Hurrah! I Have Arrived!


New Member
welcome home cant have my spot on black friday shopping day at walmart ok?:) jk since your new here you can have this year


New Member
vraiblonde said:
So, have you seen Touchdown Jesus yet?
I can see him from my front door. Very inspirational when you've had a tough day at work and he welcomes you home with a "TOUCHDOWN!"

Glad you made is safely, Kris. And welcome.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Well, in the coming weeks I will have a BBQ ( I make the most awesomest brisket) and we will make a pilgrimage :yay:

(Jesus is practically next door to me)

Really? My neighbor in Houston made a great brisket. I have missed Texas food since moving here last month. How long do you smoke yours for?


Set Trippin
Vince said:
Welcome Kris and don't forget your complimentary copy of the somd dictionary.

asshat: A person whose behavior displays such ignorance/obnoxiousness that you would like to make them wear their own ass as a hat. short for mainman


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
greyhound said:
I've lived in So. Md. all my life and I have never seen "Touchdown Jesus".
St. Mary's? Because there's no reason you'd have seen TDJ if you're in Calvert or Charles. He's not exactly a tourist attraction.



New Member
vraiblonde said:
St. Mary's? Because there's no reason you'd have seen TDJ if you're in Calvert or Charles. He's not exactly a tourist attraction.


General location? I shop in St. Mary's, no place to shop in Calvert.


I am so very blessed
greyhound said:
I've lived in So. Md. all my life and I have never seen "Touchdown Jesus".
You should be ashamed of yourself. Here you go calling yourself a SoMD resident, and yet you've not paid attention to TDJ. :nono: should re-think your county residency status.


New Member
BadGirl said:
You should be ashamed of yourself. Here you go calling yourself a SoMD resident, and yet you've not paid attention to TDJ. :nono: should re-think your county residency status.

I have lived a sheltered life?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BadGirl said: should re-think your county residency status.
She's Calvert. A foreigner.

Don't tell her where TDJ is or she'll get a militia together and make a raid.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
She's Calvert. A foreigner.

Don't tell her where TDJ is or she'll get a militia together and make a raid.

My Greatgradmother was from St. Mary's...she just came across the bridge to Solomons to get married. My Aunt lives in Ridge.

I still don't qualify for information? My whole family was born and raised in So. Md. (except for my grandfather who was born in Chile).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
greyhound said:
I still don't qualify for information?
Okay, but I'll have to whisper it. Lean in:

It's on Chancellor's Run Rd, on the left as you're heading toward Great Mills Rd, in the cemetary right past St. George's Hundred. Be quiet when you go visit him because the residents are sleeping.


NOT Politically Correct!!
greyhound said:
My Greatgradmother was from St. Mary's...she just came across the bridge to Solomons to get married. My Aunt lives in Ridge.

I still don't qualify for information? My whole family was born and raised in So. Md. (except for my grandfather who was born in Chile).

My Greatgradmother = :killingme


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, but I'll have to whisper it. Lean in:

It's on Chancellor's Run Rd, on the left as you're heading toward Great Mills Rd, in the cemetary right past St. George's Hundred. Be quiet when you go visit him because the residents are sleeping.

I promise not to tell anyone. :yay: