Hurrah! I Have Arrived!


Soul Probe
vraiblonde said:
OMG, poor Kris!

So, have you seen Touchdown Jesus yet?

I grew up by Touchdown Jesus! He and his "friends" partied with me and my friends every year on Mischief Night. :biggrin:

Kris, welcome to SoMD! :howdy:


So I asked my parents about "Touchdown Jesus" and they have no clue either... they've been living here in St. Mary's County since 2004.

I shall have to go check him out... once I figure out my way around here. I've managed to find the Hole in the Wall and the College of Southern Maryland by myself thus far.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
kris31280 said:
So I asked my parents about "Touchdown Jesus" and they have no clue either... they've been living here in St. Mary's County since 2004.

Hey me neither, and I've been in St Mary's a little longer, and Southern Maryland for about 12 years. And I've seen the one at Notre Dame.

I'll have to look next time.


Lem Putt
I'll be driving past touchdown Jesus in about 30 minutes on my way to the dentist. I'll make sure to wave for all of you who aren't fortunate to receive his blessing today!


New Member
Stuffed Ham: A corned ham (not must be corned) that has been scored and the scorings stuffed with a mixture of cabbage, kale, onion, red pepper, and what ever else the individual cook sees fit. It can either be mild or so spicy it'll burn your nose hairs out. If you're at a party and you see a platter of very pale sliced ham with green stuff all over it, that's stuffed ham.

Oh dear jesus that sounds foul.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
elaine said:

I 'bout puked when I tried it.

Wow! I'm sorry to hear that. Do you like greens? If not, I can see your disgust. I like to add a little turnip greens to mine. It adds a whole new dimension to the flavor.



professional daydreamer
PrchJrkr said:
Wow! I'm sorry to hear that. Do you like greens? If not, I can see your disgust. I like to add a little turnip greens to mine. It adds a whole new dimension to the flavor.


I think every time I've tried it, it has been made with kale. I don't think that's what I didn't like about it, though. I do like greens, but there's something more sinister than that lurking inside those things.


Well-Known Member
elaine said:
but there's something more sinister than that lurking inside those things.

Could it be the fact that they are cooked wrapped in T-shirts :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Vince said:
:smack: They are not. Cheesecloth.

Oh contraire my friend. The proper way is in fact "cheesecloth", but many use T-shirts has a subsitute.

Of course, they're clean, just a :neener: for you E! :kiss: