How did you meet your spouse



How did you meet your spouse and how did you know they were the one?

I was going through a box and i found a picture from the first day that my Hubby and I started hanging out. It brought back memories. We actually met in 2001 but he doesn't remember because he was to! In 2003 I went to my friends house and laying on the couch sleeping was this guy. So i sat on him and punch him in the azz. He woke up and rolled over and looked at me and smiled. I said i know you. He said i don't know you well not! After that night i didn't see him for a couple months. I kept asking my friend about him and he did vis versa. He kept going out to sea so i was like what ever. Then the day after St. Patty's Day he came back and when he walked through the door i was so happy. We all went out had fun. The next day i told my friend i was going to marry him. She laughed. We went out on our first date and he looked at me and said you wana be my girlfriend so i wrote on a napkin yes and circled it. 6 weeks later he asked me to marry him. When we finally did get married it was 6 months later and now we have been married 4 years in September.


New Member
I met my wife on the forums. We went on 2 dates, moved in together and have been happy ever since.


All Up In Your Grill
I met both of my spouses through two different friends. I let them have custody of those friends. :yay:


I have no story... yet. But my parents have a pretty great one.

My father was a star in his high school: Varsity hockey player, Varsity football player, Varsity baseball player, etc. Plus, he was smart, a straight A student. His buddy Vince was dating my mom's best friend Eva. He told Vince to tell Eva to bring 2 of her girlfriends on a double date (so my dad had a choice as to which one he wanted). My mom and her other best friend Julie (who's middle name I have as my first name) watched my dad play a hockey game, and Julie leaned over to my mom and said "He's mine." My mom, never one to be challenged, decided THAT wasn't gonna happen. About half way through the double date, my dad leaned over to my mom and said "at the next light we'll do a chinese fire drill. Get back in and we'll drive off, leaving her in the intersection." So they did, and they've been together ever since.


Lem Putt
I saw an ad in a magazine for mail order brides. I got a 25% discount because she only has one leg. I don't care that she doesn't speak english - who really wants to hear her opinion - but it would be great if she understood english well enough to take orders correctly.
I have no story... yet. But my parents have a pretty great one.

My father was a star in his high school: Varsity hockey player, Varsity football player, Varsity baseball player, etc. Plus, he was smart, a straight A student. His buddy Vince was dating my mom's best friend Eva. He told Vince to tell Eva to bring 2 of her girlfriends on a double date (so my dad had a choice as to which one he wanted). My mom and her other best friend Julie (who's middle name I have as my first name) watched my dad play a hockey game, and Julie leaned over to my mom and said "He's mine." My mom, never one to be challenged, decided THAT wasn't gonna happen. About half way through the double date, my dad leaned over to my mom and said "at the next light we'll do a chinese fire drill. Get back in and we'll drive off, leaving her in the intersection." So they did, and they've been together ever since.
What a creep... poor Julie...:frown:


What a creep... poor Julie...:frown:

Indeed, he may have ruined her for life! Poor Julie now has 4 kids by three different fathers and recently divorced father #3. Her eldest son, who's a year older than I am was recently arrested on a sex related charge.

Either my father ruined her for life or he picked the right woman.

Indeed, he may have ruined her for life! Poor Julie now has 4 kids by three different fathers and recently divorced father #3. Her eldest son, who's a year older than I am was recently arrested on a sex related charge.

Either my father ruined her for life or he picked the right woman.
My reaction had nothing to do with who he ended up picking, but rather that he thought it was okay to ditch a woman at an intersection. :ohwell: Heck, that was even before they had cell phones so that she could quickly call for help... poor Julie...:frown:


My father is an a*****e. He proudly owns the title.

Personally, in hearing that story, I thought he was a cocky a*****e for making Eva bring 2 chicks so he could have his choice, but that's JMHO :shrug:

It was in Toledo, and they were around their neighborhood... I don't know if Vince and Eva picked her back up, or if she was close enough that she could walk home... not really sure what happened to Julie. I know she and my mom remained friends (hence my first name being the same as Julie's middle name), but after they stayed together the rest of the story fades off in to legend.


I bowl overhand
True Story..

We met at work.. in a Base-X Marine Corps tent on the edge of an abandoned runway.

Months later I started chatting to someone on the forums, and we made a lunch date.

We had no idea chatting to each other online that we had actually met before. What a cool surprise when she walked into the restaurant and I recognized hers immediatly.


New Member
True Story..

We met at work.. in a Base-X Marine Corps tent on the edge of an abandoned runway.

Months later I started chatting to someone on the forums, and we made a lunch date.

We had no idea chatting to each other online that we had actually met before. What a cool surprise when she walked into the restaurant and I recognized hers immediatly.

They are unforgettable.


New Member
My hubby and I had been friends for about a year or so, as he was the roommate of a guy that I worked with. We would all hang out after work and he saw many of the losers that I dated (!). Anyway, one night we were hanging out and he reached down and put his hand on my back and it was like a zap of lightning went up my back. I freaked out a little that night and booked it out of there, but we started hanging out after that. My ankle was broken at the time and he would come over to walk my dog for me (please keep your comments about his ulterior motives to yourself, it will ruin my story :wink:). About a month and a half later, we moved in together. A month and a half after that, we were engaged. 11 months total after we started dating, we were married and will celebrate our 12 year anniversary in 4 days!:yahoo:

Thanks for making me remember what I like about him!:lmao: j/k


New Member
True Story..

We met at work.. in a Base-X Marine Corps tent on the edge of an abandoned runway.

Months later I started chatting to someone on the forums, and we made a lunch date.

We had no idea chatting to each other online that we had actually met before. What a cool surprise when she walked into the restaurant and I recognized hers immediatly.

That is really sweet.