How can I get rid of my hips?????


Salt Life
How experienced and coordinated do you have to be to successfully do this?

I need to get up and move.

Having said that, I can barely stand up and walk I am so uncoordinated.
Can you do squats and lunges? Can you raise a bar over your head? Can you bend over and do dead rows/lifts?

It's not hard at all. You can put as much or as little weight on the bar as you want. There are breaks between sets and you can switch up weight if you want.
Was he participating or just watching? :lmao:
He really was trying to do the workout for the most part, but early into the workout he realized that just because he was muscle bound didn't mean he could do endurance and he also learned the importance of stretching while building muscle because he could not bend at the waist! The 2nd downside to it all was that he couldn't keep his eyes on the instructor for all the other bodies bending and pumping and such... he was the only male in the class...:lol:

Big Fatty

I have not given up. I just need more to add to what I am doing. I know 3 weeks is not enough. There will never be a time limit. I am just asking for things to add to what I am doing now.

Maybe, mgdbaa, adding to your plan is not what is needed.

Three weeks is a VERY short time. The human body is amazing at what it can achieve but there are no magic methods.

I have said this before and I will say it again. Anything can work-nothing can work forever-the only constant is change. All programs or routines are doomed to fail eventually. The body will adapt.

So my answer to your above statement is adding to may not be the solution. Changing things up may be more useful. I.e., might think about some weight training, interval cardio, change in eating habits.

Good luck and remember you have started the ball rolling. Just don't get to impatient.
Here's a shake recipe for you (post workout)

1 scoop of whey protein
12 ozs milk
2 handfuls of ice
4 Tbsp of Ovaltine
1 banana
4 strawberries

blend well :yay:

bananas have a lot of sugar in them,(23 carbs) about the only fruit you can have low carb are berries.

I looked the ovaltine up and was suprised that it says 5 carbs! thats cool.


Back in the saddle
I go to Maximum. :buddies:

I love the class! The instructor is great! The class size is small (so far) - about 10-12 people.

Nothing is complicated about it. You'll definitely feel the burn and sweat! The music rocks! Come and give it a try tonight. Class starts at 1800.

See this is why I can't do classes. Nothing in the time frame that I could go. :bawl:


Dream Stealer
You don't like evening hours? Does your gym offer daycare?

BTW, Maximum offers morning and weekend classes, too.

Im gonna join in a week or two..maximum actually has classes in the evenings..most around have classes at 10 or 11 in the morning..umm i have to work to pay for the darn membership! but bodypump is def on my list
Fast acting carbs allow an insulin spike for post-workout.

:rolleyes: I know that, Warnutz. (Need I remind you of where I worked?) I am merely saying that it is a lot of sugar for someone on a low-carb diet (which I do not think are healthy to begin with-- go with Moderate carb/higher protein)... and it seems like a lot of calories for someone who is trying to lose weight.... just my opinion... you are the one who is built like a brick S### house... :coffee: