Hunter Biden


Well-Known Member


MTG looking like someone worked her over with a bat. Who is convincing all these rich and famous people that Botox looks good? Is it like the tide-pod challenge for the wealthy?


Well-Known Member
MTG looking like someone worked her over with a bat. Who is convincing all these rich and famous people that Botox looks good? Is it like the tide-pod challenge for the wealthy?

I don’t think it’s Botox. As my father used to say, “By gawd cap’n she fell out the ugly tree and hit every last branch on the way down.”

And there is a ~98% chance hoof foot masturbates to Hunter Biden porno.


PREMO Member
🔥 And suddenly. The Hill ran an evolving story yesterday headlined, “Comer, Jordan say House contempt resolution stands, despite Hunter Biden’s deposition reversal.

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After last week’s widely-publicized hearings voting to hold him in contempt for defying two Congressional subpoenas, Hunter’s lawyers suddenly and unexpectedly “reversed course” yesterday, and politely asked House Republicans for a third subpoena, saying this time Hunter will follow the rules and sit for a non-public deposition.

Why the shift? Hunter’s deposition antics have manufactured a thorny political problem. Republicans’ Hunter Narrative is about double standards of justice. If the House holds Hunter in contempt, and the DOJ refuses to do anything about it, it would pour high-octane gasoline into the Hunter Narrative tank. Either the DOJ would be forced to make an example of Hunter, or Grandma Garland would make Hunter even more of a poster-boy for “two tiers of justice” than he already is.

On the other hand, if the House doesn’t hold Hunter in contempt, because of democrat votes plus a couple squishy Republicans, it would also reinforce the Hunter Narrative. Reinforcing that narrative might be a better political result for Republicans than would even be Hunter’s deposition.

Liberal partisans don’t care, but sane people realize that if they ignored Congressional subpoenas, they’d end up buried deeper under the jail than a January 6th Capitol tourist. So there’s no good way forward.

That’s why Team Biden is now trying to play a ‘get out of jail free’ card marked, what’s the big deal? He’s always been willing to testify. Good luck.



PREMO Member

Hunter Biden’s ‘Art Dealer’ Called Joe Biden and Met With Him at the White House

Things keep looking worse for poor, embattled Hunter Biden.

We already knew that Hunter’s art customers were basically Biden donors, but according to new reports, Hunter’s art dealer called Joe Biden and even met with him at the White House.

The Biden White House claimed that there were all sorts of ethics measures in place to avoid the appearance of any corruption but it now looks like that was a total lie. Surprise!

Just the News reports:

Art dealer told Congress that Joe Biden called and met him while he sold Hunter Biden’s paintings
The art dealer who sold Hunter Biden’s paintings told Congress that President Joe Biden both called and met him at the White House as he was pitching Hunter’s artwork and that the first son also made an unusual request to be informed about who bought his pieces, according to testimony that directly undercuts the White House narrative on the sales.
The Biden White House repeatedly told the public that Hunter Biden’s art sales were covered by an ethics agreement to ensure they were arms-length and that the first family — Hunter included — was blinded to the identity of buyers.
But George Berges, owner of the prestigious Berges art galleries based in New York and Berlin that sold Hunter Biden’s painting from 2020 to 2023, told congressional impeachment investigators that the first son likely knew the identity of 70% of the buyers – the largest who were Democrat donors – and that Hunter Biden’s first contract made an unusual request when the relationship started.


PREMO Member

Hunter Biden Blames ‘Republican Extremists’ For Gun Prosecution By Biden Justice Department

Hunter Biden’s legal team is doubling down on its attempt to pin his federal gun prosecution on pressure from House Republicans and former President Donald Trump.

Biden’s attorneys filed a reply motion Tuesday in support of his claim that the Biden administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) is selectively prosecuting him for federal gun crimes committed in Delaware and therefore the case should be dismissed.

“That is, until Mr. Weiss was under pressure and heavy criticism from Republican extremists arose. In response to that outcry from former President Trump, extremist House Republicans and right-wing media looking to make Mr. Biden’s fate a political issue in the next presidential election, the prosecution blew up that deal and now has brought felony charges against Mr. Biden both here in Delaware and in California and is seeking a heavy prison sentence for charges the prosecution was willing to resolve for probation just months ago,” Biden’s lawyers wrote in the court filing.


Well-Known Member
MTG looking like someone worked her over with a bat. Who is convincing all these rich and famous people that Botox looks good? Is it like the tide-pod challenge for the wealthy?
LMAO!!! Who convinced YOU anyone gives a chit about the dumb chit you ponder?
You sound like tide pods are a part of your regular diet...


