How DARE Americans focus on Joe Biden steering over a billion dollars in aid money to Ukraine while his son bagged a sweetheart deal from their govern


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think we've had this conversation before. I do it less for the debate with MR and more for the sake of combating the lies and misinformation. And I don't mean to be disresectful to MR; I like him and believe he's a good guy; even though he can get pretty ugly and in the dirt. All that is fine, because folks on the other side do the same. I don't know if he authentically believes everything he posts and doesn't realize how misinformed much of his stuff is, or just wants to play that devil's advocate just to argue. Either way, when we (you and I) disagree with something someone posts, is it a good idea to stay silent or counter them so others will see both sides?
In the past (even RECENT past) I have argued the same point you're making. I've modified my stance to have the argument based upon with whom I am having it.

Tranny is worth provoking or responding (once) simply for entertainment purposes. Spanker doesn't rise to that level because virtually no one believes his information in the first place. There's no gain because he offers no loss. Chris generally merits discussion because he responds with points and analyses. I don't always agree, but he generally offers them up in good faith. AWPitt is even better about it, and has swayed my opinion based on decent analysis, tactics, and information.

I could go on and on, but I am sure that you get the idea.


Well-Known Member
I think someone missed the hyperbole. I watched it as it was broadcast. Once Wallace started parroting the bull#### about Trump "digging for dirt" I gave the rest of the interview very little attention. Wallace is a down-the-middle reporter; except that I don't think he like Trump at all.

If you buy that Trump was digging for dirt to somehow meddle in the next election, then you're just doing what all the rest of the media is doing - Lying!

you think chris Wallace is a down the middle newsman but you also think he is lying when he says trump was trying to dig up dirt on biden. Because that exactly what he said.
Yeah, I think we've had this conversation before. I do it less for the debate with MR and more for the sake of combating the lies and misinformation. And I don't mean to be disresectful to MR; I like him and believe he's a good guy; even though he can get pretty ugly and in the dirt. All that is fine, because folks on the other side do the same. I don't know if he authentically believes everything he posts and doesn't realize how misinformed much of his stuff is, or just wants to play that devil's advocate just to argue. Either way, when we (you and I) disagree with something someone posts, is it a good idea to stay silent or counter them so others will see both sides?
That’s hilarious. You think you are doing a public service by combating my lies and misinformation and you do it by parroting trumps talking points. Despite the fact that the investigations into hunters company were not active, you continue to insist that was the reason joe pressured Ukraine to sack that prosecutor.
And you want to talk about ‘how misinformed much of HIS stuff is’.


you think chris Wallace is a down the middle newsman but you also think he is lying when he says trump was trying to dig up dirt on biden. Because that exactly what he said.

At the risk of being redundant; Wallace was saying the same thing everyone else on the left was saying. To say Trump was digging for dirt is a lie. Wallace was pushing that lie. Biden surrendered his dirt over willingly. There was nothing to dig for. It was already out there.

That’s hilarious. You think you are doing a public service by combating my lies and misinformation and you do it by parroting trumps talking points. Despite the fact that the investigations into hunters company were not active, you continue to insist that was the reason joe pressured Ukraine to sack that prosecutor.
And you want to talk about ‘how misinformed much of HIS stuff is’.

You can call it whatever you want. I call it trying to promote information. I know I will never get through to you, but you are spewing the lies that the left has already memoed out there.

And why do you ignore the fact that Biden demanded the investigator be fired? Why would he need to do this if the investigation wasn't active? Can you at least answer that question instead of parroting the talking points from you MSM sources?


Well-Known Member
[W]hy do you ignore the fact that Biden demanded the investigator be fired?
The problem I have with this whole story is - did Biden threaten to withhold $1B in loan guarantees unless the investigator was fired, or was the whole thing yet another one of Biden's lies? The MSM can't offer that up as a possible answer, because that would invoke the flood of ALL the repeated lies Biden tells about his dealings with people over the 5 decades he's been in office, and have to face the fact that with 5 decades in public office he's accomplished zip point squat but lies about how tough and strong and potent he is.

It seems, from the transcript and reporting, that what Trump did was say (and, this is not an actual quote but my understanding of the overall concept), "hey, don't worry about us pulling aid from you if you go ahead and investigate and find the truth [wink, wink]." So, now finding the truth is a bad thing to Democrats? (Well, let's face it, not NOW. They were upset with Wikileaks for posting the truth about the DNC and Hillary, which is their reason she lost - not what the truth is, but that we found out what the truth is.). Let's not pretend the timing wouldn't help Trump, but the fact is he was not looking to have made-up-crap like they did on Trump, he was looking to have them do an actual investigation into what happened.


The problem I have with this whole story is - did Biden threaten to withhold $1B in loan guarantees unless the investigator was fired, or was the whole thing yet another one of Biden's lies? The MSM can't offer that up as a possible answer, because that would invoke the flood of ALL the repeated lies Biden tells about his dealings with people over the 5 decades he's been in office, and have to face the fact that with 5 decades in public office he's accomplished zip point squat but lies about how tough and strong and potent he is.

It seems, from the transcript and reporting, that what Trump did was say (and, this is not an actual quote but my understanding of the overall concept), "hey, don't worry about us pulling aid from you if you go ahead and investigate and find the truth [wink, wink]." So, now finding the truth is a bad thing to Democrats? (Well, let's face it, not NOW. They were upset with Wikileaks for posting the truth about the DNC and Hillary, which is their reason she lost - not what the truth is, but that we found out what the truth is.). Let's not pretend the timing wouldn't help Trump, but the fact is he was not looking to have made-up-crap like they did on Trump, he was looking to have them do an actual investigation into what happened.

I'm not into guessing whether someone is lying - in other words, what's in their head when they say something. We can only go by what the person said. Biden admitted - in fact bragged - he threatened to withhold ~$1 billion unless the Ukraine fired their chief investigator. We know this is true because that guy was fired. So, was Biden lying? It sure doesn't look like it.

I'm not going to allow people like MR and his ilk try to distract us from the blackmail Biden committed by saying "Look over here at what Trump did". Trump, as president has every right to talk to the leaders of other countries. Biden stated, when he was questioned by Peter Doocy, "Why is he on the phone with a foreign leader?" I mean the nerve of Trump (you know, the president of this country) talking to another national leader on the phone. What the hall was Trump thinking?

These people count on us being complete stupid; unable to see what's going on. Well, sorry MR, Trans, Sap, and the rest of you leftist distractors... I can see clearly what's going on. It's been going on since Trump won the GOP nomination. One trick after another has been pulled out of their barrell of tricks. None of them has worked, and none of them will work. You can't expect to catch wrongdoing when none has happened. So, your only recourse is to fabricate scandals.


Well-Known Member
I'm not into guessing whether someone is lying - in other words, what's in their head when they say something. We can only go by what the person said. Biden admitted - in fact bragged - he threatened to withhold ~$1 billion unless the Ukraine fired their chief investigator. We know this is true because that guy was fired. So, was Biden lying? It sure doesn't look like it.

I'm not going to allow people like MR and his ilk try to distract us from the blackmail Biden committed by saying "Look over here at what Trump did". Trump, as president has every right to talk to the leaders of other countries. Biden stated, when he was questioned by Peter Doocy, "Why is he on the phone with a foreign leader?" I mean the nerve of Trump (you know, the president of this country) talking to another national leader on the phone. What the hall was Trump thinking?

These people count on us being complete stupid; unable to see what's going on. Well, sorry MR, Trans, Sap, and the rest of you leftist distractors... I can see clearly what's going on. It's been going on since Trump won the GOP nomination. One trick after another has been pulled out of their barrell of tricks. None of them has worked, and none of them will work. You can't expect to catch wrongdoing when none has happened. So, your only recourse is to fabricate scandals.
I haven’t distracted by saying ‘look trump’. I keep pointing out that the investigation into hunters company was not active when Biden ‘blackmailed’ Ukraine.
I am also asking why the president would send his personal lawyers instead of the appropriate DOJ officials to investigate this. That’s not a ‘but trump’, that’s an honest question.


Well-Known Member
At the risk of being redundant; Wallace was saying the same thing everyone else on the left was saying. To say Trump was digging for dirt is a lie. Wallace was pushing that lie. Biden surrendered his dirt over willingly. There was nothing to dig for. It was already out there.

You can call it whatever you want. I call it trying to promote information. I know I will never get through to you, but you are spewing the lies that the left has already memoed out there.

And why do you ignore the fact that Biden demanded the investigator be fired? Why would he need to do this if the investigation wasn't active? Can you at least answer that question instead of parroting the talking points from you MSM sources?
It’s not a lie, it’s a different opinion. There is a huge difference. I don’t think Chris Wallace is a partisan liar.


I bowl overhand
So Biden's son (the one that slept with his brother's widow, not the one that died) was in the Naval Reserves. Showed up to a drill weekend so F'ed up his brother (who was still alive at the time) had to pick him up and take him.

He claims it was a "misunderstanding" and he was randomly chosen to take a urinalysis that day.. and failed, and summarily got kicked out of the Navy. He claims the day/ night before he was coming out of a convenience store and bummed a smoke from two men (who he claims were Jamaican, funny how we're the racists, but they always blame minorities for the F - ups).. he believes the coke must have been in the Cigarette, him being hot on the urinalysis was an accident.

NEVER have I smoked a cigarette with coke in it, but I would assume it would smell pretty weird.

I was never in the Reserves, or Guard, but can anyone tell me how often a Reserve unit does random urinalysis, especially on their officers??

My thought he showed up at SEVERAL drill weekend's f'ed up, and his commander had enough and was waiting for him. Besides, it's a Reserve unit, a smarter person would say.. DAMN, I'm F'ed up, I better not go..

Did he try to call in an absence and they were on to him because of past bad behaviour, and told him, get your ass in here or else??

