Hunter Biden


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Hunter Biden Indicted on Felony Gun Charges

Two of the counts relate to allegations that Mr. Biden "knowingly made a false and fictitious written statement, intended and likely to deceive" a gun dealer when he sought to buy a firearm in October 2018.

He "provided a written statement on Form 4473 certifying he wasn't an unlawful user of, and addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance, when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious," the indictment reads.

The third count relates to his possession of a Colt Cobra 38PL revolver while using and being addicted to drugs which, like the other two counts, is in violation of sections of Title 18 of the U.S. Code.

The most serious of the charges—counts one and three—carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, a fine of $250,000, and three years of supervised release.


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Hunter Biden Sues Former Trump WH Staffer Over Infamous Laptop

After initially claiming the laptop that he was accused of abandoning at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019 was either hacked, stolen, or some form of Russian disinformation campaign to hinder his father’s 2020 presidential candidacy, Hunter Biden finally admitted in a sitdown interview with CBS that it “certainly” could have belonged to him.

Then, amid working out a plea deal for a criminal probe, Biden finally admitted that the laptop packed with scandalous content was, in fact, his, according to the New York Post.

Biden’s lawsuit against Trump’s former aide says that since leaving the White House in 2021, Ziegler “has devoted most of his waking time and energy to accessing, tampering with, manipulating, altering, copying and otherwise using” the material in question.

It also said that Ziegler made inflammatory statements weeks before attorneys for the president’s son filed the lawsuit.

“Within the last two weeks, Defendant Ziegler went so far as to declare on social media that efforts by Plaintiff to serve him with legal process in the future would met with violence: ‘If the US president’s son sends a proxy [i.e., a process server] to illegally trespass on my property I will blow their f***ing brains out,’” the suit notes.

Ziegler told POLITICO on Wednesday that Biden’s legal team had not yet served him the legal documents.

“I nor the nonprofit, Marco Polo, have been served with any lawsuit — but the one I read this morning out of the Central District of California should embarrass Winston & Strawn LLP,” he wrote in an email. “It’s not worth the paper it’s written on. Apart from the numerous state and federal laws and regulations which protect authors like me and the publishing that Marco Polo does, it’s not lost on us that Joe’s son filed this SLAPP one day after an Impeachment inquiry into his father was announced.”

Attorneys for Biden requested a jury trial based on the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and California’s Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act, according to the lawsuit.


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Notably, Biden's legal team also requested that Hunter be allowed to enter his not guilty plea remotely via video, claiming his United States Secret Service detail would be too disruptive to local residents.

We respectfully request that the Court hold Mr. Biden’s initial appearance in this matter by video conference. Neither party would be prejudiced by doing so, and the financial impact on government resources and the logistical burden on the downtown area of Wilmington are significant in having him travel across the country for what should be a rather short proceeding.
Mr. Biden also seeks this procedure to minimize an unnecessary burden on government resources and the disruption to the courthouse and downtown areas when a person protected by the Secret Service flies across the country and then must be transported to and from a downtown location. Without getting into specifics, numerous agents and vehicles are required for what would have to be a two-day event (for a proceeding that may be very short in duration). This includes agents and vehicles in California and in Delaware, as well as agents who must travel with him on the plane. In addition, as the Court is aware of from the last appearance, security also requires shutting down local roadways in downtown Wilmington, advance coordination with local law enforcement and the U.S. Marshals Service, and several other logistical challenges.

Such consideration did not, of course, allow former President Donald Trump — who has a larger Secret Service detail — to appear virtually to enter his not guilty pleas in the four cases against him. Instead, he was still paraded in front of cameras and made to appear in-person at judicial facilities in Miami, D.C., Fulton County, and New York City. If the Secret Service and local authorities in a handful of America's major cities — including its largest — can make those appearances work, they'll have no problem getting Hunter on a plane to Delaware and then to a courthouse in Wilmington, population 71,000.

Still, according to Hunter's lawyers, "Mr. Biden is not seeking any special treatment in making this request."

Apparently, almost skating on the federal firearms charges with barely a slap on the wrist in addition to a bare minimum penalty as part of a sweetheart deal on tax code infractions was not enough special treatment to quench Hunter Biden's desire to enjoy the better of the two-tiers of justice his last name has allowed him so far.



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Coming full circle: Subpoena demands FBI return Hunter Biden laptop to Delaware repair shop owner

Lawyers for Delaware computer shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac this week subpoenaed America’s most famous law enforcement agency, demanding the bureau return the laptop, an associated hard drive and other data that it seized from him in December 2019, according to a copy of the subpoena obtained by Just the News.

