HPEC Show today



It's great that you're smiling in all the pictures. Looks like you're really having fun!:yahoo:

She is always smiling and having a blast in all her pictures. I usually have a look on my face.


New Member
I would love to know about any shows that are going to do Jumper classes higher than 2'6 this fall/winter. Anyone know of any?


New Member
I've been doing Equilibrium, Frying Pan and Swan lake for the past couple of years honestly I am sick of driving so far I was hoping something would be in my back yard! Wishful thinking! :)


Ahhhh Florida!
I am so glad we had a good turn out!!! Thank you everyone for your support! It really means a lot to me. We will be having jumper classes 3ft...3'6...4 ft, if you want them and will support them. Just let me know. We are thinking of adding payback incentives for the jumpers. It was a learning experience this time for me setting up the jumper courses. Next time the jumpers should run more smoothly. Maybe I can find someone to loan me more jumper type poles in the future so we will not have a 1/2 jumper 1/2 hunter jump course. I am STILL tired and wiped out. I need 12 hours of sleep to catch up. Heaven's Garden, Canterlope, and Loveville leather were the sponsors and everything ran smoothly. :yahoo: I haven't gotten to check out the pictures yet, but I know I want some! We will do a better job next time of advertising our fabulous photographers, but I need your REAL names. PM me and tell me what you would like to say because as you witnessed at the show I am NOT good at adlibing (sp?). :lmao: Thanks to all of the volunteers and sponsors we really did have a fabulous schooling show. I am looking forward to next time. I heard there will be even more coming. I am thinking of a way to make the schooling time safer. Any suggestions would be considered!:howdy: You guys are the ones who help me make the decisions.:whistle::buddies:


New Member
We will be having jumper classes 3ft...3'6...4 ft, if you want them and will support them. Just let me know. We are thinking of adding payback incentives for the jumpers. It was a learning experience this time for me setting up the jumper courses. Next time the jumpers should run more smoothly.

If you run 3 ft and above I will be there and would bring 2 maybe even more students and could spread the word for you, If you dont really know the jumpers and you have any questions please feel free to ask away! Been doing it for years! Just somewhat local stuff now, Cant just up and go anymore with a hubby and kids! :)


Ahhhh Florida!
We will be having jumper classes 3ft...3'6...4 ft, if you want them and will support them. Just let me know. We are thinking of adding payback incentives for the jumpers. It was a learning experience this time for me setting up the jumper courses. Next time the jumpers should run more smoothly.

If you run 3 ft and above I will be there and would bring 2 maybe even more students and could spread the word for you, If you dont really know the jumpers and you have any questions please feel free to ask away! Been doing it for years! Just somewhat local stuff now, Cant just up and go anymore with a hubby and kids! :)

I used to do the jumpers when I was much younger, but I don't remember them having classes like "power and speed" and all the different divisions and rules. There was a really nice lady at the show that taught me a few things to make setting up easier. The changing the jump numbers and cones and making sure our timer people knew what they were doing was quite the process. I think it will go more smoothly next time! Please come on down. We would love to have you. I would love your help too. I am always learning!:yahoo::buddies: I think the jumpers will not start before 2 PM next time. I will put that on the new show bill. The show bill states 3 ft. but if you want higher I will personally raise them myself for you. We had a lot of great help.:howdy:


New Member
Hopefully everything will work out and I can come play! I have it in my book there is nothing else that day so we should be good to go. I have an eventing champ. the next day to compete at but I dont use the same horse so we should be fine. I am looking forward to it!