<p>Here. Just for you.
<p> Main Entry: <b>re·pay</b> <a href="javascript
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a>
<br /> Pronunciation: <tt>(")rE-'pA</tt>
<br /> Function: <i>verb</i>
<br /> Inflected Form(s): <b>re·paid</b> <a href="javascript
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a> /<tt>-'pAd</tt>/; <b>-pay·ing</b>
<br /> <i>transitive senses</i>
<br /><b>1 a</b> <b>:</b> to pay back <<i>repay</i> a loan> <b>b</b> <b>:</b> to give or inflict in return or requital <<i>repay</i> evil for evil>
<br /><b>2</b> <b>:</b> to make a return payment to <b>: <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/compensate"><font size="-1">COMPENSATE</font></a>, <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/requite"><font size="-1">REQUITE</font></a></b>
<br /><b>3</b> <b>:</b> to make requital for <b>: <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/recompense"><font size="-1">RECOMPENSE</font></a></b> <the success that <i>repay</i><i>s </i>hard work>
<br /><i>intransitive senses</i> <b>:</b> to make return payment or requital
<br /><b>synonym</b> see <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/pay"><font size="-1">PAY</font></a>
<br />- <b>re·pay·able</b> <a href="javascript
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a> /<tt>-'pA-&-b&l</tt>/ <i>adjective</i>
<br />- <b>re·pay·ment</b> <a href="javascript
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a> /<tt>-'pA-m&nt</tt>/ <i>noun</i>
What don't you understand about the word <font size="7">"<font color="#ff0000">repay</font>"</font>? The article says, "the rest went to state and federal governments to help <font size="7">repay the cost of public assistance</font>".JPC said:It is alright with me if posters on here do not accept that part of the story where the State takes a large chunck of the child support and does not give it to the children. Believe as they choose.
<p>Here. Just for you.
<p> Main Entry: <b>re·pay</b> <a href="javascript
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a>
<br /> Pronunciation: <tt>(")rE-'pA</tt>
<br /> Function: <i>verb</i>
<br /> Inflected Form(s): <b>re·paid</b> <a href="javascript
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a> /<tt>-'pAd</tt>/; <b>-pay·ing</b>
<br /> <i>transitive senses</i>
<br /><b>1 a</b> <b>:</b> to pay back <<i>repay</i> a loan> <b>b</b> <b>:</b> to give or inflict in return or requital <<i>repay</i> evil for evil>
<br /><b>2</b> <b>:</b> to make a return payment to <b>: <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/compensate"><font size="-1">COMPENSATE</font></a>, <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/requite"><font size="-1">REQUITE</font></a></b>
<br /><b>3</b> <b>:</b> to make requital for <b>: <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/recompense"><font size="-1">RECOMPENSE</font></a></b> <the success that <i>repay</i><i>s </i>hard work>
<br /><i>intransitive senses</i> <b>:</b> to make return payment or requital
<br /><b>synonym</b> see <a href="http://www.webster.com/dictionary/pay"><font size="-1">PAY</font></a>
<br />- <b>re·pay·able</b> <a href="javascript
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a> /<tt>-'pA-&-b&l</tt>/ <i>adjective</i>
<br />- <b>re·pay·ment</b> <a href="javascript
<img src="http://www.webster.com/images/audio.gif" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a> /<tt>-'pA-m&nt</tt>/ <i>noun</i>