Hey Larry

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
What about you paper Tiger? We have room in the cart for 1 more? You game or smarting from the whoopin you got last time you stumbled into SOMD, fancy hat man?


...well, I did JUST get done polishing my azz whoopin' saddle shoes but, uh, you see, well, it's my shoulder.

I also have apnea and the hose isn't long enough and...


Larry Gude said:
...well, I did JUST get done polishing my azz whoopin' saddle shoes but, uh, you see, well, it's my shoulder.

I also have apnea and the hose isn't long enough and...
I have an air compressor and some trash bags, we can make you a breathing machine :yay:


Larry Gude said:
...when people have recently added powerful new weaponry to their arsenal, there is a period, not unlike bronco busters with a new wild thing, where abject fear takes control and freezes the brain. It's an inate safety mechanism we all are born with thast keeps most of us from playing in traffic until we are large and old enough to sue and other such dangers.

It can be more accurately descibed as common sense. I mean you don't KNOW what the bronc will do. Will it throw you? Will it be the one that tramples you and kicks you into the weeds, so to speak? WAY into the weeds?

We all would like to have 500 hp under the hood, we think, but, when we do, until you get used to it, until it's almost killed you a few times, well, hesitation. Uncertainty. FEAR.

Maybe have HIM show up with a pipe wrench?

It could be safer.


Larry Gude said:
...well, I did JUST get done polishing my azz whoopin' saddle shoes but, uh, you see, well, it's my shoulder.

I also have apnea and the hose isn't long enough and...
buk buk

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'll take it!

Pete said:
I have an air compressor and some trash bags, we can make you a breathing machine :yay:

Jim Nantz: "Coming up 18 is...a giant wind bag...winning by 3...needing only to not four putt to take the title...the Cinderella story...a modern medical miracle..."


Larry Gude said:
Jim Nantz: "Coming up 18 is...a giant wind bag...winning by 3...needing only to not four putt to take the title...the Cinderella story...a modern medical miracle..."


Just got a PM from Airgasm, he is out.

Airgasm said:
No freaking way I am playing with you guys, I am afraid. You were great before you went and got the big gun clubs, now I can only imagine the shame I will feel. Getting whooped week after week. I need to practice, get a few dozen lessons, go to a golf clinic and then maybe I will be ready.

Air, buddy, it is just a game, don't be scared.:shrug:
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Well-Known Member
Pete said:
Just got a PM from Airgasm, he is out.

Air, buddy, it is just a game, don't be scared.:shrug:
Now Pete why did you have to go and expose my soft underbelly.

They call them PM's for a reason. :buttkick:



wandering aimlessly
Airgasm said:
Now Pete why did you have to go and expose my soft underbelly.

They call them PM's for a reason. :buttkick:

You should have just been honest and told him you were spending the day with the more attractive female members of the forum. He would have understood.


Well-Known Member
bresamil said:
You should have just been honest and told him you were spending the day with the more attractive female members of the forum. He would have understood.
I've learned to keep those kind of adventures on the down-low when it comes to Pete...

I get bombarded with his PM's wanting all of the details :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:


Air Air Air, tisk tisk

Airgasm said:
I have been thinking and you know, while I cannot even dream of beating you, Otter on the other hand I think I can beat. He is lucky at best and as old as he is he cannot keep pulling those good shots out of his ass at critical moments. If it weren't for his putting and his Miller Lite I would have beaten him 10 or 15 times alreay. His days in the sun are over! :evil: P.S. Don't tell Otter I said this stuff.