Hi..I'm Moondog Michaels..NEW Morning Host at WSMD Star 98.3

onebdzee said:

I would like to add that I can only get 3 radio stations in my shop(at least till kwillia admits that she does really lub me and get me that XM) and if you don't play something worth listening to, I will have to go POSTAL(or change the channel again)
You are Slotted's MPD... who knew...:faint:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
I've heard it before, but picturing you singing it now gave me the giggles...:lol:

My contacts are in and my eyes are not bloodshot, not am I eating a bowl of lumpy cream 'o wheat. :lmao:


Rocky Mountain High!!
if it's gonna be country NO OLD STUFF NO WHININ...no little GIRL soundin' women... :dead:
the new country rock is GREAT...and the 90s-04 rock is also GREAT!! I don't mind the news (once a hour is plenty please) but GEESH could ya at least CHANGE the order it's in??? :shrug: I DO like the traffic reports when they cover the route i take (mechanicsville-DC) very helpful.....