If I wanted to start a conspiracy discussion COVID-19 would be at the top.
Trump was beating up China on trade as well as pushing back on their control of the South China Sea.
Biden, Bloomberg and a number of wealthy DNC big money donors have significant ties / investments in China.
Impeachment is gone, Russian Collusion is not only gone but the evidence being released exonerates the Trump campaign and shows political abuse of the national Counter Intelligence apparatus to spy on US citizens simply to dig up dirt.. The evidence shows that Obama, Biden, Susan Rice, Sally Yates and James Comey all had the breifing from the intelligence agency heads that said there was no evidence the campaign was working with Russia. It also show that Obama wanted Trump to dump Flynn. The why is interesting.
So with all the dirt starting to blow back on the democrats, and China, what happens, a pandemic that leads to economy crashing.
How did George HW Bush lose to Bill Clinton after Desert Storm, well it was the economy stupid.
A slight downturn in the economy and he lost the election.
Let that all sink in, now look who the politicians are that want to save us from ourselves, want to keep it locked down?