I'm not going to start a whole new argument on why people home school (I think there are plenty of those out there already) but my kids certainly know what the real world is like. They are out in it everyday. Being in school for 8-9 hours a day is not being in the real world. We also talk to our kids and explain to them what is going on in the world.
Sorry mominsmc, I have to disagree with you. Assuming the kids are elementary school aged, school is the closest thing to the real world for them. They have to get up at a certain time, be to school at a certain time, report to teachers (equivalent of our boss), be responsible for their own actions (or else suffer detentions), stay at school until released (like us finishing our shift at work), do homework (how many of us continue to bring work home off the clock), complete projects (how many of us have had to buy books as a fund raiser for the kids)...yup, just like the adult world without the financial worries. Not to mention that some kids are the last to be picked for sports teams or not picked at all (how many of us have been passed up for a promotion for someone else).
Is it hurtful to a child not to be picked as class president or a member of a football team or a cheerleading squad? Sure, but that is the real world. Even kids have to learn rejection and how to deal with the fact that some are better than others at certain things.