How DARE Americans focus on Joe Biden steering over a billion dollars in aid money to Ukraine while his son bagged a sweetheart deal from their govern


Well-Known Member
And that's what MR keeps saying. Why would Joe Biden demand the investigator be fired if there wasn't an investigation going on. And I'm not suggesting Hunter was directly being investigated; the company he was a board member of was being investigated. And I've stated several times, I find it no coincidence that Joe calls for the firing of an investigator of a foreign country and threatens to withhold $1 billion in loans if that doesn't happen, and his son just happens to be working for that company. That speaks loudly of a crime. It's called blackmail.

I would agree if the IMF and other folks around the world and around that administration weren't also calling for the prosecutor's removal due to corruption.


Well-Known Member
Asking to investigate corruption is not digging for dirt. As it's been stated over and over... BIDEN PUT THE DIRT OUT THERE. He confessed to his own crime. Trump was simply asking the Ukraine president to look into it. You people have a screwed way of looking at what "digging for dirt" is.

Biden never admitted to trying to get his son out of trump. He admitted to doing his job.
I don't give a damn about Chris Wallace. I have a mind of my own and don't need Wallace or anyone else to tell me what's going on here.
I know, even when it’s Fox, if they dare to speak out against the orange narrative they are liberals.....

the problem with your ‘mind of your own’ is that you feed it with information that came from the trump propaganda machine.


Well-Known Member
And that's what MR keeps saying. Why would Joe Biden demand the investigator be fired if there wasn't an investigation going on. And I'm not suggesting Hunter was directly being investigated; the company he was a board member of was being investigated. And I've stated several times, I find it no coincidence that Joe calls for the firing of an investigator of a foreign country and threatens to withhold $1 billion in loans if that doesn't happen, and his son just happens to be working for that company. That speaks loudly of a crime. It's called blackmail.(/B]

You keep saying that, but that’s not what the record shows. The record shows that there was not an ongoing investigation at the time. if you bothered to watch that chris Wallace piece you would see that he knows that. It’s not just me saying it.

And still, how does that explain trump sending Rudy and two private lawyers who just happen to be fox ‘analysts’ to talk to Ukraine about it? Why wouldn’t a President looking to expose corruption have his DOJ or state department do the digging?


You keep saying that, but that’s not what the record shows. The record shows that there was not an ongoing investigation at the time. if you bothered to watch that chris Wallace piece you would see that he knows that. It’s not just me saying it.

And still, how does that explain trump sending Rudy and two private lawyers who just happen to be fox ‘analysts’ to talk to Ukraine about it? Why wouldn’t a President looking to expose corruption have his DOJ or state department do the digging?

First of all, I did watch the Wallace piece, as it was broadcast. And Wallace parroted the same talking points that's being thrown out there "why was Trump digging for dirt on a political opponent?" I pretty-much stopped listening right there.

1) If you read the transcript of the call, you will see that Trump wasn't digging for anything. He requested the Zelenski to look into corruption involving Burisma; a company Hunter coincidentally worked for. He also asked Zelenski look into "Crowdstrike". How is that digging for dirt?

2) The "dirt was already out there. Biden put it out there. He bragged about it. So again, what dirt was trump "digging" for that wasn't already out there?

Secondly, why are you people fixated on what Trump did, when Biden did pretty much the same thing (only worse because he used tax-payer-funded blackmail money); and yet you say there's no "there" there with Biden? You don't have to bother answering that. The answer for that is clear - Trump evil. Hate Trump. Impeach Trump.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I did watch the Wallace piece, as it was broadcast. And Wallace parroted the same talking points that's being thrown out there "why was Trump digging for dirt on a political opponent?" I pretty-much stopped listening right there.

1) If you read the transcript of the call, you will see that Trump wasn't digging for anything. He requested the Zelenski to look into corruption involving Burisma; a company Hunter coincidentally worked for. He also asked Zelenski look into "Crowdstrike". How is that digging for dirt?

2) The "dirt was already out there. Biden put it out there. He bragged about it. So again, what dirt was trump "digging" for that wasn't already out there?

Secondly, why are you people fixated on what Trump did, when Biden did pretty much the same thing (only worse because he used tax-payer-funded blackmail money); and yet you say there's no "there" there with Biden? You don't have to bother answering that. The answer for that is clear - Trump evil. Hate Trump. Impeach Trump.
I truly mean this with the utmost respect, because I appreciate all you say on here. But, Psy, you sound like me arguing with Sappy. You're trying to teach a pig to sing. It's not worth your time, my friend.


Well-Known Member
You keep saying that, but that’s not what the record shows. The record shows that there was not an ongoing investigation at the time. if you bothered to watch that chris Wallace piece you would see that he knows that. It’s not just me saying it.

And still, how does that explain trump sending Rudy and two private lawyers who just happen to be fox ‘analysts’ to talk to Ukraine about it? Why wouldn’t a President looking to expose corruption have his DOJ or state department do the digging?
Don't you ever get tired of constantly being WRONG!!!
All day...Every spew nothing but lies, lies, & even more lies..
Don't you, Sappy, Tranny, and the rest rest of your corrupt ilk ever get tired of being chitty, lying POSs?

Because most of us here are loooonnnnggggg past tired of your lies, your phony outrage, your snark...and your

You lying POS....have I made it clear how mankind sees you?


Well-Known Member
...Why wouldn’t a President looking to expose corruption have his DOJ or state department do the digging?

