In a city below sea level? That has got to be the worst advice ever.NOLA mayor said to shelter in place, my ass would have been on I-10 east yesterday.
I'm waiting for Kanye to go on TV and say that biden* doesn't like black people when this is all over.Well, I hope Louis Farrakhan can get to the bottom of just who is torpedoing the levees at N.O. causing severe flooding!!
Is Nagin still around? Can they get assurance women wont be raped in the Dome home?
Remember during Katrina, Louie said Bush ordered subs to torpedo the levees, allowing flooding to kill black people?? Turns out that may have been bad information!!! Go Figure!!
I think Old Joe was trying to say "and boy does he know Louisiana well." But his halting speech and uncertainty of what he even wants to say sure makes for some hilarious sound bites.
What flavor?Joe is an intended joke that was fraudulently elected. That aside, I was born and raised in NOLA, grad from LSU, and then moved to Mobile AL, and Marietta GA. Been through many a hurricane, I thought I was out of the hurricane/political “cone“ when I moved to MD. Pun intended.
My cell phone has blared two warnings for this area so far but the Radar looks like most of it is to the north of Mechanicsville.Tornado Warnings for Annapolis and just north of Baltimore. Spin-offs from Ida.