Hey JPC..........


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:popcorn: My name is in the story as it says I have raised zero ($0).

I like the report as I said all along that I am the uderdog against the status quo.

:whistle: ------------------ :buttkick:

The article shows that you lied. You have not reported where you got the money that you have spent on your candidacy.


mv = margaritaville
MMDad said:
The article shows that you lied. You have not reported where you got the money that you have spent on your candidacy.

Yeah I want to know where he got that money to spray paint those buildings


Lem Putt
In 1994 was the first time incarceration 3 months for child support and again 6 months in 1997. The incarcerations were done wrongfully by the Court with unethical pressure from the child support agency for St. Mary's County. Mr. Cusick did try to cooperate but the child support enforcement was too severely corrupt. So because of that corruption he was released from jail in a worse condition of homeless and destitute with the child support officials demanding more cash payments regardless of his condition so Mr. Cusick proceeded to spray paint the 4 pillars on the front of the Circuit Court house in Leonardtown with green spray paint writing out the words "Child Support is Legalized Stealing", and, "Thou Shalt Not Steal", and, "Michael Haris Thief Master", and, "Inside this Court is a Den of Thieves". No other damage was done. He just wanted others to know what was going on. He was arrested, pleaded guilty, served 18 months in the County Detention Center. Then 1998 Mr. Cusick went and painted the 2 pillars in front of the child support enforcement office in Leonardtown with similar words of, Child Support Thieves, and, "Thou shalt Not Steal". Got arrested, pleaded guilty again, served 14 months in County Detention Center.


Lem Putt
It was reasoned then that the local Courts just enforce the unjust child support laws and do not make the laws so after release in July 2000, Mr. Cusick traveled to Annapolis and spray painted the two pillars of the Maryland State House with red spray paint saying, "Child Support Thieves", and, "Thou Shalt Not Steal". Got arrested, refused to enter plea, had jury trial, sentenced to 3 years in State prison for the misdameanor. There was no other damage done. Mr. Cusick does not have any felony, these actions were all minor offences. He considers the actions to have been political crimes and thus he was a political prisoner. He was released from the Maryland D.O.C (prison) in August 2003, and his child support case is closed.


Iron City
mv_princess said:
THEY ALREADY GAVE IT TO THEM!! They were paying them back for already giving the children that money! Kind of like a loan they give you money but you have to pay it back.

But I guess you don't know anything about that, since they probably turn you down all the time.

God knows your dumb
He clearly doesn't comprehend what he is reading. Oh, I forgot, he is "self educated." :shocking:


Lem Putt
He leaves out the part about being found guilty by a jury of his peers in less than ten minutes.

Tell me, Mr. Deadbeat Vandal, were they laughing at your idiocy the whole time?


MMDad said:
It was reasoned then that the local Courts just enforce the unjust child support laws and do not make the laws so after release in July 2000, Mr. Cusick traveled to Annapolis and spray painted the two pillars of the Maryland State House with red spray paint saying, "Child Support Thieves", and, "Thou Shalt Not Steal". Got arrested, refused to enter plea, had jury trial, sentenced to 3 years in State prison for the misdameanor. There was no other damage done. Mr. Cusick does not have any felony, these actions were all minor offences. He considers the actions to have been political crimes and thus he was a political prisoner. He was released from the Maryland D.O.C (prison) in August 2003, and his child support case is closed.

alright - I know this has probably been discussed already in a very civic manner in the previous we love mr. cusick threads....but in the spirit of love and forum kindness...will someone please fill me in as to why the case was closed? did he pay it off?


mv = margaritaville
nomoney said:
alright - I know this has probably been discussed already in a very civic manner in the previous we love mr. cusick threads....but in the spirit of love and forum kindness...will someone please fill me in as to why the case was closed? did he pay it off?

I think his son is over 18 now.
So I guess that means he doesn't have to pay any more.


SAHRAB said:
are you harbouring Latent Homosexual frustrations?
are you trying to get me to like you? Because it's really depressing how desperate you are trying to be all buddy buddy with me.


This is fun right?
nomoney said:
are you trying to get me to like you? Because it's really depressing how desperate you are trying to be all buddy buddy with me.

Damn :doh: you hit the nail on the head :yahoo:



Lem Putt
mv_princess said:
JPC where did you go?? Did they kick you out of the library early? Or did Budda get hungry?

He's probably out in the dumpster getting some "campaign donations" for lunch.