Hey JPC..........


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All free.

RoseRed said:
Why don't you call the paper and ask for an interview so your constituents know where you stand. I would love to read that article.

:coffee: I did contact the local news on December 19, 2005, the same day that I registered as a Democrat for 29B, and I did give an interview for SOMD, News, by Alan Brody, and it was in the Enterprise the following publication. I was told by one of my brothers that the article was published in all the areas papers but I only saw the Enterprise.

The article told about my 5 plus years of jail / prison time and other tidbits like spray painting. I liked the report. Honesty and openess and truth are my friends. I take pride in my civil disobedience against legalized stealing.

The State taking that $210,000. of child support and did not give it to the children does anger me too. When I get elected then Annapolis will here about it too as this is done with Maryland child support too.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

SAHRAB said:
What/who should we believe??

A homeless, DEADBEAT, LeftTwit Tard, Public Nuisance, Vandalistic Moron....

or the fact that the Families were on Public Assistance while waiting for other DEADBEATS (JUST LIKE YOU) to pay their Support Payments?

:popcorn: Believe the very first post on this thread that said the State took over 40 percent of the loot for themself and did not give it out as child support.

The State pocketed $210,000. out of $450,000. of the so-called child support.


Working for the weekend
JPC said:
:coffee: I did contact the local news on December 19, 2005, the same day that I registered as a Democrat for 29B, and I did give an interview for SOMD, News, by Alan Brody, and it was in the Enterprise the following publication. I was told by one of my brothers that the article was published in all the areas papers but I only saw the Enterprise.

The article told about my 5 plus years of jail / prison time and other tidbits like spray painting. I liked the report. Honesty and openess and truth are my friends. I take pride in my civil disobedience against legalized stealing.

The State taking that $210,000. of child support and did not give it to the children does anger me too. When I get elected then Annapolis will here about it too as this is done with Maryland child support too.
What part of this do you not understand?!! Of the total, $240,000 went to the children's families, and the rest went to state and federal governments to help repay the cost of public assistance during the time that support payments were not available, state officials said.
If I borrowed money from you, do you not expect to be paid back??

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JPC said:
:coffee: I did contact the local news on December 19, 2005, the same day that I registered as a Democrat for 29B, and I did give an interview for SOMD, News, by Alan Brody, and it was in the Enterprise the following publication. I was told by one of my brothers that the article was published in all the areas papers but I only saw the Enterprise.

The article told about my 5 plus years of jail / prison time and other tidbits like spray painting. I liked the report. Honesty and openess and truth are my friends. I take pride in my civil disobedience against legalized stealing.

The State taking that $210,000. of child support and did not give it to the children does anger me too. When I get elected then Annapolis will here about it too as this is done with Maryland child support too.

Now, I know in the past you haven't thought about the withdrawl method, but could you just practice withdrawing now? TIA


mv = margaritaville
harleygirl said:
What part of this do you not understand?!! Of the total, $240,000 went to the children's families, and the rest went to state and federal governments to help repay the cost of public assistance during the time that support payments were not available, state officials said.
If I borrowed money from you, do you not expect to be paid back??

I told you guys he wouldn't understand. It's hopeless.....Your killing more puppies, please please stop

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
The article shows that you lied. You have not reported where you got the money that you have spent on your candidacy.

:coffee: You do have a point there. I do have on record with the State Election Board that my campaign will only use up to $1,000.

I do not know why they did not report that.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JPC said:
:coffee: You do have a point there. I do have on record with the State Election Board that my campaign will only use up to $1,000.

I do not know why they did not report that.

So, you'll spend $1,000 on your campaign, but you wouldn't support your child? What's wrong with THIS picture???


Well-Known Member
JPC said:
I take pride in my civil disobedience against legalized stealing.

The State taking that $210,000. of child support and did not give it to the children does anger me too. When I get elected then Annapolis will here about it too as this is done with Maryland child support too.
let me see if i can splain it to you so you can understand.

If you don't pay child support, and the state has to subsidize your baby's momma as a result, then the state is entitled to get that money back if you ever have it. The money you should have been paying was already given to your kids by the state, so they are already paid off and taken care of.

and civil disobedience and vandalism are different things


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:coffee: I did contact the local news on December 19, 2005, the same day that I registered as a Democrat for 29B, and I did give an interview for SOMD, News, by Alan Brody, and it was in the Enterprise the following publication. I was told by one of my brothers that the article was published in all the areas papers but I only saw the Enterprise.

The article told about my 5 plus years of jail / prison time and other tidbits like spray painting. I liked the report. Honesty and openess and truth are my friends. I take pride in my civil disobedience against legalized stealing.

The State taking that $210,000. of child support and did not give it to the children does anger me too. When I get elected then Annapolis will here about it too as this is done with Maryland child support too.

What legislation will you write? What code or rule changes will you propose?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:popcorn: Believe the very first post on this thread that said the State took over 40 percent of the loot for themself and did not give it out as child support.

The State pocketed $210,000. out of $450,000. of the so-called child support.
You have to be one of the most ignorant people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter.

You want to represent the public yet reading simple statements is beyond your ability.

Let us try this one more time for the obviously mentally handicapped.

During the period of time that the Maine deadbeats did not pay child support, the government took $210,000 from the taxpayers like me to pay to support their children. The law allows the government to recover that money from the deadbeats if they ever get any money. This group of deadbeats got some money. There was $210,000 that the government has already paid that it got from the taxpayers for the support of the children of the deadbeats, so the government took that money so now $210,000 spent plus $210,000 assessed and garnished is a net yield of $0 for the government. The deadbeats still owed $240,000 for the support of their children, so the state garnished the deadbeats money and gave $240,000 to the children to whom the deadbeats owed. Net to the government, $0.00. And if you can't see that, I certainly don't want you anywhere near Annapolis. There are already too many people in the legislature that don't know anything about math, economics, or common sense.


This is fun right?
2ndAmendment said:

Let us try this one more time for the obviously mentally handicapped.

During the period of time that the Maine JPC's did not pay child support, the government took $210,000 from the taxpayers like me to pay to support their children. The law allows the government to recover that money from the JPC's if they ever get any money. This group of JPC's got some money. There was $210,000 that the government has already paid that it got from the taxpayers for the support of the children of the JPC's so the government took that money so now $210,000 spent plus $210,000 assessed and garnished is a net yield of $0 for the government. The JPC's still owed $240,000 for the support of their children, so the state garnished the JPC's money and gave $240,000 to the children to whom the JPC's owed. Net to the government, $0.00. And if you can't see that, I certainly don't want you anywhere near Annapolis. There are already too many people in the legislature that don't know anything about math, economics, or common sense.

:Fixed :lmao:


In My Opinion
ylexot said:
...this is for you.
So if God kills a kitten every time JPC writes something dumb, to date, 126 kittens have been killed?

lets call P.E.T.A and report him for cruelity to animals.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

harleygirl said:
... ... ... AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) -- Nearly 300 people who were awarded more than $450,000 in a class action lawsuit over jailhouse strip searches handed the money back to the state to pay child support and related debts.

Former prisoners who believed they were illegally strip searched between 1996 and 2004 at the York County Jail were awarded $3.3 million in the 1,350-member, class-action settlement.

State officials discovered that 284 plaintiffs owed child support, and working with the state attorney general's office and U.S. District Court, recovered $463,000.

... ... ...

:coffee: It is alright with me if posters on here do not accept that part of the story where the State takes a large chunck of the child support and does not give it to the children. Believe as they choose.

So do we notice the other parts of the original post. That now those parents (and there must have been a lot of them) have now their child support all paid up with their part of the money. So they must each got released from jail because before that they were dead-broke parent / prisoners in jail for a child support that they could not pay. Only poor parents go to jail. Not deadbeat but deadbroke and the State took their money as soon as the parents won the law suit. So the child support did get paid by those parents.

:coffee: Also, very significant, did we note the fact that the jail is using sexual pervertion on American prisoners?? It is done here in Maryland too. The guards are not really that perverted but the States order the guards to act in perverted ways. They call it a "strip search" but that too is a lie thus the prisoners won the case.

It is a different perversion then the trash done over in Iraq but still sexual perverted assualt by the guards against prisoners is the American way, in secret of course.

It too needs to be stopped and first it must be exposed as was done in that case and then we must acknowledge it as is done here.

:whistle: ------------------ :eyebrow:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
What legislation will you write? What code or rule changes will you propose?

:flowers: The Election will set the mandate. The rest is trivial technicalities.


Super Genius
JPC said:
:flowers: The Election will set the mandate. The rest is trivial technicalities.
No, you are asking to be hired to do a job for us, your employers. We want to know what you plan to do during your job. You're making claims, we're calling :bs: and you need to be able to clarify your claims...something you have yet to do.


In My Opinion
JPC said:
:flowers: The Election will set the mandate. The rest is trivial technicalities.
I understand, You have spent too many years in jail to fully understand how this whole election thing works.

let me break it down a bit for you so you can understand.

A possible voter asks you what you plan to do once in office in regards to a certain situation.

you as the candidate :killingme answer the possible voters question with a resonable response that should at least tell them a little bit about your grand ideas for the betterment of your community.

see, just saying that once in office you will try to come up with something shows a very large lack of planning on your part, and does not instill confidence in the voting public when it comes to you as a choice.

so now that you might understand, lets try once again to answer the very well thought out question that was given to you by MMDad

MMDad What legislation will you write? What code or rule changes will you propose?

so, lets give you a bit of help here.

If elected, My first course of action will be to look at the laws concerning fill in the blank with issue

You can take it from here.. I have faith...