Hermanville Road And Route 235 Being Examined


Power with Control
I don't understand the denial. SHA can't give you crash data because of Supreme Court ruling but the state police can? What am I missing?
I can get the raw crash data, but nothing along the lines of analysis or internal discussion, since they use that to make decisions. The analysis and internal discussion are the pieces they wont give up. I think the reasons are BS and might not stand in court, especially todays SC, but I know I aint got a few hundred thou to check that.

I tried pulling the raw data, but the excel format is gibberish.
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Well-Known Member
So I finally got around to looking over the MDOT/SHA response to my PIA request. Bolded are interesting. And no, I haven't sent in my check yet, but I do plan to. But all that's going to get me is studies and design work and future plans.
Sounds like you are getting a "designed cover up". There is a part of various laws used to deny what you are seeking which would otherwise be open to public knowledge. I know of no reason why any agency would deny such a request unless it is something they would rather not discuss. When an agency, State or Federal Government is excessively sensitive to a request, they typically hide behind various laws they can quote and wait to see if a person does an appeal, which increases the cost of the review. They of course inform the person inquiring there will be additional fees. Typically, they don't tell you the extent of what the fees may be, although it is usually required.

My guess is that our State prefers to use our money we contribute for road improvements to areas such as "Baltimore" or the surrounding area instead.

However, if you still want to pursue a request for information about the still dangerous interesection, I recommend Senator Jack Bailey. He used to be a police officer and now our Senator. I think he may be of some help. It will probably be a lot easier than what you are encountering.

The intersection remains highly dangerous. A good friend was killed there. And I was nearly killed there. True, it may not be as bad as it once was. But, it still is an intersection to use very strong caution at.
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Power with Control
Sounds like you are getting a "designed cover up". There is a part of various laws used to deny what you are seeking which would otherwise be open to public knowledge. I know of no reason why any agency would deny such a request unless it is something they would rather not discuss. When an agency, State or Federal Government is excessively sensitive to a request, they typically hide behind various laws they can quote and wait to see if a person does an appeal, which increases the cost of the review. They of course inform the person inquiring there will be additional fees. Typically, they don't tell you the extent of what the fees may be, although it is usually required.

My guess is that our State prefers to use our money we contribute for road improvements to areas such as "Baltimore" or the surrounding area instead.

However, if you still want to pursue a request for information about the still dangerous interesection, I recommend Senator Jack Bailey. He used to be a police officer and now our Senator. I think he may be of some help. It will probably be a lot easier than what you are encountering.

The intersection remains highly dangerous. A good friend was killed there. And I was nearly killed there. True, it may not be as bad as it once was. But, it still is an intersection to use very strong caution at.
Maybe I'll send a query off to that gentleman. Could be that the "stifling" of open internal discussion or airing of SHA/MDOTs deliberative process means they don't want us to see things that might sound bad. Not enough voters down that end of the county, not enough good press payback for the money spent? Base causes the problem, base can pay to fix it? No telling. 3 million cost, only three lives a year saved, maybe that sort of math?


Well-Known Member
This morning I was behind a guy in a black Dodge Ram with DV plates, was already convinced he was a moron because he just had to pass me on the right to get in front of me because I had the nerve to slow down for the red light..... Anyway the light turns green, no arrow oncoming traffic starts moving and he guns it and almost turned into two vehicles coming straight north bound. On base he turned and went the direction of the shielded hangar, so if this is you just know you are a moron.


Well-Known Member
This morning I was behind a guy in a black Dodge Ram with DV plates, was already convinced he was a moron because he just had to pass me on the right to get in front of me because I had the nerve to slow down for the red light..... Anyway the light turns green, no arrow oncoming traffic starts moving and he guns it and almost turned into two vehicles coming straight north bound. On base he turned and went the direction of the shielded hangar, so if this is you just know you are a moron.
I wonder what their job is on the base that they can do while being 100% disabled :rolleyes: See a LOT of that in these parts. People that are apparently 100% disabled yet they can park their Mercedes SUV at the gym and go in for a 2-hour lift session.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what their job is on the base that they can do while being 100% disabled :rolleyes: See a LOT of that in these parts. People that are apparently 100% disabled yet they can park their Mercedes SUV at the gym and go in for a 2-hour lift session.
Uh oh, don't stir that pot. Too many veteran's on the dole in here and will argue 100% disabled doesn't mean you can't work 60 hours weeks and run tough mudder marathons (despite that being the actual definition).

Disability ratings are not meant to compensate for being hurt, or feeling bad, or to provide you a means to pay for medical treatment (that's what the VA is for). It's is only intended to compensate for impacts to your ability to work and earn a living, they don't care about your aches and pains. 100% disabled is supposed to indicate a 100% impact to your ability to work. Obviously these are averages, and not absolute. I.E. if you are a quadrapalegic but still are able to write books using text-to-speech software, then you are beating the odds. If you still run 5k every morning and are able to work an office job, you aren't beating the odds you are cheating the system.

Per the VA:
VA said:
A 100 percent disability rating, or total disability rating, is the highest percentage that can be given for service-connected compensation purposes. This rating is reserved for veterans with extremely debilitating service-connected conditions that typically make them unable to work and mostly unable to care for themselves.
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Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
I wonder what their job is on the base that they can do while being 100% disabled :rolleyes: See a LOT of that in these parts. People that are apparently 100% disabled yet they can park their Mercedes SUV at the gym and go in for a 2-hour lift session.
The VA did change their rules last year vis a vis 100% disability and work. Which does not excuse the system abusers like you saw.

My Mrs. is 70%, but she does skull work, not physical.


Well-Known Member
Not going to get into the argument but I work with someone who is 100% because of .... depression, never saw combat, never even was outside of the US and he brags about it, takes a handicapped spot that the old guy that can barely walk with assistance could sure use.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Not going to get into the argument but I work with someone who is 100% because of .... depression, never saw combat, never even was outside of the US and he brags about it, takes a handicapped spot that the old guy that can barely walk with assistance could sure use.
Depression?!! How did he prove it was service related?


Well-Known Member
Not going to get into the argument but I work with someone who is 100% because of .... depression, never saw combat, never even was outside of the US and he brags about it, takes a handicapped spot that the old guy that can barely walk with assistance could sure use.
Ex-boss got a tag after his doctor neighbor filled out and signed the application, his neighbor was an OB-GYN.


Well-Known Member
Depression?!! How did he prove it was service related?
No clue, he is a weasely turd though. A couple guys that were actually in combat in Iraq have a lot of disdain towards him.

In my armchair psychologist role I think it's because his wife banged another guy and left him, if it's even real that is.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
Not going to get into the argument but I work with someone who is 100% because of .... depression, never saw combat, never even was outside of the US and he brags about it, takes a handicapped spot that the old guy that can barely walk with assistance could sure use.
Part of it for my Mrs. is PTSD from having been in Kuwait when Iraq attacked.
Her team got out less than an hour before the Iraqis overran the base.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Completely understandable, this turd I know had never even left his first post in New RIver.
Where one is or was doesn't impact the rating they received.

I think some might be conflating disability with being unemployable. Unemployable due to a service connected injury will result in a 100% disability rating and that means you cannot work. Having a disability rating, even at 100%, does not prohibit one from working.

One might be surprised what you can get a rating for and how it could reach 100% - https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/38/part-4/subpart-B


Well-Known Member
Where one is or was doesn't impact the rating they received.

I think some might be conflating disability with being unemployable. Unemployable due to a service connected injury will result in a 100% disability rating and that means you cannot work. Having a disability rating, even at 100%, does not prohibit one from working.

One might be surprised what you can get a rating for and how it could reach 100% - https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/38/part-4/subpart-B

From the way too loud conversations a now retired coworker had on the phone with the VA erectile dysfunction while weighing 360 lbs and smoking two packs a day is a reason.