Apparently, Pompeo was in on the call also.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was among the administration officials who listened in on the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president, a senior State Department official said Monday, a disclosure that ties the State Department more closely to the House impeachment inquiry.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I did watch the Wallace piece, as it was broadcast. And Wallace parroted the same talking points that's being thrown out there "why was Trump digging for dirt on a political opponent?" I pretty-much stopped listening right there.
so you didn't watch it, you ignored it because it didn't fit the narrative you wanted to believe......

and here is an end to a bunch more of the narrative. The form wasn't changed until after the complaint was filed on the old form AND the whistleblower did have direct knowledge according to the ICIG
The Disclosure of Urgent Concern form the Complainant submitted on August 12, 2019 is the same form the ICIG has had in place since May 24, 2018, which went into effect before Inspector General Atkinson entered on duty as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on May 29, 2018, following his swearing in as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on May 17, 2018….
.....In summary, regarding the instant matter, the whistleblower submitted the appropriate Disclosure of Urgent Concern form that was in effect as of August 12, 2019, and had been used by the ICIG since May 24, 2018. The whistleblower stated on the form that he or she possessed both first-hand and other information. The ICIG reviewed the information provided as well as other information gathered and determined that the complaint was both urgent and that it appeared credible. From the moment the ICIG received the whistleblower’s filing, the ICIG
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
How did the Democrats originally get the FISA warrant or concoct the whole pee story without the assistance of foreign persons?

Shouldn’t somebody be looking into that?
Oh wait.
That’s what’s going on.


Well-Known Member
How did the Democrats originally get the FISA warrant or concoct the whole pee story without the assistance of foreign persons?

Shouldn’t somebody be looking into that?
Oh wait.
That’s what’s going on.
Prosecute them too if they committed a crime.

trump problem is having Rudy and two other lawyers who are not federal employees handle it instead of his DOJ


so you didn't watch it, you ignored it because it didn't fit the narrative you wanted to believe......

I think someone missed the hyperbole. I watched it as it was broadcast. Once Wallace started parroting the bull#### about Trump "digging for dirt" I gave the rest of the interview very little attention. Wallace is a down-the-middle reporter; except that I don't think he like Trump at all.

If you buy that Trump was digging for dirt to somehow meddle in the next election, then you're just doing what all the rest of the media is doing - Lying!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I think someone missed the hyperbole. I watched it as it was broadcast. Once Wallace started parroting the bull#### about Trump "digging for dirt" I gave the rest of the interview very little attention. Wallace is a down-the-middle reporter; except that I don't think he like Trump at all.

If you buy that Trump was digging for dirt to somehow meddle in the next election, then you're just doing what all the rest of the media is doing - Lying!
Wallace is definitely another "Never Trumper!"

The lies, slander, frame jobs and coop will never end until the democrats are made to pay a VERY high price.


I truly mean this with the utmost respect, because I appreciate all you say on here. But, Psy, you sound like me arguing with Sappy. You're trying to teach a pig to sing. It's not worth your time, my friend.

Yeah, I think we've had this conversation before. I do it less for the debate with MR and more for the sake of combating the lies and misinformation. And I don't mean to be disresectful to MR; I like him and believe he's a good guy; even though he can get pretty ugly and in the dirt. All that is fine, because folks on the other side do the same. I don't know if he authentically believes everything he posts and doesn't realize how misinformed much of his stuff is, or just wants to play that devil's advocate just to argue. Either way, when we (you and I) disagree with something someone posts, is it a good idea to stay silent or counter them so others will see both sides?


Wallace is definitely another "Never Trumper!"

The lies, slander, frame jobs and coop will never end until the democrats are made to pay a VERY high price.

I don't mind someone like Wallace having an opinion about Trump, and that being a negative one. Regardless of what he does for a living, he is still entitled to his opinion. But, when he parrots lies in his efforts to disagree with someone, that goes beyond honest and credible reporting. His show is not supposed to be an opinion show. One numerous occasions he has pushed me to not watch his show.


Well-Known Member
Don't you ever get tired of constantly being WRONG!!!
All day...Every spew nothing but lies, lies, & even more lies..
Don't you, Sappy, Tranny, and the rest rest of your corrupt ilk ever get tired of being chitty, lying POSs?

Because most of us here are loooonnnnggggg past tired of your lies, your phony outrage, your snark...and your

You lying POS....have I made it clear how mankind sees you?

Yes of course..its Trump's words in the transcript but they are a lie...

Yes of course...the words in the whistleblower compaint, though proving to be largely on point, are a lie..

All the economic data I post, are all lies.

Every page, every word, every quote in the Mueller report is a lie.

Every video of Trump is a lie.

North Korea really isn't firing more missiles.

The wall really is getting built.

Iran isn't acting up because of Trump's actions.

The Russians didn't interfere in the 2016 election.

Trump really did see Muslims jumping for joy in Manhattan on 9/11.

Trump really did send hundreds of workers to Ground Zero.

The economy really is the best it has ever been, ever.

Trump really did have bone spurs.

Trump's father never gave him a nickle.

Trump really is a universally magnificent negotiator.

Trump really did finish at the top of his class at Wharton.

Those lines on the National Weather Service Map drew themselves.

Trump wasn't screwing a pornstar while his wife was pregnant and he didn't pay his attorney to make the pornstar go away.

The member of the UN really weren't laughing at Trump last year.

The rest of the world really does just love Donald Trump.

China is going to make a deal any day now because they have to...they really are desperate.

The sound from windmills really does cause cancer.

Soybean farmers are actually having the most profitable year in their history.

Should I go on???

And, of course, all of the actions that have been taken by every corrupt, illegal, unethical, inept and incompetent person since the beginning of time excuse all the corrupt, illegal, unethical, inept and incompetent actions Trump has taken as President of the United States.

If you believe all those items above, you should see a mental health specialist.

If you believe the outrage I feel while watching and listening to this President and he turns the United States of America into an afterthought on the world stage, as he enriches himself on the office and provides massive tax cuts to those in his economic strata while pissing on the poor and the hardworking average Americans alike, you really should see a mental health specialist.