Well-Known Member
I don’t think it’s Botox. As my father used to say, “By gawd cap’n, your whore momma fell out the ugly tree and grabbed every last monopoly dollar on the way down.”

And there is a ~98% chance I still masturbate to everything Trump. God I wished I was Donald Trump!!!!


PREMO Member

BREAKING: Judge Denies Hunter Biden's Motions to Dismiss Tax Charges

On Wednesday, Hunter Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell, argued that the tax charges filed against his client in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California should be dismissed. Biden's legal team presented a total of eight different motions to dismiss. RedState's Managing Editor, Jennifer Van Laar, provided a rundown of that hearing.

A total of eight motions to dismiss were filed by the defense to be considered by US District Judge Mark Scarsi. They argue that the nine-count indictment should be dismissed because:
  • July 2023 Diversion Agreement is in effect, therefore giving Hunter Biden immunity
  • Special Counsel David Weiss was unlawfully appointed, and the prosecution violates the Appropriations Clause
  • Selective and Vindictive Prosecution and Breach of Separation of Powers
  • Due Process violations based on outrageous government conduct
  • Improper venue
  • Failure to state a claim and lack of specificity
Judge Mark Scarsi, the judge in the case, told both sides he’d make a ruling on the several petitions to dismiss by April 17.

Scarsi was quicker than anticipated. On Monday evening, he issued an 82-page Order denying all eight motions to dismiss. The full Order may be viewed below, but here are a few of the highlights.

On Biden's claim that he's immune pursuant to the Diversion Agreement:

Having found that the Diversion Agreement is a contract that binds the parties but that the parties made the Probation Officer’s signature a condition precedent to its performance, the Court turns to Defendant’s theory of immunity: that the United States’ obligation to refrain from prosecuting Defendant under section II(15) of the Diversion Agreement is currently in force. (Immunity Mot. 19–20.) It is not. The immunity provision is not one exempted from the term of the contract under the survival clause. (See Diversion Agreement §§ II(1), (15).) Thus, performance of the Government’s agreement not to prosecute Defendant is not yet due.
The Court understands that its decision rests on an interpretation of the agreement neither party advocated—that the Diversion Agreement is a binding contract but performance of its terms is not yet required. The Court, therefore, invites the parties to stipulate to further pretrial motion practice to the extent there are additional disputes that arise from the Court’s Schrödinger’s cat-esque construction of Defendant’s immunity under the Diversion Agreement.


PREMO Member

Bad News for Hunter Biden As Judge Denies Motions to Dismiss Delaware Gun Case

While the California case is set for trial on June 20, 2024, the Delaware case currently is set to begin trial on June 3, 2024, with a pre-trial conference now set for May 24, 2024.

In orders issued Friday afternoon (which may be viewed below), Noreika denied Biden's motions to dismiss on the basis of claimed immunity pursuant to the pretrial diversion agreement, selective and vindictive prosecution, and that Special Counsel David Weiss was appointed in violation of Department of Justice (DOJ) regulations.


PREMO Member

‘Nazi Piece of Sh*t!’ – Hunter Biden’s Wife Melissa Cohen FLIPS OUT on Former Trump Aide in Courthouse Blowup

Ziegler laughed at the allegations in a statement to far-left Politico.

“I nor the nonprofit, Marco Polo, have been served with any lawsuit — but the one I read this morning out of the Central District of California should embarrass Winston & Strawn LLP,” Ziegler wrote in an email to Politico. “It’s not worth the paper it’s written on. Apart from the numerous state and federal laws and regulations which protect authors like me and the publishing that Marco Polo does, it’s not lost on us that Joe’s son filed this SLAPP one day after an Impeachment inquiry into his father was announced.”

Melissa Cohen called Ziegler a ‘Nazi piece of sh*t!’ then walked away.

Ziegler did not respond.


PREMO Member
🔥 Here we go! The Daily Beast ran a story yesterday headlined, “Hunter’s Trial Reveals Trump’s Big Lie About Biden and Justice.” The inevitable excuses finally poured out of the DOJ’s crack vial, and we learned about Hunter’s awesome super power.

