Hey Larry


My Sweetest Boy
Pete said:
[ Monday night football music.]

11:08AM Saturday, January 28th, 2006 Cedar Point Golf Course

3 way playoff for the Hackers January Champion. Will the Cobra 460SZ sizzle? Will Otters yard sale reject Ram driver Rule the Day or just put him deeper in the rough on the right side? Will Airgasms new longer Callaway irons allow him to reach the deep water instead of just dribbling in the edge as he normally does?

Talk the talk, or walk the walk. Tomorrow will tell.

[/Monday night football music]

Stay tuned... I know who was doing the talking today. :whistle:


I played ok for having pnuemonia, a compound fracture of my gluteous maximus, vitamin C deficiency, and Smib-a-biffida, curvature of the spine and a hang nail.

I played so bad I am vowing NEVER to play golf EVER again!


Airgasm could have beaten me today, thank God he was not around.

I played so bad Japanese tourists were taking my picture.

I played so bad I am not even allowed to say the name of the game.

It was so bad a representative from Cobra Golf came and took my hat away so no one would associate me with their golf equipment.

I was so bad the 2 kids who played along wiht us stopped pointing and laughing.


I played so bad I want to rub a big magnet on my head and erase the memory.

I played so bad Jerry Lewis feels sorry for me.

I played so bad the course pro came out to the 13th hole and charged me double for using up so much of the course and killing the grass.

I played so bad 2 Amish dudes in a buggy came and asked if I would come plow their field with my pitching wedge for spring planting because I turned more earth than John deere.


Otter beat me like a red headed step child.

Otter wooped me so bad Boy said he didn't love me no more and wanted to go live with him.

Otter beat me so bad I have to go register as a golf crime offender.

Otter beat me so bad my picture is now on a milk carton at Augusta National.