Hermanville Road And Route 235 Being Examined


Power with Control
From the way too loud conversations a now retired coworker had on the phone with the VA erectile dysfunction while weighing 360 lbs and smoking two packs a day is a reason.
I Dont Wanna Know Too Much GIF by DefyTV


Well-Known Member
Not going to get into the argument but I work with someone who is 100% because of .... depression, never saw combat, never even was outside of the US and he brags about it, takes a handicapped spot that the old guy that can barely walk with assistance could sure use.
You can't throw a rock around here without hitting someone who is 100% disabled. See them on the road every single time I am driving. Often in their luxury SUVs or sports cars. See them dressed for workouts jogging into or out of the gym while running errands. Not hard to ID which paints a target on themselves. When you are collecting $3800+/month tax-free and you are too cheap to pay $10/month for a car registration...


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who is 100%. 3 tours in Viet Nam. Fought addictions he got there and beat it. Best hearted guy who ever lived.
Would give you the shirt off his back. Deserves ever penny he gets.