HOw many times!!!!


Has confinement issues..
Big Fatty said:
Crotchless Levi's???

My ex was very tall and had to buy his jeans online becuase they don't sell 38 inch inseams retail.....

When he cheated on me I cut the crotches from all of them, cut the toes from his socks(bigfeet), and the pockets from his t's(pocket t's are all he would wear).

But what I did afterward was even worse... :lmao:


Big Fatty

Beelzebaby666 said:
My ex was very tall and had to buy his jeans online becuase they don't sell 38 inch inseams retail.....

When he cheated on me I cut the crotches from all of them, cut the toes from his socks(bigfeet), and the pockets from his t's(pocket t's are all he would wear).

But what I did afterward was even worse... :lmao:


Fantastic! Hollywood has nothing on you. You can't make this stuff up!


Cleopatra Jones
Beelzebaby666 said:
My ex was very tall and had to buy his jeans online becuase they don't sell 38 inch inseams retail.....

When he cheated on me I cut the crotches from all of them, cut the toes from his socks(bigfeet), and the pockets from his t's(pocket t's are all he would wear).

But what I did afterward was even worse... :lmao:


I'm the exact opposite. I refuse to give any man the satisfaction of knowing that they hurt me. If I saw my ex husband on the street I'd walk right by never even acknowledging his presense. That would hurt him more mentally that anything else.


Has confinement issues..
LexiGirl75 said:
Cape Crusaders. Love it!!! :yay:

You know I'm weird like that... I d have a mask just like in the movie and sometimes I wear it when I drive.My son wears one too..:lol:

you should seem my neighbors faces sometimes:killingme:

As long as I'm having a good time, who cares if people think I'm :crazy:


Has confinement issues..
pixiegirl said:
I'm the exact opposite. I refuse to give any man the satisfaction of knowing that they hurt me. If I saw my ex husband on the street I'd walk right by never even acknowledging his presense. That would hurt him more mentally that anything else.

I don't care who knows that.. I wear my heart on my sleeve and always have.. I'm a passionate person and it's one of the things that people find apppealing about me. I don't do anything half-way.

I ignore him when I see him now, but he looks at me like he's expecting me to pounce....

I like that:lol:


Well-Known Member
Beelzebaby666 said:
You know I'm weird like that... I d have a mask just like in the movie and sometimes I wear it when I drive.My son wears one too..:lol:

you should seem my neighbors faces sometimes:killingme:

As long as I'm having a good time, who cares if people think I'm :crazy:
I'll wear my Avon SallsLady costume. :biggrin:


Has confinement issues..
sockgirl77 said:
I'll wear my Avon SallsLady costume. :biggrin:

:nono: Now that's not a proper costume if you're going to hang with me....

I loan you my hoop skirt and furry sweater. You have to supply your own antenna and foil....


Cleopatra Jones
Beelzebaby666 said:
I don't care who knows that.. I wear my heart on my sleeve and always have.. I'm a passionate person and it's one of the things that people find apppealing about me. I don't do anything half-way.

I ignore him when I see him now, but he looks at me like he's expecting me to pounce....

I like that:lol:

I don't do anything half way either. Like I said it's my way of hurting him the deepest way I know how. He's an attention whore. After everything he's done he still had the nerve to call me a couple weeks ago and threaten to kill himself. I hung up and turned off the phone. To him, negative attention is still attention. I deprive him of even that.


Well-Known Member
Beelzebaby666 said:
:nono: Now that's not a proper costume if you're going to hang with me....

I loan you my hoop skirt and furry sweater. You have to supply your own antenna and foil....
Can I dress up as White Trash Barbie? Just for a day?


The Hard Way
Beelzebaby666 said:
Does a low life scum bag POS have to get awahy with abusing a child before he's drawn and quatered in the town square.....


I get a call this morning telling me to read the Enterprise....
What do I find?

JOHN EDWARD HEALY has been charged with sexual abuse of ANOTHER child.

So, I go to glance at his page on the SOR and guess what? HE'S NO LONGER ON THERE!!!

I have had two conversation swith the state's attorney's office so far and I'm just about in tears...
I put my child through hell for one reason... To assure that he would have to register as a sex offender and do what I could to prevent this from happening again.




The Hard Way
sockgirl77 said:
Dear Beezle,
I wish that I was up there to help you get revenge. Personally, I think the S.O.B. should have his balls cut off slowly and painful. Maybe hang him by his balls with barbed wire. :jet:



100% Goapele Head!
Beelzebaby666 said:
You know I'm weird like that... I d have a mask just like in the movie and sometimes I wear it when I drive.My son wears one too..:lol:

you should seem my neighbors faces sometimes:killingme:

As long as I'm having a good time, who cares if people think I'm :crazy:

I dance like I'm on a dance floor when I drive and I know some people have wondered what I was feeling so good about. They probably wonder more when my son is dancing with me because we both are liking the same song. So, don't worry about the on-lookers, they're really fans who know we're local celebrities. :flowers:


Has confinement issues..
LexiGirl75 said:
I dance like I'm on a dance floor when I drive and I know some people have wondered what I was feeling so good about. They probably wonder more when my son is dancing with me because we both are liking the same song. So, don't worry about the on-lookers, they're really fans who know we're local celebrities. :flowers:

You drive with your egg don't you:really:

:lol: Good girl!!:yay:

I'm going to be like that old fella up in CHarlotte Hall who waved at everyone....
Dressed up, waving at traffic and happy. No one will know my name or what I'm doing but they'll smile when they see me..

Yesterday I carried a naked torso painted up like the night sky around with me.. I painted it and took it to work to show it off before giving it to a friend...

Yeah... I'm a little random:lol:


The Hard Way
Beelzebaby666 said:
You drive with your egg don't you:really:

:lol: Good girl!!:yay:

I'm going to be like that old fella up in CHarlotte Hall who waved at everyone....
Dressed up, waving at traffic and happy. No one will know my name or what I'm doing but they'll smile when they see me..

Yesterday I carried a naked torso painted up like the night sky around with me.. I painted it and took it to work to show it off before giving it to a friend...

Yeah... I'm a little random:lol:

I did not get to see it


100% Goapele Head!
Beelzebaby666 said:
You drive with your egg don't you:really:

:lol: Good girl!!:yay:

I'm going to be like that old fella up in CHarlotte Hall who waved at everyone....
Dressed up, waving at traffic and happy. No one will know my name or what I'm doing but they'll smile when they see me..

Yesterday I carried a naked torso painted up like the night sky around with me.. I painted it and took it to work to show it off before giving it to a friend...

Yeah... I'm a little random:lol:

My egg, :whistle: :pete:

I forgot you were an artist. I bet it is beautiful and only uncultured people have no respect for art. :smile: