Hurrah! I Have Arrived!


professional daydreamer
Airgasm said:
Oh contraire my friend. The proper way is in fact "cheesecloth", but many use T-shirts has a subsitute.

Of course, they're clean, just a :neener: for you E! :kiss:

Doesn't matter. They're still nasty.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
elaine said:
I think every time I've tried it, it has been made with kale. I don't think that's what I didn't like about it, though. I do like greens, but there's something more sinister than that lurking inside those things.

stuffed ham=sinister? Well, I never would have equated those words :lmao:
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Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Welcome Kris! :howdy:

BTW, the first quote in your signature is based on the Lacanian Principle, "Be careful what you wish for, not that you won't get it; you'll be doomed not to want it once you do." :yay:

Enjoy Maryland! :dance:


professional daydreamer
Dye Tied said:
stuffed ham=sinister? Well, I never what have equated those words :lmao:

Anything that tastes that nasty has to come straight from the bowels of hell.


Well-Known Member
Dye Tied said:
stuffed ham=sinister? Well, I never what have equated those words :lmao:

:howdy: When I see your AV, visions of Ruth Buzzy, Goldie Hahn, and Artie Johnson start running through my head!

"Very Interesting, but Stupid"

"Say Good-Night Dick"


professional daydreamer
BadGirl said:
I bet you don't like stuffed pig belly, either. :shocked:

I've never even heard of it, but I'm sure I don't need to try it. You somd'ers eat some weird food.


New Member
Welcome Kris, I hope you enjoy your time here in Southern Maryland, and if you are here to stay, glad to have you!


Soul Probe
Airgasm said:
Oh contraire my friend. The proper way is in fact "cheesecloth", but many use T-shirts has a subsitute.

Of course, they're clean, just a :neener: for you E! :kiss:

Or a freshly washed and ironed (and therefore supposedly sterile) pillowcase.


smcop said:
Welcome Kris, I hope you enjoy your time here in Southern Maryland, and if you are here to stay, glad to have you!

Well I hope it's to stay.... I HATE HATE HATE HATE moving... and I'm not lookin' to move back to Minnesota any time soon!

Besides, I just went and took my college placement test today, met the enrollment guy, and on Saturday I have my orientation at 9 am which finds me registering for classes.

So I'm here for at least the next 4 years....


New Member
kris31280 said:
Well I hope it's to stay.... I HATE HATE HATE HATE moving... and I'm not lookin' to move back to Minnesota any time soon!

Besides, I just went and took my college placement test today, met the enrollment guy, and on Saturday I have my orientation at 9 am which finds me registering for classes.

So I'm here for at least the next 4 years....
I thought CSM was a 2 year community college. :shrug:


slotted said:
I thought CSM was a 2 year community college. :shrug:
It is, however they offer 4 year programs which transfer to local area colleges and I happen to be enrolled in one of those programs. It's when I go to law school that I'll have to figure out where I'm staying... if it's here or if it's somewhere else in the united states.


Stretch's Mom
kris31280 said:
So I'm here for at least the next 4 years....

Congratulations on enrolling in college and WELCOME Kris! :) When you finish law school, you may find that some of us forumites may be enough to keep you very busy.


Gwendolyn said:
Stuffed Ham: A corned ham (not must be corned) that has been scored and the scorings stuffed with a mixture of cabbage, kale, onion, red pepper, and what ever else the individual cook sees fit. It can either be mild or so spicy it'll burn your nose hairs out. If you're at a party and you see a platter of very pale sliced ham with green stuff all over it, that's stuffed ham.

Oh dear jesus that sounds foul.
See and I think it sounds really tasty... almost like having a new england boiled dinner in one dish.