HOw many times!!!!



A judge ordered Wednesday that John E. Healy II, 42, of White Plains remain jailed without bond on charging papers alleging he committed a second-degree sexual offense in May 2003 with a girl who was 9 years old.

The incident allegedly occurring at a Great Mills area residence was reported by the girl last summer to a family member, and the suspect was questioned Monday by police, according to a statement of probable cause filed by St. Mary’s sheriff’s deputy Somar Clark

Wow!! Not recent at all...


Active Member
Kain99 said:
The incident allegedly occurring at a Great Mills area residence was reported by the girl last summer to a family member, and the suspect was questioned Monday by police, according to a statement of probable cause filed by St. Mary’s sheriff’s deputy Somar Clark

Wow!! Not recent at all...

Yep, that's about how long it takes St Mary's cops to do anything.


jenbengen said:
Talk to your congressman and senators about this stuff as much as possible. You are doing the right thing by speaking out LOUD and CLEAR. I spoke to the judicial and congressional committees on toughening laws on this crap and they didn't pass it last year. Gotta love some of the people who run this state. People won't listen unless we come in large groups. Trust me on this one.

Do a congressional. This is when you write your senators, representatives, congressman, the head of all dept of maryland state government. I have done this in the past and got some satisfaction. Most of them do not want their name assiociated with going easy on sexual offenders. Hange in there. Make yourself known to all the officials involved. If they are certain you are not going away they wil do something.


Not too talkative
Kain99 said:
A judge ordered Wednesday that John E. Healy II, 42, of White Plains remain jailed without bond on charging papers alleging he committed a second-degree sexual offense in May 2003 with a girl who was 9 years old.

The incident allegedly occurring at a Great Mills area residence was reported by the girl last summer to a family member, and the suspect was questioned Monday by police, according to a statement of probable cause filed by St. Mary’s sheriff’s deputy Somar Clark

Wow!! Not recent at all...

Why did it take the family member nearly a year to report the incident to the police?


Has confinement issues..
It took me all of 20 minutes to drive to this bastards home and whip his ass with a pool stick...

It took six months to get charges brought against him and about a year to get him incarcerated. He recieved work release for 18 months...

It took so long for these recent charges to come about because, if the child in question is who I think it is.... THe child's mother is the one who lied to the police for him throughout my case and protected this bastard right to the very end and allowed him to stay in her home with her two kids AND two other kids she had custody of.