Horses I bred being auctioned off....


New Member
this is rather bizarre. is regina then not the official stable owner? is it actually in someone else's name?
does she want to breed the mare? what horrible things is she going to do to the mare? i understand sentimental value...but what is the worst that could happen? i understand that she is lame, did regina's care cause that?

I am confused too. How can Regina buy them from herself?


New Member
i don't know, it is all very confusing, but i have just been tipped off that regina and hideaway horse center are definitely worth staying far away from...


New Member
I am confused too. How can Regina buy them from herself?

And why would she want to? If she is owed $$$ for the care of these horses, why would she have an auction to raise the money and then buy the horses herself? And where did the money go? :shrug:

Sparks, I'm with ya on the :shortbus:


New Member
The barn/business is likely in her husbands name.

Maybe she thinks that she can sell them for more than the back-board owed and the auction price combined? :eyebrow:


I found out more info on what happened after I left.

The other two horses:
She sold the mare for $100
She sold the colt for $250
She did not bid on either.

I have been informed that she had contracted with someone prior to the sale to buy the two I tried to get back for a certain price because the "probably wouldn't bring much".

THIS makes sense to me... she would have had to bid to keep them if she had already agreed to sell them for more than she thought she would get from the sale.

She prob never thought I would go to 3K. Now she is prob kicking herself.

Do you all think I should try and launch an investigation into this??

Does anyone know where to go to have copies of all paperwork released? I know this is legally releasable, but does anyone know the process??

I am going to a lawyer tomorrow about this.

I was also informed she couldn't legally run the bid up, and that is what she did.

Any advice for me?

If anyone knows ANYTHING else, please contact me... even if annonymous. I will be forever grateful if someone knows something about this and comes forward with info.

Thank you.


leagally she had to give 30 days for the boarders to pay the bill...then she had to put a lien on the horses and post a public public auction she is to sell the horses for the price of the back board.if the horses go for more than the board owed the balance goes to the previous horse owners...if the horses sell for less than owed the boarder has to pay the balance.she can not bid on the horses and I would think the auctioneer would not take her bids.if she had sold them prior to the sale why would she have sent them through the sale?and if you bid them to 3000 the people that bought them through the sale could have elected to sell them to you for that bid price and make a pretty penny in a matter of seconds.legally what are you trying to get her on? she held a public auction and the horses were sold....why would she go to such great lenghths to keep you from buying them if it would have brought her more money. as a farm owner , I do not understand the business sense of that. especially if the board bill was that it worth thousands of dollars to keep the horses from you?you would be better off just going to the people that bought them and offer them money to buy the horses at a profit for them.


The other thing is her lawyer was the one who auctioned them. There was no auctioneer. Someone told me this isn't legal either.

Campinmutt: I dont know what the answers are. I am going to to find out from someone who knows and give them the info I have. If they think it is worth investigating, then I guess they will. All I can do is provide what I know and let the proper people decide whether to launch a proper investigation into things.

I have been provided much more info I cannot disclose here.

All I can do is forward info to proper channels and let them take things from there.

My job is to pray for her soul. God just wants us to do what is right. I don't hate the lady, I am very dissapointed in her, and saddened by her actions. She is hurting her own reputation. I spoke with a person today who was at the auction and they said many people were talking about what she did. Honestly, I feel bad for her. Only she can make things right now, well maybe the athorities can right things, but I mean to fix her reputation and her accountability with God.

Anyway, thank you again anyone willing to help me with this.


the plot thickens...the lawyer was the auctioneer????? I geuss lawyers do talk fast !!