Horse Manure on Trails


How can you convince non-horse people that horse manure on public trails is not as problematic as they perceive?

I have to get a laugh from talking to some folks about it, but in the end I get kind of frustrated at the sheer ignorance of some of the responses.

Like this excerpt:
(Talking about requiring horseback riders to pick up their horse poop like dog owners do)

“I get it that the person who is riding the horse would have to get off the horse every couple of minutes to pick up the poop, and a plastic bag wouldn't be sufficient. You would need some sort of large barrel (maybe just a bucket if you were going a short distance).”

Miles of Trials: Horse Poop and Such

GOOD GREIF! :rolleyes:

How many people have horses that poop every couple of minutes? :killingme

What other things do you hear from NON-HORSE PEOPLE about the negative impact of horses on trails?:coffee:
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New Member
My boyfriend rants and raves about horse poop on trails. He claims it taints the water supply for backpackers. Not really sure how to respond to that, other than sorry?

I would be interested to hear opinions on this.


New Member
On multi-use trails I guess you could dismount and kick it to the side. Carry around a barrel or bucket? Not the best idea. I do get that bikers and hikers would consider it unappealing.


On multi-use trails I guess you could dismount and kick it to the side. Carry around a barrel or bucket? Not the best idea. I do get that bikers and hikers would consider it unappealing.

I take my dogs on walks to go potty, it's not like you don't take a horse to go potty. As a young girl I had a horse, would run around the barn on my bare feet.... somehow horse poo doesn't freak me out.... We didn't have the problem, we had plenty of private wooded acreage and nobody complained.

Years later being on the other side, a biker/hiker on a trail with horse poo.... it still doesn't bother me but I can see where others might get upset. I just learn to ride my bike with my mouth closed :lmao:

What about the bags on the back of major city carriage horses :shrug: What about feeding after a ride? Even not putting them in the pasture before :shrug: IDK how it works anymore. I'm far removed from all my horsey activities :frown:


New Member
Its not that hard to dismount your horse and kick it off the trail. Especially in State Parks where others use the trail.

Just a common curtesy and keeping the peace to be able to use these places to ride.


one day the dark will end
How can you convince non-horse people that horse manure on public trails is not as problematic as they perceive?

I have to get a laugh from talking to some folks about it, but in the end I get kind of frustrated at the sheer ignorance of some of the responses.

Like this excerpt:
(Talking about requiring horseback riders to pick up their horse poop like dog owners do)

“I get it that the person who is riding the horse would have to get off the horse every couple of minutes to pick up the poop, and a plastic bag wouldn't be sufficient. You would need some sort of large barrel (maybe just a bucket if you were going a short distance).”

Miles of Trials: Horse Poop and Such

GOOD GREIF! :rolleyes:

How many people have horses that poop every couple of minutes? :killingme


What about bird poop, or squirrel turds, or raccoon poop..or possum poop?
(FYI: opossums prefer to poop in running water and their poop is reason enough NOT to drink the water!! :barf:)
Give me a poop is all grass and grains, amd it biodegrades nicely...ak any gardner about that!!!

Dog poop is from a meat eater...grrrrrr...and does not biodegrade as nicely as manure.

I would rather step in horse poop any day than deal with doggie poo.......

When I taught riding at a summer camp, we did dress the ring 2x a day..just shoveled in up and tossed it into the woods...that was it....


New Member
I am a Biker, Hiker, Backpacker, etc... I guess I've been around horses to long to care anymore. There are days when I am not trimming horses, I drive by farms just to get a wiff. Ha ha! Signs with horses = poop... People have to many demands today...and just need to get over it.
Its not that hard to dismount your horse and kick it off the trail. Especially in State Parks where others use the trail.

Just a common curtesy and keeping the peace to be able to use these places to ride.

I think they could all carry polo clubs or what ever they are called and knock the poop at each other. How would they like it if I took my dog to crap in their exersize yard?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It does get a bit much sometimes. I bike in Cedarville and it's all over the trails. Plus My dogs think it's a treat and want to eat it! EWWWW!!!!

Yes, it is better than dog poo on the trails.

I just live with it and try not to run over it.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
:jameo: poop is all grass and grains, amd it biodegrades nicely...ak any gardner about that!!!

Dog poop is from a meat eater...grrrrrr...and does not biodegrade as nicely as manure.

I would rather step in horse poop any day than deal with doggie poo.......

When I taught riding at a summer camp, we did dress the ring 2x a day..just shoveled in up and tossed it into the woods...that was it....

So, using this logic if I were a vegetarian then you would have no problem with me taking a dump where you ride, hike, bike etc?


Oh give me break, even if you were vegetarian human poop is SO much different than that of horse poop.

It would be courteous to hop off and kick it off the trails, but:
- sometimes you don't even realize they're doing it;
- some people do not have that option, as it is very hard to mount/dismount;
- not many horse people think twice about it. when my horse poops I don't immediately think, oh wait, maybe I should get that, whereas when my dog poops that is what's going through my mind.

From now on maybe I'll try and think about it in multi-purpose trails and parks, but honestly I've never thought it was a big deal.


Rocky Mountain High!!
I tell bikers and hikers we meet on the trail that we may have left a few happy apples back there....sorry! That usually makes them smile and watch for it.

Having marked (and had to REmark) many a trail in my day, bikers/hikers have their evil little ways of getting even with horseback riders, so i call it square.


New Member
Trail ettiquette.

Be kind to those that follow

Think about how pissed you would be if the parks forbid the horses because of it? Whos fault is it then?

Leave it as it was for you. Clean up after yourselves and your animals.


So, using this logic if I were a vegetarian then you would have no problem with me taking a dump where you ride, hike, bike etc?

I can honestly say that people who follow a STRICK veg diet, i.e. NOTHING processed, all raw and such..... those people don't have stinky poo.... I am dead serious. If your gut flora is in check you can let a :geek: fly and nobody will know. This I know from first hand experience.


My boyfriend rants and raves about horse poop on trails. He claims it taints the water supply for backpackers.
Tainting water situation= if the water has not been tested by the health department for purposes of human consumption .......DO NOT DRINK IT! That is just silly!:shocked:
On multi-use trails I guess you could dismount and kick it to the side. Carry around a barrel or bucket? Not the best idea. I do get that bikers and hikers would consider it unappealing.
We try to practice dismounting and kicking it off the trail if we see it happen, but we occasionally miss it. I usually get my son do it!:whistle:

:jameo: What about bird poop, or squirrel turds, or raccoon poop..or possum poop?
(FYI: opossums prefer to poop in running water and their poop is reason enough NOT to drink the water!! :barf:)
Give me a poop is all grass and grains, and it biodegrades nicely...ak any gardener about that!!!
Dog poop is from a meat eater...grrrrrr...and does not biodegrade as nicely as manure.
I would rather step in horse poop any day than deal with doggie poo.......
VERY TRUE!! (not to mention rabbit, fox & deer poop)

It does get a bit much sometimes. I bike in Cedarville and it's all over the trails. Plus my dogs think it's a treat and want to eat it! EWWWW!!!! Yes, it is better than dog poo on the trails.
I just live with it and try not to run over it.

That’s because some dogs think its nummy!!:drool: I know I have one too and she loves to give kisses after, YUCK!

So, using this logic if I were a vegetarian then you would have no problem with me taking a dump where you ride, hike, bike etc?
Be VERY CAREFUL! Some horseback riders have been known to carry cameras in their saddle bags! (not to mention Ahhemm, COPPER HEADS and chiggers this time of year)

Oh give me break, even if you were vegetarian human poop is SO much different than that of horse poop.

It would be courteous to hop off and kick it off the trails, but:
- sometimes you don't even realize they're doing it;
- some people do not have that option, as it is very hard to mount/dismount;
- not many horse people think twice about it. when my horse poops I don't immediately think, oh wait, maybe I should get that, whereas when my dog poops that is what's going through my mind.
From now on maybe I'll try and think about it in multi-purpose trails and parks, but honestly I've never thought it was a big deal.
Good points! Human poop is full of bacteria that cause disease, namely, E-coli :barf:

Trail ettiquette.
Be kind to those that follow
Think about how pissed you would be if the parks forbid the horses because of it? Whos fault is it then?
Leave it as it was for you. Clean up after yourselves and your animals.

Yes, I agree. BUT, does it bother anyone when they are traversing the trails, to find water bottles and other litter on the trails, (such as energy bars wrappers)? :shrug:Horseback riders carry these types of things in their saddle bags? No need to throw them away on the trail. But I can’t tell you how many times we have stopped to clean up after some careless LITTERBUG! :tantrum And what about cigarette butts?



What about EROSION? Anyone see that as a problem?


New Member
Tainting water situation= if the water has not been tested by the health department for purposes of human consumption .......DO NOT DRINK IT! That is just silly!:shocked:

We try to practice dismounting and kicking it off the trail if we see it happen, but we occasionally miss it. I usually get my son do it!:whistle:

VERY TRUE!! (not to mention rabbit, fox & deer poop)

That’s because some dogs think its nummy!!:drool: I know I have one too and she loves to give kisses after, YUCK!

Be VERY CAREFUL! Some horseback riders have been known to carry cameras in their saddle bags! (not to mention Ahhemm, COPPER HEADS and chiggers this time of year)

Good points! Human poop is full of bacteria that cause disease, namely, E-coli :barf:

Yes, I agree. BUT, does it bother anyone when they are traversing the trails, to find water bottles and other litter on the trails, (such as energy bars wrappers)? :shrug:Horseback riders carry these types of things in their saddle bags? No need to throw them away on the trail. But I can’t tell you how many times we have stopped to clean up after some careless LITTERBUG! :tantrum And what about cigarette butts?



What about EROSION? Anyone see that as a problem?

Good for you at picking up someone elses litter. That is a good practice. It would be the best if folks would just pick up after themselves


I tell bikers and hikers we meet on the trail that we may have left a few happy apples back there....sorry! That usually makes them smile and watch for it.

Having marked (and had to REmark) many a trail in my day, bikers/hikers have their evil little ways of getting even with horseback riders, so i call it square.

AKA: road apples:lmao: