How do you view the world?

How do you view the world?

  • Black/White

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Black/White with much grey to sift through

    Votes: 23 53.5%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 11 25.6%

  • Total voters


Football addict
nomoney said:
when you say "your" perception of it all, isn't that what you asked for???? how can you argue this when you're asking peoples opinions? are they supossed to only give their opinions if it matches yours?

people may see things in their own way as a "grey" version of it-but there is still only right or wrong. End of discussion.
You're right Nomo, I did ask for their opinion on this matter and I expect different opinions. I also expect to defend my position just as I expect them to. What is right? What is wrong? Can you give me a universal definition for this that everyone will agree on? Probably not.


New Member
migtig said:
After reading all the comments, I realize I really am on a different page than most of the posting forum members. :ohwell: Yes, there is right and wrong. There are moral issues that must be resolved within one's self. There are demands that society dictates to keep a status quo...however, black and white are just two colours in the spectrum of light that encompass our lives. There are joys and hopes and expectations and learning experiences, all of which help us as individuals choose what path is correct for us, and what is "right and wrong" as the majority on here are saying. Our individual life experiences, our inner moral compass and personal strengths, weakness, joys and tragedies enable us to see or not see what's before us. I see the world in a myraid of colours. Kind of like seeing someone's aura, I try to see all the colours that one has within and the earth displays for us. So I am definitely "other". :lol:
migtig said:
I see black and white, but I also see pink, green, blue and red, not to mention a multitude of other colours as well. Just depends on the who what when where and why of it all. :wink:

You're just like Tigg. :jet: You should PM her & hang out. :lmao: :love:
TWL's wife said:
Other (explain) . It's whatever you want to the world to be. There's no Black & White. The world has it's own colors. :peace:
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New Member
BuddyLee said:
What you 'think' is wrong another 'thinks' is right. What you think is ugly another thinks is beautiful. There is no clear-cut universal definition of what everyone 'thinks'. All these varying views lead to greyness.
Because people can have different opinions doesn't make something gray. If I see it as ugly & you see it as beautiful, it is black & white in each of our minds. :cheers:


Football addict
Mikeinsmd said:
Because people can have different opinions doesn't make something gray. If I see it as ugly & you see it as beautiful, it is black & white in each of our minds. :cheers:
Yes, that is basically what I said. Except, when one realizes and accepts that there are varying opinions in a matter or various parts in a system they will know that there is a bit of grey to sift through in the world and life. The world and life does not cease to exist without any one person in it. If you or I died, life and the world would go on. So then, just because this is in a few individuals minds does not make it pure truth when it comes to everyone as a whole in a functional system.


New Member
BuddyLee said:
Yes, that is basically what I said. Except, when one realizes and accepts that there are varying opinions in a matter or various parts in a system they will know that there is a bit of grey to sift through in the world and life. I dissagree. I see no gray. The world and life does not cease to exist without any one person in it. If you or I died, life and the world would go on. So then, just because this is in a few individuals minds does not make it pure truth when it comes to everyone as a whole in a functional system.
Doesn't make it gray either. :peace:


Football addict
Mikeinsmd said:
Doesn't make it gray either. :peace:
Please explain.

So then, you have one view-point and then an opposing view-point. What about everyone else? Must they decide one way or another? Greyness.


curiouser and curiouser
BuddyLee said:
Everyone's definition of 'good' or 'bad' or 'right' or 'wrong' differs. There is no universal definition. With all these varying opinions there certainly is a ton of grey.
Wrong. Everyone's opinion of "right" and "wrong" differs. The definition is a constant, the hypothetical "gray" is (like many before me have said) just a jumble of excuses to justify the deviance from right or wrong.

Oz said it most concisely:
Oz said:
Black and White! Grey areas are often created when we choose to ignore the black and white of a situation.

My opinion is that there is black and white. Do I live by that? No, I do many things that are, by definition, wrong. I don't speed excessively, but I do go over the speed limit. I use my work email for personal correspondence. We all do little stuff like this every day, that is clearly wrong, but we (and I) justify it as okay, because "so and so does it" or whatever other reason we choose.

That being said, I do believe there is also a gray area, because we all live in our self-made gray areas. None of us live in the right 100%, and none of us live in the wrong 100%.


New Member
BuddyLee said:
Please explain. So then, you have one view-point and then an opposing view-point. What about everyone else? Must they decide one way or another? Greyness.
Ok, lets take opinions out of the equation. We'll just dissagree on that one. When you deal in facts, I see things black & white. It either is or it isn't.


Football addict
Nickel said:
Wrong. Everyone's opinion of "right" and "wrong" differs. The definition is a constant, the hypothetical "gray" is (like many before me have said) just a jumble of excuses to justify the deviance from right or wrong.
I disagree. Give a universal definition for 'right' and the same for 'wrong'. In most situations not everyone is going to agree, in fact you'll have multiple viewpoints. Things aren't so simple as to distinguish them as either 'black' or 'white', I think we're too lazy to delve farther. We automatically associate things as either black or white in our personal realm of thought, it's easier to process, quicker too.

I think Oz is correct in some instances and incorrect in others. I see people ignoring both.

Nickel said:
That being said, I do believe there is a gray area, because we all live in our self-made gray areas. None of us live in the right 100%, and none of us live in the wrong 100%
I don't believe grey as being self-made in our minds, I look at it as inevitable. You cannot go into life just knowing right from wrong, it's way to complex, one has to have common sense about their surrounding environment among other things.

Check this out:

Black and white thinking creates blinders which prevent us from seeing a system operate. A system by definition is more than the collection of its parts. Figuring out how the parts fit together and what they might then produce at other levels is called “emergence.”


Football addict
Mikeinsmd said:
Ok, lets take opinions out of the equation. We'll just dissagree on that one. When you deal in facts, I see things black & white. It either is or it isn't.
I'd agree if the facts were indisputable so as no one could debate them.:yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
None of us live in the right 100%, and none of us live in the wrong 100%.
Correct, but that still makes it right and wrong, not gray. Like using your company email for personal correspondence. It doesn't make you a terrible person if you do it and only a moral extremist would think less of you. But it's still wrong.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
Correct, but that still makes it right and wrong, not gray. Like using your company email for personal correspondence. It doesn't make you a terrible person if you do it and only a moral extremist would think less of you. But it's still wrong.

Is that why you never send me email? Every time you're on the computer, you're at work.


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
Correct, but that still makes it right and wrong, not gray. Like using your company email for personal correspondence. It doesn't make you a terrible person if you do it and only a moral extremist would think less of you. But it's still wrong.
That's what I mean, it's just hard to put it into words that make sense. There is a right, and there is a wrong. The gray is a hypothetical concept, and is created by our excuses and justifications.


Football addict
Simple example...

Three sides to a story.

The first persons story. (black or white)

The second persons story. (black or white)

The truth. (in between, grey) This is what an outsider must sift through.


Routinely Derailed
BuddyLee said:
Three sides to a story.

The first persons story. (black or white)

The second persons story. (black or white)

The truth. (in between, grey) This is what an outsider must sift through.
AH! Trying to differentiate between fact and opinion? An admirable but futile endeavor in this neighborhood, BL. Best of luck.