

CageKicker Extraordinaire
Just when I thought everyone her was nice and friendly these people show up. what is an MPD.... IS IT A DEROGATORY TERM OR SOMETHING?????

Take it Ferrettlover didn't warn you about Mikey. There are only 3 people in this thread: You, her and Mikey's MPD's.


bite me
why do you have a red bar and others have green... is that an option one could choose?

No, well maybe. I like to start crap because I am bored. Red is an option I chose to have. But you are nice, so try to stay in the green, but don't get hung up on that too much, it really does not mean anything.

Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
No, well maybe. I like to start crap because I am bored. Red is an option I chose to have. But you are nice, so try to stay in the green, but don't get hung up on that too much, it really does not mean anything.

Reds not an option.. Its cause dumbass here never stops with the pointless babble....


I'm learning very quickly who is here to play with me and who is not. I only invited the opportunity for people to get together and go out, bt I feel I may not want to.


bite me
I'm learning very quickly who is here to play with me and who is not. I only invited the opportunity for people to get together and go out, bt I feel I may not want to.

be very careful. While some of us are only joking to make the day go by faster, there are some real loonies on here.


Well-Known Member
Am I in the joking to make the day go by faster column or the loony column? :confused:

I'll take "loony column" for $500 Alex.

What in the hell has happened to this place, we had more intelligent conversations back in middle school! :ohwell: