Dear Cheatums:
Since yr apparently a reasonably skilled liar, why mess up a good thing now? Who knows? might find out bf #2 is a bipolar axe-murderer..or even worse, is nhboy. Best to keep your options open.
Yr welcome.![]()

Dear Cheatums:
Since yr apparently a reasonably skilled liar, why mess up a good thing now? Who knows? might find out bf #2 is a bipolar axe-murderer..or even worse, is nhboy. Best to keep your options open.
Yr welcome.![]()
I was cheated on while on deployment. As bad as it was I am actually glad she didn't spring it on me until I was back home. Who needs that stress while you are thousands of miles away and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it but sit and stew?
100% agree. As crappy as this chick is...I hope she has enough love for this guy that she waits until he is back on U.S soil. He can loose focus on mission thinking about her dumbass cheating ways. I hope this new guy cheats on her. What comes around, goes around.
I agree that she should wait to tell him. I have watched someone I care for very deeply go through something similar and have seen what it can do to their head.
A friend of mine from my early 20's is on his 3rd round in the middle east. Haven't seen him since I was pregnant with #1, so probably around 11 years. He's in the Army and once he moved away from the area we haven't seen each other. We've maintained casual contact via email throughout the years. Early last summer biatch ass wife decides that she can't take it and leaves him while he's in Iraq. He's got a very loving and supportive family and a healthy amount of friends but that doesn't replace the intimate relationship you have with a significant other. Our conversations went from very friendly to him looking to me to fill that void. He's a strong smart guy but it's hard going from being in an awful place being with someone to all the sudden being in a miserable situation and feeling alone. He's making all kinda of plans about us "being together" when he gets home. I haven't seen him in over 10 years, he'll be at Ft. Bragg and then FL, and it's just not his personality to be so flighty. He's hurt and alone and looking to fill the void. I believe if she'd had the decency to wait he wouldn't be wrapping his head around something so unrealistic with me. The moral of the story is the whore in the OP should definitely wait till he comes back, no matter how strong someone is they're already in a jacked up situation and they shouldn't have to be preoccupied with a crappy personal life when they're already physically and emotionally drained.
So your friend is trying to have you fill that SO role for him. From what you wrote it sounds like you are not interested in him that way. Did you tell him this from the start once you noticed his attempt to fill that void with you? Or are you just trying to be there for him now and will tell him when he completes his current tour?
It sounds like a very delicate situation. It's not fair to you or him. And in the end he loses either way.I agree that his ex-wife is a biotch for putting him threw this.
Some of you are rather harsh on this girl. She is only a girlfriend. If this was some sort of serious relationship – she’d be his fiancée or a wife – but she is just a girlfriend.
If she sucks at being separated for periods of time now as a girlfriend, she is not going to do well as a wife or mother with children while he is away. She needs to do him a favor – cut him free and move on.
When we would return from regular 80, 90, 100 day deployments with very little to no contact with family, we always knew who came home to an empty house or divorce papers on the table. Out of 160 of us maybe 75 were married...of those 75, 20 would have to stay on the boat for duty....of that 55 that went home, there would always be 2-3 guys that came back to the boat, head down on a table on the mess decks, and you just just knew. And you waited. Because when we found that SOB, especially if he was military also, we beat. His. Ass.
At first I laughed it off. When I realized that he was totally serious (sending flowers and other stuff to the house fairly regularly) I addressed the issue very honestly; I adore him but don't have any unrealistic expectations on where things are headed and he shouldn't either. Prince Charming hasn't landed in my lap in my 32 years so I doubt it will happen in the next 2 months. If I do end up involved with someone the person I'm with will KNOW up front before I commit that I plan on being in NC when he comes home in May. There's not much in this world that will stop me from that.
I'm glad to hear that you are being honest with him and aren't giving him mixed signals.
True friendship. Tells a LOT about a person's character. He's blessed to have you as a good friend to lean on.
When we would return from regular 80, 90, 100 day deployments with very little to no contact with family, we always knew who came home to an empty house or divorce papers on the table. Out of 160 of us maybe 75 were married...of those 75, 20 would have to stay on the boat for duty....of that 55 that went home, there would always be 2-3 guys that came back to the boat, head down on a table on the mess decks, and you just just knew. And you waited. Because when we found that SOB, especially if he was military also, we beat. His. Ass.
Stupidest mentality ever. Why would you beat his ass when SHE was the one that cheated??Unless she was raped, she's the one that gave the go ahead.
She said they had been together for 3 years, I'd say that's pretty serious.
Stupidest mentality ever. Why would you beat his ass when SHE was the one that cheated??Unless she was raped, she's the one that gave the go ahead.
They both deserve an ass beating. The one cheating is the bigger of two aholes. But when you know someone is already in a relationship and bang the slut anyway, you're an ahole too.
In Norfolk, we called them "Med Widows"![]()
That's quite the assumption.... Nowhere is it said the cheating whore is a her...