Home Wreckers



Can someone translate this, please?

It says shes desperate and knows he s married and doesnt want to be with her but now she wants to start some drama and be persistant on getting him at the first sign of trouble the next time they argue.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
She got flucked by a married man who is her friend's husband and he doesn't want her since he got what he wanted so she's heart broken cuz she loves him too much to be the other woman and they have no future together

It says shes desperate and knows he s married and doesnt want to be with her but now she wants to start some drama and be persistant on getting him at the first sign of trouble the next time they argue.

Wow. You guys are good.
What, did you forget your Immature Ho-bag to English dictionary?
:roflmao: Apparently so.


New Member
The home wrecker is not the one your SO is cheating with.
The Home wrecker is the SO.
Because unless one is Masturbating, it takes two to cheat.

Male or Female it makes no difference. It takes two people . If they're Kinky 3 or more is not that unusual, but usually in cases like that the wife or husband is usually involved.


New Member
i recently found out that one of my closest friends has been chasing my husband since january 7 and eventually they had a brief affair. when he tried to end it after i confronted him on Feb 13, she redoubled her efforts and sent him this text last week...

2-21-08 1017 am
This is a crappy way 4me 2 do this but im doing it I cant do this any more I cant deal with knowing u r trying 2 b with someone else I cant cry more I cant pretend we have a future while playing games 2 keep her content if u have made the decision 2 make that work then I gotta go I love u 2 much 2 b the other woman I cant help thinking if I am what u want u would b moving towards me not trying so hard to stay where u r I need 2 look @ u & say this

They met that afternoon and then she stopped by my house to visit. she told me she was upset and I actually hugged her. imagine the psycho level of deceipt? he told her, that day as he did on Feb 13, that he was not leaving me and that we were going to stay together. i am in shock and my husband and i are piecing together the different lies that this person told each of us and ways she drove a spike between us. I am devistated and i have very few people to talk to about this. I want to scream and have some type of retribution but i don't want any jerry springer stuff. also, this 'woman' has a husband serving in Bahrain and 4 children.

It's a shame your friend did this to you, but it does sound like your husband is now trying to come off as the innocent victim. It's typical with must affairs the 3rd person always takes the blame, but it does take (2) willingly people to have an affair.
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New Member
My husband was stupid and deceiptful, i was stupid and we have to work through it. He has come clean with details and we have seperated for now, but are talking openly about it. yes, his deceipt and lies are to blame. But the more i find out, the more i feel like an idiot for trusting this friend. I included her and her children in our family activities because i felt sorry for her. She used things i said about my relationship with my husband to get closer to him - I thought everything was fine but when i found the text with the 'love' business i was devistated. as far as her husband - I have a friend getting the middle east contact info for me to send stuff to her husband because she has already been to Navy Legal to find out how much money she can get and how fast she can get a divorce.


Well-Known Member
My husband was stupid and deceiptful, i was stupid and we have to work through it. He has come clean with details and we have seperated for now, but are talking openly about it. yes, his deceipt and lies are to blame. But the more i find out, the more i feel like an idiot for trusting this friend. I included her and her children in our family activities because i felt sorry for her. She used things i said about my relationship with my husband to get closer to him - I thought everything was fine but when i found the text with the 'love' business i was devistated. as far as her husband - I have a friend getting the middle east contact info for me to send stuff to her husband because she has already been to Navy Legal to find out how much money she can get and how fast she can get a divorce.

Déjà vu

:diva: You are my clone. Nice to meet you.


New Member
The home wrecker is not the one your SO is cheating with.
The Home wrecker is the SO.
Because unless one is Masturbating, it takes two to cheat.

Male or Female it makes no difference. It takes two people . If they're Kinky 3 or more is not that unusual, but usually in cases like that the wife or husband is usually involved.

SO? I am not familiar with that term. I have never been on a chat. I thought I'd try it since this is anonymous and I would be embarassed to admit these things -- especially since the (insert any nasty term you want here) is actually fat and ugly. Maybe i'd feel better if she was good looking?:doh: or at least see why? I'm just trying to figure this all out. Little help please?