Hey JPC..........


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: It is alright with me if posters on here do not accept that part of the story where the State takes a large chunck of the child support and does not give it to the children. Believe as they choose.
What don't you understand about the word <font size="7">"<font color="#ff0000">repay</font>"</font>? The article says, "the rest went to state and federal governments to help <font size="7">repay the cost of public assistance</font>".
<p>Here. Just for you.&nbsp;
<p>&nbsp; Main Entry: <b>re·pay</b> <a href="javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?repay001.wav=repay')">
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a>
<br /> Pronunciation: <tt>(")rE-'pA</tt>
<br /> Function: <i>verb</i>
<br /> Inflected Form(s): <b>re·paid</b> <a href="javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?repay002.wav=repaid')">
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a> /<tt>-'pAd</tt>/; <b>-pay·ing</b>
<br /> <i>transitive senses</i>
<br /><b>1 a</b> <b>:</b> to pay back &lt;<i>repay</i> a loan&gt; <b>b</b> <b>:</b> to give or inflict in return or requital &lt;<i>repay</i> evil for evil&gt;
<br /><b>2</b> <b>:</b> to make a return payment to <b>: <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/compensate"><font size="-1">COMPENSATE</font></a>, <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/requite"><font size="-1">REQUITE</font></a></b>
<br /><b>3</b> <b>:</b> to make requital for <b>: <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/recompense"><font size="-1">RECOMPENSE</font></a></b> &lt;the success that <i>repay</i><i>s </i>hard work&gt;
<br /><i>intransitive senses</i> <b>:</b> to make return payment or requital
<br /><b>synonym</b> see <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/pay"><font size="-1">PAY</font></a>
<br />- <b>re·pay·able</b> <a href="javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?repay003.wav=repayable')">
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a> /<tt>-'pA-&amp;-b&amp;l</tt>/ <i>adjective</i>
<br />- <b>re·pay·ment</b> <a href="javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?repay004.wav=repayment')">
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a> /<tt>-'pA-m&amp;nt</tt>/ <i>noun</i>


Well-Known Member
JPC said:
:coffee: It is alright with me if posters on here do not accept that part of the story where the State takes a large chunck of the child support and does not give it to the children. Believe as they choose.

So do we notice the other parts of the original post. That now those parents (and there must have been a lot of them) have now their child support all paid up with their part of the money. So they must each got released from jail because before that they were dead-broke parent / prisoners in jail for a child support that they could not pay. Only poor parents go to jail. Not deadbeat but deadbroke and the State took their money as soon as the parents won the law suit. So the child support did get paid by those parents.

:coffee: Also, very significant, did we note the fact that the jail is using sexual pervertion on American prisoners?? It is done here in Maryland too. The guards are not really that perverted but the States order the guards to act in perverted ways. They call it a "strip search" but that too is a lie thus the prisoners won the case.

It is a different perversion then the trash done over in Iraq but still sexual perverted assualt by the guards against prisoners is the American way, in secret of course.

It too needs to be stopped and first it must be exposed as was done in that case and then we must acknowledge it as is done here.

:whistle: ------------------ :eyebrow:

I just can't believe that after it has been explained to you in numerous ways by many people, you still don't understand that the state didn't steal from the kids.......

as for the inproper strip searches, i think you need to delve deeper into the matter to get to the bottom. Strip searches were not deemed to be illegale, just the ones in that case, or set of cases. Its perfectly logical that most inmates being introduced to the population at a prison be strip searched to ensure no weapons or contraband be brought in with them. Get over it, and if you don't want it to happen again, don't break the law!!!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: Also, very significant, did we note the fact that the jail is using sexual pervertion on American prisoners?? It is done here in Maryland too. The guards are not really that perverted but the States order the guards to act in perverted ways. They call it a "strip search" but that too is a lie thus the prisoners won the case.

It is a different perversion then the trash done over in Iraq but still sexual perverted assualt by the guards against prisoners is the American way, in secret of course.
:killingme :killingme :killingme

I'll run this by my friend whose husband works at the county lockup... :killingme


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
<p><font size="6">JPC,Sr.</font>
<p><font size="6">&nbsp;I do not believe in abortion, but in your case, maybe there should have been an exception.
<br />&nbsp;</font>


American Beauty
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
<p><font size="6">JPC,Sr.</font>
<p><font size="6">&nbsp;I do not believe in abortion, but in your case, maybe there should have been an exception.
<br />&nbsp;</font>


:killingme :killingme :killingme


Super Genius
bcp said:
see, just saying that once in office you will try to come up with something shows a very large lack of planning on your part, and does not instill confidence in the voting public when it comes to you as a choice.
Ahhhhhhhh, you just reminded me...he's a Democrat. :lmao:


In My Opinion
2ndAmendment said:
:yikes: Shocked me too. :yikes:

I didn't think I could think like that. More work to do.
Even Jesus lost his temper when confronted with gambling in the place of worship.

perhaps you are trying too hard to be what no man can be..

See you in Heaven.


JPC said:
:coffee: It is alright with me if posters on here do not accept that part of the story where the State takes a large chunck of the child support and does not give it to the children. Believe as they choose.

So do we notice the other parts of the original post. That now those parents (and there must have been a lot of them) have now their child support all paid up with their part of the money. So they must each got released from jail because before that they were dead-broke parent / prisoners in jail for a child support that they could not pay. Only poor parents go to jail. Not deadbeat but deadbroke and the State took their money as soon as the parents won the law suit. So the child support did get paid by those parents.

:coffee: Also, very significant, did we note the fact that the jail is using sexual pervertion on American prisoners?? It is done here in Maryland too. The guards are not really that perverted but the States order the guards to act in perverted ways. They call it a "strip search" but that too is a lie thus the prisoners won the case.

It is a different perversion then the trash done over in Iraq but still sexual perverted assualt by the guards against prisoners is the American way, in secret of course.

It too needs to be stopped and first it must be exposed as was done in that case and then we must acknowledge it as is done here.

:whistle: ------------------ :eyebrow:

This has got to be an MPD. The joke is going to be on all of us when we find out who it really is. :lmao:


This is fun right?
2ndAmendment said:
<p><font size="6">JPC,Sr.</font>
<p><font size="6">&nbsp;I do not believe in abortion, but in your case, maybe there should have been an exception.
<br />&nbsp;</font>

Coming from you that says ALOT!!!


In My Opinion
gumby said:
This has got to be an MPD. The joke is going to be on all of us when we find out who it really is. :lmao:
I thought that too, the guy is just too whacked out to be for real,,,

but then, he is listed on the official candidates website, and it links to his sorry little web page that nobody visits.

I fear that this is what the corrupt politicians are bringing us,, every crackpot in the country is going to try and run for office because their ideas are better than everyone elses..in their own mind.

I thought of running once,, but I figured that after purchasing all of the armor wear to protect me,, I couldnt afford the lawn sign.