The subpoena, dated Sept. 25, from the Superior Court of Delaware says Mac Isaac needs the device as evidence in his lawsuit against CNN, Politico and Hunter Biden alleging he has been defamed.

Specifically, the evidence demand requests the return of “Apple MacBook Pro Laptop Computer (“MacBook”); Serial Number FVFXC2MMHV29 obtained from John Paul Mac Isaac via grand jury subpoena on December 9, 2019” as well as “Western Digital (external hard drive) (“External Hard Drive”); Serial Number WX21A19ATFF3 obtained from John Paul Mac Isaac via grand jury subpoena on December 9, 2019.”


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Hunter Biden Is So Used To Being Above The Law, He’s Citing A Rejected Plea Deal To Claim ‘Immunity’

It’s important to note that Weiss intentionally postponed an inquiry into Hunter’s allegedly criminal activities because he believed it would hamper then-candidate Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential aspirations.

In their Thursday court filing, Abbe Lowell and Richard Jones Jr., Hunter’s attorneys, said that they “will seek to dismiss” the felony gun charges against their client “pursuant to the immunity provisions” of a diversion agreement agreed to by both parties earlier this summer, which Lowell and Jones argue grants Hunter immunity from such charges. That agreement came alongside a separate set of indictments filed against Hunter by Weiss in June, which included two misdemeanor tax charges and a felony charge for possessing a firearm while being an unlawful drug user and addict.

As The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd reported, this “carefully orchestrated” sweetheart deal concocted by the DOJ and Hunter’s legal team “meant the younger Biden would only face probation — not jail time — for the two misdemeanor tax charges he planned to plead guilty to.” Meanwhile, the federal government “planned to drop the original felony gun charge as long as Hunter pledged to forsake his drug-plagued lifestyle for 24 months and never own a gun again.”


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Hunter Biden associate Patrick Ho schemed to evade Iran sanctions, secure arms deal, court files say

Hunter Biden was paid $1 million by Chinese energy tycoon Ye Jianming to represent his deputy Patrick Ho, who was later convicted of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act and money laundering, was also accused in the trial of conspiring to evade U.S. sanctions on Iran and of helping to broker illicit arms deals with Arab countries while he was funded by Ye’s energy company.

Patrick Ho was arrested in November 2017 at New York’s JFK Airport two days after charges were filed against him in a sealed complaint. Ho was eventually convicted of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act, money laundering, and conspiracy to commit the same in late 2018. In a press release after the conviction, the Department of Justice detailed two wide-ranging schemes by Ho to bribe African officials in Chad and Uganda to secure business advantages for the CEFC China Energy—Ye Jianming’s energy conglomerate.

One of the first phone calls that Ho placed after his arrest was to James Biden—Joe Biden's brother—who believed that Ho was trying to get in contact with his nephew, Hunter.

As the New York Post reported, before Ho’s arrest and trial, Hunter Biden signed on as “Counsel to matters related to US law and advice pertaining to the hiring and legal analysis of any US Law Firm or Lawyer” in September 2017, according to an attorney engagement letter obtained by the Post. Hunter Biden was wired $1 million for “Dr Patrick Ho Chi Ping Representation” according to once-confidential documents obtained by the U.S. Senate Committees on Homeland Security and Finance and described in a report published in 2020.


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Before that, we learned that Hunter Biden tag-teamed with his dad to turn official vice presidential visits into a personal shake-down machine, according to the House Oversight Committee. To wit:

1) Romania: On September 28, 2015, Vice President Biden welcomed Romanian President Klaus Iohannis to the White House. Within five weeks of this meeting, a Romanian businessman involved with a high-profile corruption prosecution in Romania, Gabriel Popoviciu, began depositing a Biden associate’s bank account… The total amount from Romania to the Biden family and their associates is over $3 million.
2) China- CEFC: On March 1, 2017—less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office—State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to a Biden associate’s account. …The total amount from China, specifically with CEFC and their related entities, to the Biden family and their associates is over $8 million.
3) China- Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. (BHR): More information will be provided in our upcoming Fourth Bank Memorandum.
4) Kazakhstan: On April 22, 2014, Kenes Rakishev, a Kazakhstani oligarch used his Singaporean entity, Novatus Holdings, to wire one of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca entities $142,300. The very next day—April 23, 2014—the Rosemont Seneca entity transferred the exact same amount of money to a car dealership for a car for Hunter Biden.
5) Ukraine: Devon Archer joined the Burisma board of directors in spring of 2014 and was joined by Hunter Biden shortly thereafter. Hunter Biden joined the company as counsel, but after a meeting with Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky in Lake Como, Italy, was elevated to the board of directors in the spring of 2014. Both Biden and Archer were each paid $1 million per year for their positions on the board of directors. …The total amount from Ukraine to the Biden family and their associates is $6.5 million.
6) Russia: On February 14, 2014, a Russian oligarch and Russia’s richest woman, Yelena Baturina, wired a Rosemont Seneca entity $3.5 million. …The total amount from Russia to the Biden family and their associates is $3.5 million. [Emphasis added]

And then Hunter was brought up only on gun charges.



