discover that you no longer need that person, or that you want someone else, or perhaps even that you don't need anybody but yourself and your family.

However, there is no quick fix. You are looking at years of continuing therapy, and medication and healing broken bridges with your immediate family.

In the meantime, you need to let go of this failed relationship, and move forward.

This thread was a petty attempt at attention. Which taken in context with your illness, screams that you need to have your medication adjusted and increase your therapy sessions.

Good luck.


That was beautiful.


Im On 1.
you are going to do what you want to do despite what any of us say....

but keep in mind your health and your childrens health comes first and thats emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

women spend too much time worried bout the man that isn't doing them any good in their relationships....i doubt he's up on message boards asking for advice about this situation.

sometimes its just best to let go and let it what it is and move on with your life before its too late.


Well-Known Member
Do the right thing for your kids sake, stay away, get the help you need and get some help for your kids. It's apparent they have lived with some pretty horrific stuff between the two of you.

And lastly, set up an appointment with a GYN to get sterilized. If you can't afford it, we can set up a fund on the forums to help you. I'm sure there are a few of us that would contribute to a good cause.


In My Opinion
SoMDGirl42 said:
Do the right thing for your kids sake, stay away, get the help you need and get some help for your kids. It's apparent they have lived with some pretty horrific stuff between the two of you.
Have to agree here on this one.


And lastly, set up an appointment with a GYN to get sterilized. If you can't afford it, we can set up a fund on the forums to help you. I'm sure there are a few of us that would contribute to a good cause.


Lobster Land
Get over yourself, I never want to see you again. I've found another and she's got bazooms a lot nicer than yours. And I am taking meds now, Viagra, but so far it hasn't lasted longer than 4 hours. Take good care of the kids and I'll send money for mine when I find a job.


I wish all men would stay nestled in their relationships like a good pirate does.