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X-MAN: Wait till you find out what his super power is

If there was any doubt about why Hunter was prosecuted on the flimsiest charge that could have been brought — the charge of failing to check the addiction box on his federal firearms form — rather than much more serious FARA violations, or bribery, or human trafficking, et cetera, all doubt has now been erased. Hunter’s trial is meant to reveal that no one is above the law:

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In fact, that was the very first point the government made in its opening statement, to make sure you dummies didn’t miss the point:

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See? Hunter is being prosecuted just like Trump. Therefore, we can all conclude that Trump’s persecution is also not political. In other words, Hunter is the democrat fall guy, polished up and propped up to prove the DOJ is a totally apolitical institution that blindly follows justice wherever it leads. Nevermind that Hunter isn’t running for any office, has never run for office, least of all being a current candidate, and nevermind that the DOJ’s magic shrink ray has already miniaturized his criminal charges.

Nevermind all that. Now it’s even Steven. I mean, even Hunter.

ABC ran its Hunter Trial update story yesterday afternoon, headlined “Hunter Biden gun trial: Defense lawyer says Hunter Biden's daughter could testify.” Most of the day was occupied with the prosecution’s first witness, FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen, who ran the Hunter investigation. A couple interesting developments emerged. First, prosecutors played Hunter’s biographic audiobook (helpfully, read by the author). In it, we learned that Hunter Biden has a heroic superpower:

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Give him a cape! What should his superhero costume look like?

Next, as you may recall, right before the last election, the government trotted out 51 spooks who swore that Hunter’s laptop was fake Russian disinformation, as Politico soberly informed us in 2020:

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But this time, right before this election, the government has now introduced the same disgusting device into evidence in federal court, as 100% legitimate:

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So, whose laptop is it? Hunter’s or Putin’s? Apparently, it’s Hunter’s laptop again.

To whom should Rudy Giuliani apply to get his good name back?



PREMO Member

Hunter Biden drops laptop lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani

Hunter Biden is dropping his lawsuit accusing Rudy Giuliani and the former New York City mayor’s ex-lawyer of manipulating data found on his infamous laptop.

Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell filed the stipulation for dismissal Thursday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York.

The attorney asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit against Giuliani and Robert Costello “without prejudice, with each party bearing its own attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses.”

Attorneys for all three parties have agreed to the stipulation, court documents show.

The lawsuit claimed that Giuliani, 80, and Costello violated the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act when they allegedly hacked and manipulated data on the abandoned laptop in a “total annihilation” of the disgraced first son’s “digital privacy.”


Fuking Luser .. know his lawsuit would LOSE after FBI Testimony in his conviction


PREMO Member

Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails

During the China leg of the trip, Biden attended multiple events with his dad, including a lunch that featured some of the most powerful CCP leaders in China. On Dec. 5, Jonathan Li, the business associate who Vice President Biden was introduced to, emailed Biden asking him how his China trip was going, prompting Biden to email later that day that everything "went very well."

"Do you know former Governor of Hong Kong- C.H. Troung (sp?)," Hunter asked. "He wants me to come to HK to visit to discuss business opportunities. He sat next to Dad at lunch w/ Premiere and implied we knew each other- but I don't remember him."

"Very good, I can go with you to find out what he can do for us," Li said to Hunter.

"Troung" refers to C.H. Tung, a former governor of Hong Kong and billionaire who served as the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) between 2005 and 2023, a former business associate of Biden confirmed to Fox News Digital. The CPPCC is the "key mechanism for multi-party cooperation and political consultation" under the leadership of the CCP, according to the CPPCC website.

In December 2013, Hunter Biden asked his business associates whether they knew C.H. Tung, or Tung Chee-hwa, a former governor of Hong Kong and billionaire who served as the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

In December 2013, Hunter Biden asked his business associates whether they knew C.H. Tung, or Tung Chee-hwa, a former governor of Hong Kong and billionaire who served as the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. (Fox News)
Fox News Digital could not confirm whether Biden took Tung up on his alleged offer to visit Hong Kong to discuss "business opportunities."

Biden’s email about Tung would not be the last time that his name was mentioned in his emails. In July 2014, James Bulger, who goes by "Jimmy," and served as the chairman of Boston-based Thornton Group LLC — a firm that joined forces with Hunter’s now-defunct Rosemont Seneca to launch its joint-venture with Chinese investment firm Bohai Capital to create BHR Partners— emailed Biden about introducing their Chinese business associates to Tung.

Mr. Tung

In July 2014, Hunter Biden said he would be "happy" to help introduce BHR CEO Jonathan Li and BHR committee person Andy Lu to "Mr. Tung," who refers to Tung Chee-hwa, the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference at the time. (Fox News)