Home Schooling



I just think children need to learn to make their choices with out mom or dad around. They learn more freedom at school. Make close friends and learn how to deal with the people that may cause conflict. Parents don't get their alone time either. It is also important to have some down time. Have you actually given your children a choice or did you choose this for them?


professional daydreamer
I just think children need to learn to make their choices with out mom or dad around. They learn more freedom at school. Make close friends and learn how to deal with the people that may cause conflict. Parents don't get their alone time either. It is also important to have some down time. Have you actually given your children a choice or did you choose this for them?

Children are not mature enough to make decisions like where they want to go to school :rolleyes:

Children don't have to go to school to learn how to deal with conflict. They can do that with the neighbors kid, the kid at dance class that won't leave 'em alone, the kid in the theatre that won't shut up, etc. Some of you people act like school is the only place our kids will learn anything good, when in fact most of what they absorb at public and private schools is how to be cool, do drugs, get laid, instead of focusing on education.

I'm sure there are some poor excuses for "teachers" SAHM's, but the same can be said for schools. I'm sure there are some awesome schools, but the same can be said for some SAHM's that are educating their kids.

I honestly do not believe that "schools" are appropriate for children.

If I had it to do all over again, in this day and age, I would not send a child of mine to school.


I just think children need to learn to make their choices with out mom or dad around. They learn more freedom at school. Make close friends and learn how to deal with the people that may cause conflict. Parents don't get their alone time either. It is also important to have some down time. Have you actually given your children a choice or did you choose this for them?

You sound like a liberal. Freedom? Down time? choices without mom and dad? Oh, please. I can't see your logic at all.


And I'll agree with you on that. However, you should not be able to teach if you are not educated enough to.

Oh, here you go again. You really have no clue. Why does a degree make a person a better teacher?

My two daughter were both home-schooled until this year. My wife has some college but no degree. My kids are now in public school, in all advanced classes and are still being taught things they've learned years ago by their "uneducated" mother. She was able to devote a lot of time, care, one on one time and focus on their individual needs.

Anyone who makes stupid comments about homeschooling obviously has never tried it and really have no idea what they are talking about.

We regret putting our kids in school. My wife has having health issues so we really had little choice. Fortunately, we were able to mold them socially before the schools had a chance to teach them the liberal agenda or before the bad kids had a chance to lead them astray. I have a 15 year old daughter who is very smart, very enjoyable to be around and has never caused me a lick of trouble other than the fact she is a little messy.

Quit talking trash about homeschooling if you really have no idea what you are talking about.

For anyone considering it, DO IT! You don't need a degree. You just need to be able to devote a lot of time and love to your kids.


In My Opinion
Sorry mominsmc - have to disagree again. Elementary schools are normally first through fifth grade (some have sixth grades while others put sixth graders in junior high). That means the kids are interacting daily with others that are differing ages. A 4 year difference means a lot to a 6 year old first grader.

By doing things outside the home, what do they do? I remember a field trip in 5th grade (over 30 years ago) where we went to a quarry to look for "gems." The most we found was some mica and garnets - but it was great to compare our finds with others in the class.

I also believe that by being home schooled, the student should not be allowed to take part in extra-curricular activities at the school - whether that be intramural sports, varsity teams or any clubs. If the child is not enrolled in the school, then that student should get no benefit the school has to offer.
and at the same time, the parents of those home school kids should get a big break on their property tax. If they are not using the school then they should not have to support the other kids that are.


Well-Known Member
I have a 15 year old daughter who is very smart, very enjoyable to be around and has never caused me a lick of trouble other than the fact she is a little messy.

That's great! Children who attend public school can turn out the same exact way!


and at the same time, the parents of those home school kids should get a big break on their property tax. If they are not using the school then they should not have to support the other kids that are.

I disagree. This is their choice.


I disagree. This is their choice.

If a tax paying homeschooler wants to take advantage of some of the benefits they are paying for, why shouldn't they be able to? Homeschoolers may not be taking up space in the classroom but their parents are still paying the bills for the public schools.

Can you imagine if all homeschooler and private schoolers stopped what they were doing and decided to take advantage of the public education? Do you realize what a mess that would be? There wouldn't be enough room, teachers, schools, buses, etc. to handle it all.

Also, why do you think so many people choose to home school these days or send their kids to expensive private schools? Is it because they want to deprive their kids of a wonderful public school education? Or, could it be that they want something better for their kids? Do they really want to stress themselves out over having to teach their own kids or spend money unnecessarily on private school or could it be that they want something better for their kids? Food for thought.
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I disagree. This is their choice.

OMG you have got to be kidding. Just drop it. They feel it is better to home school and you feel its better to send your kids to public school. To each their own why drag this on and on.

I give everyone credit that homeschools. I myself would not be good at it. I am not patient.


b*tch rocket
Homeschooling reminds me of a cult. You all will stick together and continue to bash the public school system.

I don't home school. :shrug: Actually, I take that back, I do home school, on top of sending my kid to public school, as do most of us who take the time to deprogram our kids from the crap that is forced to be taught in public school. Have you ever read any of your kids history books?


I don't home school. :shrug: Actually, I take that back, I do home school, on top of sending my kid to public school, as do most of us who take the time to deprogram our kids from the crap that is forced to be taught in public school. Have you ever read any of your kids history books?

I always like to read what you have to say. You are one of the smartest people on this forum. My kids have come home from school several times and told me some stories. Fortunately, they are mature enough to see through the propaganda and liberal brainwashing. HOmeschooling was one of the best things we did for our kids. I am sad that we couldn't continue but I think my kids will be fine.


New Member
to the OP I am going to PM you with some info. No point putting it here now.

To the rest of you I just LOVE how you have so much to say about something you know next to NOTHING about.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
to the OP I am going to PM you with some info. No point putting it here now.

To the rest of you I just LOVE how you have so much to say about something you know next to NOTHING about.

I hope that doesn't include me.


Well-Known Member
To the rest of you I just LOVE how you have so much to say about something you know next to NOTHING about.

You know what? There have been some ignorant comments about homeschooling, but there have been just as many ignorant comments about public schooling. :yay:


You know what? There have been some ignorant comments about homeschooling, but there have been just as many ignorant comments about public schooling. :yay:

You're right, Cow. I would l hope we all make decisions about our kids education based on what we think is best for them. There are some wonderful teachers in the public school system and some wonderful kids who graduate and make something with their lives.

I speak from experience, having kids who were homeschooled who are now public school and also from my background in dealing with some of the kids in public school who I did not want to become a part of my kid's "socialization." As a homeschool family, we got to monitor and make sure our kids were spending time with the right people. In many cases, this meant different people, of all ages on a daily basis.

I hope that every child who goes to school turns out OK but for ignorant people like Sockgirlwith2kidsfromdiffentXs and PinkyStinkyliberal to make the comments they have without really knowing what they are talking about is enough to make me cringe. They are clueless and...as you said...ignorant.