Home Wreckers


Obama destroyed America
oh - you like to antagonize others. Ok, i'm learning. I guess I'll be having more free time and sleepless nights to play on line now, so i have to learn the rules of play.
There are no rules here. I like to have fun. Vrai knows it was a joke as I'm older than her. I only antagonize those who allow it. :wink:


New Member
The care & feeding of a man IS really simple. But many women don't like simple; they want to "read between the lines" and figure out what you REALLY want. :duh:

I am all for simple -- simply don't sleep with other women (at very least not my close friend), especially when i by sexy nighties with my Christmas gift card the week before Valentines! i could have gotten some great shoes or new luxury towels! :smack: