Horses I bred being auctioned off....



The Sale is Saturday.

I want to thank everyone who has donated, or offered to donate funds to hopefully help me get the two horses I raised back. It means SO much to me. Many people just want to go to pick up the horses to flip flop as resale projects. All about making a quick buck - makes me sick.

Alas, there have been people who have come to me more generous than I thought still existed in the human race today. God and I know who you all are! One person here I don't even know.. no contact, nothing.. just a paypal donation. WOW, blew my mind! You are a TRUE CLASS ACT! What goes around, comes around... and I hope you receive tenfold for this kind act, even if I am unsucsessful.

I still do not think there is nearly enough collected to get both back, maybe not even enough for one. So, I am hoping to be able to get at least one of them. If I do not get either, all monies people donated will be returned.

Again, I want to thank everyone who has been so generous in offering and donating to help me out with this.


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
The Sale is Saturday.

I want to thank everyone who has donated, or offered to donate funds to hopefully help me get the two horses I raised back. It means SO much to me. Many people just want to go to pick up the horses to flip flop as resale projects. All about making a quick buck - makes me sick.

Alas, there have been people who have come to me more generous than I thought still existed in the human race today. God and I know who you all are! One person here I don't even know.. no contact, nothing.. just a paypal donation. WOW, blew my mind! You are a TRUE CLASS ACT! What goes around, comes around... and I hope you receive tenfold for this kind act, even if I am unsucsessful.

I still do not think there is nearly enough collected to get both back, maybe not even enough for one. So, I am hoping to be able to get at least one of them. If I do not get either, all monies people donated will be returned.

Again, I want to thank everyone who has been so generous in offering and donating to help me out with this.

Maybe the donations can be given to CANTER or other horse rescues that may benefit from the donation. Put it in the peoples names that donated to you.

Good luck this weekend.


Just got back from the sale at Hideaway horse Center (owners Joe and Regina Salta- I want people to KNOW who these people are!!!!!). I am SICK!

Regina Salta had both colts in the ring, they sold the colt I bred first- Regina out bid everyone. Then took both colts out, without selling the other one- which I thought was weird. I said, she knows I am here to buy these two, and watch she will sell them first. They then brought both mares in. Of course, who do they start bidding on first?? The mare I bred. I noticed the mare was off... asked them to trot her. She is DEAD lame ALL over- front back, TERRIBLE. I cannot believe the shape she was in. I don't care, I have HUGE sentimental attachment to this mare. She would never be sold ever again. I keep bidding.. over 1k, I bid 1001, keeps going up- ONLY Regina bidding. Got to 3K for a DEAD LAME UNREGISTERED MARE, and I hit my max. of all my savings (all I have extra from my breast cancer medical bills) and donations I collected to try and save her. The poor mare met a worse fate than the meat man when that woman outbid not out of caring, but other agendas. At least the meat man would have let me buy her after the sale even to save her. Everyone who knows me, understands. You should have seen the sympathy in peoples eyes toward me. The KNEW what was going on, and it made them SICK too! She just shot her own reputation to be of being even an ounce of a decent human being. What she did was unhuman.

She was just there to outbid me. She couldn't even look me in the EYE. She makes me SICK. I tried to buy them back for their board this past week. She wouldn't even call me back. I advised her they needed coggins for her to sell them- which she didn't know about (and they didn't have either!). I didn't have to be nice and make sure she knew about this. I have helped this woman on and off over the years only to be treated like this. (She even has graphics I CREATED on her website and NO CREDIT given back to ME for them!) EVERYONE saw what she was doing.

I walked out. She makes me absolutely sick. Even though she had rights to buy them, I KNOW she did this on purpose. She completely avoided me. All I know is she has to stand and account in front of God one day for her actions. I would not want to EVER treat a person like this. I obviously was not there to flip flop a horse. I CARE ABOUT HER. Who else would offer to bid 3001K on a LAME horse? The board bill due on that mare was 2,250, so she was OVER what she was owed. Why else outbid me????? THAT right there should prove her agenda. Again, she makes me SICK!

She said she offered these horses to me before- months ago. At that time I told her legally she coudn't just sell them to me and unless she could get the owner to agree, I couldn't. I never heard back about this till I got an e-mail from a group about the sale. I was helping her back them to not get in trouble selling them illegally. What do I get?? Does Regina call me, NOPE. So, I am making sure I do things right and this is what I get in return. I should have just been shady and bought them months ago, but it would not have been legal.

Anyway. I am SICK over this and lost complete hope of any decent horse people in the world. I don't know if I want to do this anymore.

Regina, if you read this and it gets back to you... I will pray for your soul. God takes note of everything we do. You will stand and account for it one day if you do not make things right as you know it should have been.

I am learning God DOES handle things with people and we DO reap what we SEW!

Thank you to everyone who did try and help me. I am putting all monies back in the mail on Monday.

And to anyone looking to deal with this barn and owners- BE CAREFUL. I feel they are all about the money... not the care and true well being of horses. I apologize if this offends anyone, and all of the above is just my opinon. I wanted to let you all know the outcome as promised. I am a woman of my word unlike some sick excuse of one I had the displeasure of being in the midst of today.

Sad and sick of the world,
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New Member
I've never met a person of God who will pray for souls who speaks of others as you do.

This does anything but paint you in a good light.


New Member
Nope, what does that have to with my comment?

Besides it's quite silly to bid on a lame horse and some cross bred foals when you're attempting to recoup monies owed. The equine market is quite low just now.

Also, the original poster has many horses on her site listed in the $10k+ range. As well as a bred rescue mare and a mare that was given to her. Stories just don't jive.


RIP Quinn
Nope, what does that have to with my comment?

Besides it's quite silly to bid on a lame horse and some cross bred foals when you're attempting to recoup monies owed. The equine market is quite low just now.

Also, the original poster has many horses on her site listed in the $10k+ range. As well as a bred rescue mare and a mare that was given to her. Stories just don't jive.

well you're just insensitive. She's obviously what's it to you?


Chiraz- to explain my sales page... I listed horses just to fill up the page some. The only one I am TRYING to sell is my yearling chestnut colt. Now, what else would you like explained to you. Do I have to explain everything to you in my life? I have no problem in letting you knnow anything you like. I have nothing to hide.


New Member
GVF said:
Chiraz- to explain my sales page... I listed horses just to fill up the page some. The only one I am TRYING to sell is my yearling chestnut colt. Now, what else would you like explained to you. Do I have to explain everything to you in my life? I have no problem in letting you knnow anything you like. I have nothing to hide. it's standard business practice to list horses for sale 'priced to sell' just to fill up your page when they're not really for sale. Hmmm, that's odd too.


RIP Quinn it's standard business practice to list horses for sale 'priced to sell' just to fill up your page when they're not really for sale. Hmmm, that's odd too.

And why is that odd?
Everything's for sale..:smack:

Why don't you just back off. This thread isn't about what she has on her site. Why don't you go back and read some. Then grow a little heart. :smack:


Do you have an issue with me?? You seem to be all about learning about me... why not fill us in about you?? I have been open, now it's your turn.


New Member
So in essence the barn owners now own the horses? Why would the idea of them as the owners be a bad thing?


New Member
Ok, call me slow today :shortbus: and I didn't read this whole thread, but obviously regina wanted the horses but legally had to offer them at public auction in order to get them? Is that right?


she can not buy them. she is the stable owner selling them for board. the stable owners can not buy them.she would have to have someone else buy them for her. or she could buy them from the high bidder, but she can not purchase them at the sale.The person who was back on the board would still have to pay the balance if they were sold for less than the total board due. when regina auctioned them off she at the time owned them.a stablemens lien makes regina the owner....but she has to sell at public auction to get fair market value for the horses.


New Member
this is rather bizarre. is regina then not the official stable owner? is it actually in someone else's name?
does she want to breed the mare? what horrible things is she going to do to the mare? i understand sentimental value...but what is the worst that could happen? i understand that she is lame, did regina's care cause that?