

New Member
I am scheduled to have a partial total hysterectomy next week and I am getting very nervous. Can anyone give me any ideas of what to expect recovery wise. I am having my cervix and uterus removed, ovaries are staying. Any info anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. TIA
I am scheduled to have a partial total hysterectomy next week and I am getting very nervous. Can anyone give me any ideas of what to expect recovery wise. I am having my cervix and uterus removed, ovaries are staying. Any info anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. TIA
Are you having laproscopic?
My mother had laproscopic surgery to have hers removed and she was up walking and feeling good the very next day. That being said, she did not heed the doctor's orders about taking it easy for the next few weeks and she ended up paying for it in the long run by being proverbally knocked on her arse when it caught up with her. If you follow the recovery orders, you should feel and do just fine.


Soul Probe
I am scheduled to have a partial total hysterectomy next week and I am getting very nervous. Can anyone give me any ideas of what to expect recovery wise. I am having my cervix and uterus removed, ovaries are staying. Any info anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. TIA

I honestly don't recall my actual recovery time but if it's done laparoscopically it shouldn't keep you down for long, maybe a week, it all depends on how fast you heal normally and everyone is different. Also make sure you don't do too much while on the pain meds even if you feel like it, as they can deceive you making you feel fine when you aren't ready for physical activity yet -- like Kwillia said regarding her mother, it will catch up to you later.
I am scheduled to have a partial total hysterectomy next week and I am getting very nervous. Can anyone give me any ideas of what to expect recovery wise. I am having my cervix and uterus removed, ovaries are staying. Any info anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. TIA

PM Sux2b44, she had it done and it was the best thing she could have done... she drug her feet for years. After having it done she was kicking herself in the tail for not having it done sooner.


New Member
Are you having laproscopic?
My mother had laproscopic surgery to have hers removed and she was up walking and feeling good the very next day. That being said, she did not heed the doctor's orders about taking it easy for the next few weeks and she ended up paying for it in the long run by being proverbally knocked on her arse when it caught up with her. If you follow the recovery orders, you should feel and do just fine.

Not quite sure yet how they are going to do it, he said he won;t be able to make that call until he gets in there. They did however tell me that even if I am feeling great that I still need to strictly follow doctors orders! Thanks for the info.


New Member
How can you have a partial total? Wouldn't it be one or the other?

That was the first question I had and he told me that it is considered a partial total as opposed to a full total???? Doesn't really make sense to me either!


My Sweetest Boy
I am scheduled to have a partial total hysterectomy next week and I am getting very nervous. Can anyone give me any ideas of what to expect recovery wise. I am having my cervix and uterus removed, ovaries are staying. Any info anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated. TIA

I had a total (uterus and cervix) hysterectomy done at Hopkins 18 years ago. Best thing I ever did. My doctor, Neil Rosenshein, was one of the few who was doing the operation lapraoscopicly. He's now the head of the women's center at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore. I had an epidural and a very light general anesthesia, so I woke up very quickly but was fairly pain free. The day after surgery was the worst for pain but it wasn't horrible pain.

I felt great but was tired for the first week. After that, it was hard to remember that you had major surgery and that you really needed to rest and not over do it. I did go back to work after about 3 1/2 weeks.

Good luck.


New Member
I had a total (uterus and cervix) hysterectomy done at Hopkins 18 years ago. Best thing I ever did. My doctor, Neil Rosenshein, was one of the few who was doing the operation lapraoscopicly. He's now the head of the women's center at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore. I had an epidural and a very light general anesthesia, so I woke up very quickly but was fairly pain free. The day after surgery was the worst for pain but it wasn't horrible pain.

I felt great but was tired for the first week. After that, it was hard to remember that you had major surgery and that you really needed to rest and not over do it. I did go back to work after about 3 1/2 weeks.

Good luck.

Thanks! I am just worried about the recovery and the pain, I don't do well with pain!!!! I also have 3 children, age 8, 5 and 22 months. My husband is in the Coast Guard and is gone alot, however he will be home the first week and then I have alot of help after that! Sounds like if I just take it easy and follow Doctor's orders, everything should come out o.k. I am having mine done at Calvert by Dr. Naini.


My Sweetest Boy
Thanks! I am just worried about the recovery and the pain, I don't do well with pain!!!! I also have 3 children, age 8, 5 and 22 months. My husband is in the Coast Guard and is gone alot, however he will be home the first week and then I have alot of help after that! Sounds like if I just take it easy and follow Doctor's orders, everything should come out o.k. I am having mine done at Calvert by Dr. Naini.

Your recovery is going to depend on the type of surgery. If you have to have an incision, your recovery is likely to be longer.
I had a total hysterectomy about 18 years ago. A "total" is the removal of the uterus and cervix. Oophorectomy is the removal of the ovaries.
I get that a total is getting everything removed. What I don't get is how it can be both a partial and a total? Sounds like an either/or to me. Either they remove everything or they don't.

But that's enough of me in this thread. Buhbye...


My Sweetest Boy
I get that a total is getting everything removed. What I don't get is how it can be both a partial and a total? Sounds like an either/or to me. Either they remove everything or they don't.

She made a boo-boo. And since you don't have any of those parts, you should take your :gossip: and go play in the sports forums. :lol: :neener:


Sweet and Innocent
It is alot like c-section surgery. Rest and take it easy. Follow the doctor order or you will be in it for a long runs if you don't take care of yourself and following the doctor order.

If you don't have anyone to stay with you, ask a friend to stay with you. A friend will be very happy to help if you ask for help. I know it is hard to ask for help, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
It is alot like c-section surgery. Rest and take it easy. Follow the doctor order or you will be in it for a long runs if you don't take care of yourself and following the doctor order.

If you don't have anyone to stay with you, ask a friend to stay with you. A friend will be very happy to help if you ask for help. I know it is hard to ask for help, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I do know when sux had hers done (vaginally assisted lapariscopic) she was up and walking that night, went home the next day. I stayed home with her for the first 3 days, but after 2 she was up getting her own drinks if needed.

The recovery time was 2-3 weeks vice 6-8 weeks... I want to say after 2 weeks she was feeling pretty damn good. She was not out kicking field goals after 3 weeks, but was back to a normal routing... I also want to say after 6-8 weeks she was completely normal.

Good luck CGWife, you will be fine. :flowers:


Thanks! I am just worried about the recovery and the pain, I don't do well with pain!!!! I also have 3 children, age 8, 5 and 22 months. My husband is in the Coast Guard and is gone alot, however he will be home the first week and then I have alot of help after that! Sounds like if I just take it easy and follow Doctor's orders, everything should come out o.k. I am having mine done at Calvert by Dr. Naini.

My kids were older when I had mine call in all favors for the 2nd week don't lift the little ones and take it easy I was cut hip bone to hip bone but it was still the best thing I ever did

And once recovery is over the good stuff is even better