So here is, a coke addled, POS that sleeps with his brothers widow, getting rich of a Ukraine deal he doesn't have the brains or the sense to put together, and Biden says.. WE never talked business.. Probably talked about all their grandkids, and Corn Pop, then OOPS.. there's a picture of him playing golf with his son, and the company exec from Burisma.. wonder if they figured out their strategy that day, and decided how much cokehead was going to get paid for just being the VP's son


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
So Biden's son (the one that slept with his brother's widow, not the one that died) was in the Naval Reserves. Showed up to a drill weekend so F'ed up his brother (who was still alive at the time) had to pick him up and take him.

He claims it was a "misunderstanding" and he was randomly chosen to take a urinalysis that day.. and failed, and summarily got kicked out of the Navy. He claims the day/ night before he was coming out of a convenience store and bummed a smoke from two men (who he claims were Jamaican, funny how we're the racists, but they always blame minorities for the F - ups).. he believes the coke must have been in the Cigarette, him being hot on the urinalysis was an accident.

NEVER have I smoked a cigarette with coke in it, but I would assume it would smell pretty weird.

I was never in the Reserves, or Guard, but can anyone tell me how often a Reserve unit does random urinalysis, especially on their officers??

My thought he showed up at SEVERAL drill weekend's f'ed up, and his commander had enough and was waiting for him. Besides, it's a Reserve unit, a smarter person would say.. DAMN, I'm F'ed up, I better not go..

Did he try to call in an absence and they were on to him because of past bad behaviour, and told him, get your ass in here or else??

So here is, a coke addled, POS that sleeps with his brothers widow, getting rich of a Ukraine deal he doesn't have the brains or the sense to put together, and Biden says.. WE never talked business.. Probably talked about all their grandkids, and Corn Pop, then OOPS.. there's a picture of him playing golf with his son, and the company exec from Burisma.. wonder if they figured out their strategy that day, and decided how much cokehead was going to get paid for just being the VP's son
I did a 18-month tour with the Naval Reserve unit in Lewes, DE. I seem to recall they did random urinalysis quarterly and everyone was subject. They used the last digit of your SSN or DOB or something like that to pick the "winners".


It’s not a lie, it’s a different opinion. There is a huge difference. I don’t think Chris Wallace is a partisan liar.

Wallace propagated a lie. There is no evidence at all that Trump was diffing for dirt. Everything out there points to just the opposite. And Wallace is smart enough to know that. At least I thought he was. His loathing for Trump affects his better judgment.


I am also asking why the president would send his personal lawyers instead of the appropriate DOJ officials to investigate this. That’s not a ‘but trump’, that’s an honest question.

Because he's Trump, and he's the president, and he's not going to do what you think he should do.

I know you don't think Trump knows what he's doing. He was too stupid and crass to become president and beat "the most qualified presidential candidate ever". He was so stupid to collude with the Russian, then get caught doing it. FAIL! He was so stupid to obstruct justice, and got caught doing it. FAIL! Now he got caught talking to the president of another country :shocking: EGAD! Our president talking to another president and trying to make deals. :shocking: IMPEACHABLE! Hell you people are predicting prison for this guy when he gets out of the White House.

I have to admit... the whole witch hunt has been very entertaining. Watching the Trump-haters lose over and over again. The big loss is coming soon. What are you people going to do when he's reelected?


Well-Known Member
Wallace propagated a lie. There is no evidence at all that Trump was diffing for dirt. Everything out there points to just the opposite. And Wallace is smart enough to know that. At least I thought he was. His loathing for Trump affects his better judgment.
i see the problem now. You think your opinion is a fact.
It’s really sad that you are so deep in the cult of trump that you can’t allow for the possibility that other people would view trumps call differently.


Well-Known Member
Because he's Trump, and he's the president, and he's not going to do what you think he should do.

I know you don't think Trump knows what he's doing. He was too stupid and crass to become president and beat "the most qualified presidential candidate ever". He was so stupid to collude with the Russian, then get caught doing it. FAIL! He was so stupid to obstruct justice, and got caught doing it. FAIL! Now he got caught talking to the president of another country :shocking: EGAD! Our president talking to another president and trying to make deals. :shocking: IMPEACHABLE! Hell you people are predicting prison for this guy when he gets out of the White House.

I have to admit... the whole witch hunt has been very entertaining. Watching the Trump-haters lose over and over again. The big loss is coming soon. What are you people going to do when he's reelected?
And then the best defense you have for trumps actions are ‘because trump’.
I am willing to bet that obstruction related to the mueller investigation is one of the articles of impeachment


i see the problem now. You think your opinion is a fact.
It’s really sad that you are so deep in the cult of trump that you can’t allow for the possibility that other people would view trumps call differently.

All I have at this point is, you just keep holding on to that hope that your hate for Trump will be satisfied with impeachment. I happen to find it sad that you people are so deeply dug in with your hatred for this man that you're unable to see anything other than "We know he has done something wrong, we just have to find it".

Keep the hope alive brother.


Well-Known Member
I am willing to bet that obstruction related to the mueller investigation is one of the articles of impeachment
That would make sense - when you've got nothing, make bullshit up, and that's what "obstruction related to the Mueller investigation" would be.

I'll bet people staying at Trump-owned hotels will be part of the articles of impeachment, too. And, no intelligent, honest, unbiased person will ever look at any of those things and see what the Orangemanbad group sees.