How can I get rid of my hips?????


New Member
Hello all. Back again. Im getting there. I lost another lb. I think I have lost some inches because all of my clothes seem to be slightly baggy then a month ago so thats good. My only problem now is my hair is suddenly very oily. googled it, and I read that excesive exercising may cause oily hair among other things. My hair use to be so dry like horse hair. I wash it every day and have to use condition every day to help with tangles. Ive been doing this for decades. Now I read suggestions that I should not wash my hair everyday and do not condition. Well if I am exercising 6 days a week I have to take 2 showers a day. Man I just cannot win. I want to be lighter and thinner, but now I have oily hair. What does a girl have to do? You have helped me with the weight information, now I need help with the oily hair.

Big Fatty

Hello all. Back again. Im getting there. I lost another lb. I think I have lost some inches because all of my clothes seem to be slightly baggy then a month ago so thats good. My only problem now is my hair is suddenly very oily. googled it, and I read that excesive exercising may cause oily hair among other things. My hair use to be so dry like horse hair. I wash it every day and have to use condition every day to help with tangles. Ive been doing this for decades. Now I read suggestions that I should not wash my hair everyday and do not condition. Well if I am exercising 6 days a week I have to take 2 showers a day. Man I just cannot win. I want to be lighter and thinner, but now I have oily hair. What does a girl have to do? You have helped me with the weight information, now I need help with the oily hair.

Go with a shorter hair style


Having Fun!
Try switching up with your shampoo & conditioner -- sometimes it's just product build-up. Also, you could try just using a de-tangler (like Johnson's for kids) & not an actual "conditioner" every other day to see if that helps. I think it's stil a conditioner but not as thick or intense. Or, even better, check with a local hairdresser who knows more aobut this kind of stuff than I do! :lmao: I can only share what works for me!

Congrats on the loss!