:fixed:Dear NitWit:
Since yr apparently a reasonably skilled liar, why mess up a good thing now? Who knows?...you might find out Juggy is a bipolar axe-murderer..or even worse, is nhboy. Best to keep your options open.
Yr welcome.![]()
Hey HankSo you are saying that twinoaks knows cats that have morals? Learn something new everyday!
I wonder if she's still a mess.:fixed:
I'm Cheating on My Deployed Boyfriend | Military.com
My boyfriend of three years is currently deployed in AFG. I had been thinking of breaking up with him when he got back because I just don’t see a future for us together due to many different issues. However, I have met someone else, completely by accident, was not looking to cheat or anything. But I really enjoy being with this new person and have already become intimate with him. I can’t even believe I’m writing that because I am so against cheating and have never cheated before. The new guy knows about my boyfriend because I told him, but he knows that I am planning on breaking up with him. I feel terrible and don’t know what to do. I never imagined I would do something like this. I feel deceitful and am always lying when my boyfriend calls and asks where I’ve been and who I’ve been out with. I just want to do the right thing, even if it’s the tough thing, but I don’t know what that is. Should I come clean with my boyfriend now while he is overseas and has no friends or family around him, or should I hold out and keep lying to him for the next few months he’s over there? I already tried to suggest to him that I was unsure of where our relationship would go when he returned, and he’s already torn up about that.
I can’t even believe I’m writing that because I am so against cheating
I was cheated on while on deployment. As bad as it was I am actually glad she didn't spring it on me until I was back home. Who needs that stress while you are thousands of miles away and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it but sit and stew?
I was cheated on while on deployment. As bad as it was I am actually glad she didn't spring it on me until I was back home. Who needs that stress while you are thousands of miles away and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it but sit and stew?
Maybe bf #2 didn't find out about bf #1 overseas until after she rode the wild pony with him.
Maybe bf #2 wants nothing to do with her now cuz he thinks that bf #1 will get back stateside with severe PTSD and lookin for somethin or someone to set him off.
When we would return from regular 80, 90, 100 day deployments with very little to no contact with family, we always knew who came home to an empty house or divorce papers on the table. Out of 160 of us maybe 75 were married...of those 75, 20 would have to stay on the boat for duty....of that 55 that went home, there would always be 2-3 guys that came back to the boat, head down on a table on the mess decks, and you just knew.....you just knew. And you waited. Because when we found that SOB, especially if he was military also, we beat. His. Ass.
mamatutu said:I am playing the National Anthem in my head right now for you