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Hunter Biden Billed for Mystery International Phone Line During Family’s Dealings with CEFC

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer alleges Joe Biden received two checks as “loan repayments” from his brother, totaling $240,000 dollars from 2017 to 2018. Comer, along with several lawmakers, has accused the Biden family of “laundering” money.

Hunter received nine emails from AT&T over a three-year span about a phone number linked to Joe Biden that ends in 3535, according to emails uncovered by not-for-profit Marco Polo.

The international phone calls were revealed in an AT&T email sent to Hunter’s business account on February 18, 2018:

Courtesy Message – We just want to let you know that you have exceeded $300.00 in international data overage charges. Your data service may be interrupted if usage continues.

Hunter Biden told an associate via email on August 31, 2018, that the number was his father’s. The email cc’d Joe Biden’s “Robin Ware” email, Joe Biden’s fourth email alias that Breitbart reported in September: “Please have them call my dad ******3535?regarding getting to the North Shores house , apologize profusely for me I thought Hallie was joking- seriously that she wasn’t going to help. I’m in CA.”

Peter Schweizer, Government Accountability Institute president, said in May that he conveyed a phone number linked to Joe Biden to the House Oversight Committee. He said Hunter Biden paid for the number.


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Hunter Biden prosecutor sought special charging status in 2022 but didn't get it, Jim Jordan says

"He said Weiss maintains: I would have always been able to get it if I had to ask for it. But then his answer was: I asked for it and wasn't given it," Jordan said at an impromptu news conference in the House O'Neill building after finishing the interview with Weiss.

The whistleblowers told Congress earlier this year that Weiss told them at an October 2022 meeting with prosecutors that he sought "special counsel" authority to charge Hunter Biden with tax evasion charges in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles and was turned down.

Weiss subsequently wrote letters to Congress suggesting the agents were mistaken and that he always had the power to bring charges anywhere he wanted.

He recently was named a full special counsel in October, but not until the statute of limitations on serious felony tax charges against Hunter Biden had expired.


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Top Hunter Biden Prosecutor David Weiss Confirms Biden Appointees Declined To Partner On The Case

Weiss testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Nov. 7 and described how Biden-appointed U.S. Attorneys Matthew Graves of the District of Columbia and E. Martin Estrada of the Central District of California rejected his requests to partner on the Hunter Biden case, according to a transcript reviewed by the Daily Caller.

Weiss recalled reaching out to Graves in early March 2022 about partnering on the Hunter Biden case. The two had a five to 10 minute call about the investigation where Weiss briefed Graves.

“I had never met or spoken with Mr. Graves before. I explained the situation. I talked a little bit about the investigation, some of the background of the investigation,” Weiss said of the call, according to a transcript reviewed by the Daily Caller.

“He was — you know, he was receptive. Like I said, we agreed that my criminal chief, I think, would reach out to his, and we would move forward,” Weiss added after a follow up question.

Weiss described how his team and Graves’ team had a meeting and Graves’ office made the decision not to partner on the case.


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Drug Addict Hunter Biden Lashes Out At GOP: They’re ‘Very Sick People’ Who Are ‘Trying To Kill Me’

“And so I realized that, that it’s not about me,” he continued. “And then the second thing that I realize is that these people are just sad, very, very sick people that have most likely just faced traumas in their lives, that they’ve decided that they are going to turn into an evil that they decide that they’re going to inflict on the rest of the world.”

Hunter Biden also attacked X owner Elon Musk, claiming that he was a “very damaged human being” and that he was “the dumbest smart person I think that the world has ever known.”

“Elon Musk doesn’t care about the g*****n First Amendment,” he lashed out. “He doesn’t care about anybody but himself. And so all of this idea that he’s a champion for the First Amendment and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Elon Musk doesn’t care about democracy. Elon Musk doesn’t care about our freedom to vote. He doesn’t care about that. Is there any time that you’ve ever saw anything from him that has any rational defense of democracy of what we’ve created here as Americans as his adopted country?”


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“His lawyer said that if his name was anything other than Biden, the charges would not have been brought,” Welker said. “What’s your reaction to that?”

