Well-Known Member
This is a perfect example of how life has changed ....

because 20/30 years ago kids didn't have PC's, video games, cell phones, and the like, so outside they went for entertainment ..... even when it was hot.

Yup, I remember when I was in grade school; my best bud and I would ride bicycles ALL day long; but that was back in the 70's. I just wonder if the summer months have just progessively become hotter since then. :confused:

Wonder if there's any kinda archive that shows how hot past summers have been.


This is a perfect example of how life has changed ....

because 20/30 years ago kids didn't have PC's, video games, cell phones, and the like, so outside they went for entertainment ..... even when it was hot.


20/30 years ago, I was a kid, and I had an Atari 2600/Atari 5200, and some other stuff.

I also had a Timex Sinclair 1000, and later a TRS-80 and a Commodore 64.

These may not compare to XBox 360, PS3, or a Pentium 9-Billion with 10 zillion tera-quad processor and a video card that renders photographic quality polygons and handles collision physics as it massages your sciatic area.... but they were good enough diversions to keep me busy during my adolescence.

That said, I did spend a lot of time outside, even in blistering heat and bitter cold. Tree forts, bikes, go-karts, the beach, sledding, ice-skating...

Damn, I sometimes wish I was 15 again, even if it means no XBox.


Adopt me please !
According to this chart I found, the temps are indeed getting HOTTER (see also link for MORE information on chart):

Record heat sweeps DC, nation, and world — Washington Post staff sleepwalks through the story « Climate Progress

Yup, I remember when I was in grade school; my best bud and I would ride bicycles ALL day long; but that was back in the 70's. I just wonder if the summer months have just progessively become hotter since then. :confused:

Wonder if there's any kinda archive that shows how hot past summers have been.


  • temps_2med.jpg
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New Member
According to this chart I found, the temps are indeed getting HOTTER (see also link for MORE information on chart):

Record heat sweeps DC, nation, and world — Washington Post staff sleepwalks through the story « Climate Progress

A blogger with an agenda does not a legitimate source make... note the previous record was set in 1894. Did they run in circles and scream "global warming" in 1894 too? It's gotten so bad so fast it took a whole 116 years to break the previous record!!
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Adopt me please !
I think the whole global warming thing being caused by HUMANS is a bunch of crap - the earth has been through many temperature changes over the years (much scientific evidence to prove it) and we were no where to be found - now suddenly it's OUR fault? :confused:

A blogger with an agenda does not a legitimate source make... note the previous record was set in 1894. Did they run in circles and scream "global warming" in 1894 too? It's gotten so bad so fast it took a whole 116 years to break the previous record!!


.:Georgia Peach:.
Its hotter than two mice humping in a wool sock! Its so hot I saw a dog chasing a cat and they were both walking!
In fact, it was so hot....I was sweating like a hooker in church.
