Holy chit!


PREMO Member
🌪️🌪️ When folks begin to realize the electoral implications, Hurricane Helene will become an even bigger disaster. But more on that in a moment. After facing fully justified, concentrated criticism this weekend for under-reporting Hurricane Helene’s aftermath, corporate media has properly repositioned the astonishing story back at the top of the fold. One of yesterday’s many hurricane stories appeared in CNN under the headline, “‘We just don’t really know what to do’: Helene flooding strands hundreds of North Carolina residents.


It’s not clear how CNN counted; the actual numbers of the ‘stranded’ must be in the thousands or tens of thousands. Maybe it’s the new math or DEI or something. Either way, unthinkable numbers of Americans are literally stranded in elevated pockets scattered across mountainous Western North Carolina. Many of the region’s small towns are accessed by only two or three roads, most of which feature any number of bridges located on the sides of mountains, inconveniently positioned for repair crews.

There’s no official tally of road losses. But in the aftermath of the storm, all roads in Western North Carolina were closed. Whatever the number of substantially damaged roads, many roads have been mangled beyond easy repair, and many bridges were washed away in floods and mudslides. Those tiny mountaintop towns unlucky enough to lose both their access roads have been captured by nature and are completely cut off: no power, no communications with the outside world, no water, no meds, and no easy way to get in or out.

They can’t even tell us they’re in trouble.

North Carolina’s state government is frantically working its way through the list of small mountain towns and sending rescuers to check on them. At this point, the only options for desperately needed resupply are either helicopter airdrop or a combination of adventurous hiking and rappelling.

Four days ago, these stranded folks were sitting on the couch, in the air conditioning, surfing the Internet just like you and I are doing right now.

Now, Meredith Keisler, a school nurse, informed CNN she was “collecting wood because we have to make fire, to cook food.” Meredith isn’t even in one of the trapped towns, just one where a 25-minute trip to the next town now takes 2.5 hours.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
My cousin is in Conover, NC, near Hickory, and is doing ok. She and her husband have a generator, so they kept power. Had some hiccups with their cell phones. Some of her other cousins that are closer to town were still without power as of last night.


Just sneakin' around....
My cousin is in Conover, NC, near Hickory, and is doing ok. She and her husband have a generator, so they kept power. Had some hiccups with their cell phones. Some of her other cousins that are closer to town were still without power as of last night.
My cuz is near Greensboro, basically unaffected by the storm, never lost power. But all ingress/egress from the area to the west is blocked. Not only can they not get out, but supplies/trucks/food/etc cannot get in. They still have access from the north and east, but major supply chains are disrupted.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
My cuz is near Greensboro, basically unaffected by the storm, never lost power. But all ingress/egress from the area to the west is blocked. Not only can they not get out, but supplies/trucks/food/etc cannot get in. They still have access from the north and east, but major supply chains are disrupted.
It's devastating.


Well-Known Member
These people should be found where they fell with a sign saying looter around their necks.
It's an old solution, but it works.

And nobody knows nothing.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I wonder why US Army Blackhawks and Chinooks from Fort Bragg, ladened with emergency supplies, gensets, water, foods and medicines, aren't being dispatched immediately to those cut off areas? Why the Corp of Engineers, working with the US Army, haven't begun to install temporary bridges until the damaged ones can be repaired? Questions Questions Questions.

Too bad, (and telling), that the media isn't giving Biden and Harris the Bush treatment as they did during Katrina. Oh yeah. And remember when Katrina happened that the Drudge Report had all that Katrina news at the top of their page for a long time? But this event only garners four lines on the right column with the top and top left dedicated to news besmirching Trump and news concerning Israel and Ukraine? Priorities huh?



Just sneakin' around....
Sections of I-40 are going to be closed until....... September of 2025 according to this.

Never heard of this guy, so consider the source.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
Update from my cousin:

Well all the schools are closed because of loss of power and of course internet.
Now we have a gas shortage. I scooted out to fill my tank.
The pictures still coming from the mountains are just heartbreaking.
A small mountain community found over 50 people dead. Dead in trees, floating down the river. 😢
My cousins still have no water or electricity I wanted them to come here to shower but they can’t get to our house because our road is closed. They opened all the floodgates on the dam near our house so the road is shut down. Boats and houses were flying over the dam on Friday. 😳
It will take a while to fix this mess but they are working hard.
Thanks for checking in.
Hope you had a good day. Love you


American Beauty
PREMO Member

We all knew a bad storm was coming but we all have endured storms before. The amount of rain was unbelievable. Non stop for two days, absolutely torrential it never stoped and then the winds. I think most everyone was caught off guard.
Wayne and I were outside trying to hook up the generator and a gust of wind came almost knocked me down took the umbrella right out of my hand and off it flew.

The animals I can’t hardly watch. Horses lost standing in water. 😢



🚨Just spoke to a US Military insider about the efforts for Hurricane Helene. Here's what I was told:

The 82nd Airborne Division is known as America's "Global" Response Force. They have the ability to have thousands of paratroopers anywhere in the world in 18 hours. They provide combat capability, but also helicopter airlift, stand up hospitals, and other support.

They responded to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

The 82nd responded overnight to fly thousands of Afghans out of the country during the withdrawal.

Less than 1/3 of the entire division is on the "global" alert status. Meaning there are thousands of members potentially available to render aid with a simple command.

So the question is why even a fraction of the 82nd can't be used to support relief efforts in the same state in which they are stationed (North Carolina)? For whatever reason, they are unavailable for this effort.

As of now, they haven't been alerted for hurricane support.

They can be on the ground and in the sky within hours, organizing airlifts, building hospitals, bringing aid.

But they aren't.

Biden-Harris can activate them if they so wished.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

In me saying what's next, there is no intention of belittling the situation or the people in the hurricane destroyed areas. But if people, everywhere, regardless of where they live, were to prepare, or "prep", for these sort of natural disasters, or of those man made, people would be able get through such hardship and stressful times much easier until services are restored.

Are we, here, immune from these type of natural disasters? No, we are not. Preparation is key to surviving bad events. All should take heed and acquire and inventory what they think they might need, to the best of their ability, in case disaster should strike here.

And about elements of the 82nd not being activated to provide relief and support? Our government is infested with DEI, and has been for quite a while, from the top down, and with deviants, perverts, and degenerates. They could care less about helping and assisting Americans unless it can somehow benefit and enrich them. And as we can all observe, government, no matter what they say, should never, ever, be relied upon for any type of support after any disaster.

It comes down to people caring for themselves and their families, and assisting their neighbors. The true grit kind of people. The true grit that forged this Nation through great hardships.

As an aside. I'm still waiting for international support from all those countries we have assisted with their respective disasters in the past to start to come forward and provide foods, water, medicines, etc.. You know, as a form of solidarity?


Just sneakin' around....
Are we, here, immune from these type of natural disasters? No, we are not. Preparation is key to surviving bad events. All should take heed and acquire and inventory what they think they might need, to the best of their ability, in case disaster should strike here.
Unfortunately, there are only a few here that take these precautions seriously. NC is a perfect example of what CAN happen, not WILL happen. There are 3 more tropical storms poised for a repeat performance.

A lot of people got caught off guard because they tracked the storm track, and not the potential rainfall to the east. Thought it wouldn't be an issue, so didn't get water, fuels, food, etc.... laid in. But again, kind of moot considering that the flood waters made some prep meaningless.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Unfortunately, there are only a few here that take these precautions seriously. NC is a perfect example of what CAN happen, not WILL happen. There are 3 more tropical storms poised for a repeat performance.

A lot of people got caught off guard because they tracked the storm track, and not the potential rainfall to the east. Thought it wouldn't be an issue, so didn't get water, fuels, food, etc.... laid in. But again, kind of moot considering that the flood waters made some prep meaningless.
I don't recall hearing much about anywhere except FLA. I know that mAlice and family prepped ahead of time in Central GA.