Romney responded, “Well, if his name were anything other than Biden, he wouldn’t have been able to bilk millions of dollars from foreign entities, so let’s start there.”

“And not only did he take all this money from foreign entities, trading on his father’s name, which is ugly and unsavory, he then didn’t pay taxes on it, according to the prosecutors,” he continued. “We’ll see if they can prove that case. But if they can, he violated U.S. law and should be severely punished for having done so.”



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“But did he file a false return? I’m ending where I started. It’s a yes or no,” Brzezinski asked.

“It’s not a yes or no because you want to drill –” Lowell said.

“It’s not?” Brzezinski shot back.

“No, of course it’s not. In order to file a false return that’s actionable the following things depending on the statue has to occur, it has to be willful, it has to be deliberate, it has to be knowing, it has to be in a year in which there is a tax deficiency. I will point out for now that in California, the serious charges they filed are in 2018. I don’t think the government will be able to prove in any way that Hunter owed taxes in that year. So you can’t ask a yes-or-no question on a complex area of law. What you can say is Hunter was late in filing and paying taxes in certain years. That is a given as are millions and millions of Americans who do the same thing. are not then confronted with a 56-page, nine-count indictment.”



Hunter reading a script. He sounds like a little weasel.

Do we know if he actually stuck around for the hearing?
I have been a bit busy today and was confused on that?



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Hunter’s Troll-tastic Press Conference Was a Major Strategic Blunder

Hunter delivered his statement at a D.C. press conference that no one asked for, making for a content bonanza for his defenders and skeptics alike. The optics were entertainingly discordant with Hunter’s reputation. He wore a drab suit; the news-reading public has become accustomed to seeing him in various stages of undress. He acted as though he has nothing to hide even though the whole point of the speech was to, for all intents and purposes, inform congressional investigators that they should **** off. He acted as though he’s victim of a political witch hunt – even though he’s already facing several other federal charges and criminal indictments.

The most absurd moment of the presser (there was stiff competition for this title), was when the first son moaned about how “MAGA Republicans” impugned his character. We all must have hallucinated the story from just last week where we learned that Hunter spent $872,000 on hookers, porn, and sex clubs in a four-year period instead of paying his taxes or child support.

“Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not financially involved in my business,” Hunter said, slyly.

“My father was not financially involved in my business.”

He is speaking in code. If you read between the lines, those words suggest that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business but maybe wasn’t paid directly. Through some crafty wordsmithing, Hunter is trying to skate by on a technicality. In reality, that statement is devoid of meaning. After all, Devon Archer’s testimony and WhatsApp messages from an IRS whistleblower substantiate what we all can see with our own two eyes: Joe Biden was an integral part of Hunter Biden’s business model.

While Hunter was making $1 million a year from Burisma, Joe got the prosecutor investigating the Ukrainian energy company fired. Joe refused to put Hunter’s Russian oligarch business associates on his expanding sanctions list. At the exact moment Hunter was acquiring an equity stake in a company controlled by the Bank of China, Joe negotiated a deal to benefit the Bank of China.

So, who is Hunter the Innocent kidding?

No one, actually. He’s not even kidding himself or the pro-Biden establishment media.

He’s trolling.


So, legally speaking, Hunter calling a press conference, demanding a public hearing where Democrats can grandstand, and then skipping out on his subpoena seems like a fairly sound strategy. So long as he’s not testifying or cooperating, he can’t incriminate Joe, and that’s a win for them.


Yet, his in-your-face defiance strategy could prove to be a major political blunder for Team Biden. It was a double-dog-dare to Republicans who have been lukewarm to an impeachment inquiry to get on board.

I believe it will finally bring many of the remaining holdouts around to a more robust investigation into the president.

An impeachment inquiry is no pro-forma thing. It will lead to Congress getting access to telephone logs, minutes of meetings, and other documentation that the White House will not be able to hide.

Ultimately, impeachment is a political act. The more people know the truth about the Biden crime family, the less likely they are to vote for Joe’s reelection. A post-2020 election survey conducted by the Media Research Center revealed as much, and recent data supports that conclusion as well. A recent Harvard Harris poll showed that most voters support an impeachment inquiry, and a Yahoo/YouGov survey showed a majority believe President Joe committed a crime with Hunter.

This points to a clear political strategy for the conservative movement: show the world how corrupt the Bidens truly are, and you’ll be rewarded at the ballot box.

Hunter’s choice to not cooperate and instead stage a public airing of grievances against his father’s political opponents only made him seem shadier.

The same goes for the loving father who has always protected Hunter – and will eventually set him free.


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