UrbanPancake said:I'm not angry. I started this thread to concede, and to show why I voted against Bush, and all I got in return was name calling. How would you take that?

UrbanPancake said:I'm not angry. I started this thread to concede, and to show why I voted against Bush, and all I got in return was name calling. How would you take that?
UrbanPancake said:I'm not angry. I started this thread to concede, and to show why I voted against Bush, and all I got in return was name calling. How would you take that?
UrbanPancake said:I will not honor his breakdown of my points because my pionts are well informed and well researched.
ylexot said:Yes. Kerry said he wanted to leave it in the hands of the states. That's what the states were doing. Now if there are a bunch of judges that overturn the votes, the Constitutional Amendment may go through.
The states can do it any way they want. But consider this. Initiatives were on the ballots in 11 states: Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, N Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Utah. The initiatives had no effect on 8 of those (they were all locks including OR that went to Kerry). So what was the reason for having it on the ballot in those states? They may have had an effect on Michigan, Mississippi, and Ohio.UrbanPancake said:I agree with you. But why couldn't it have been left to the states government? Why did it make it as a referendum during such a hot and pivotal presidential election?
Nope. And it worked, too.UrbanPancake said:This was a political ploy by conservatives to get out the evangelical vote. Do you dispute that?
And the disinformation continues, the marriage amendment would have done nothing like what you suggest, read the words of the amendment for yourself and you will see that it says `Marriage in the United States shall consist solely of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.' Notice that it doesn’t say that a state cannot grant unions or equivalent status only that they are not required to recognize those established elsewhere.
Actually the 100 point bounce yesterday along with the cuts Bush has gotten passed are what has kept us from really feeling how screwed up Clinton left the economy. Bush halted a full-fledged recession by taking action after Clinton spent his last days sitting there handing out pardons. Bush's desire to shore up Social Security is reasonable when you consider that in just a few years there will only be two workers for every retiree. Something needs done and wishing for a magical solution by doing nothing isn’t what is needed.
Give me a break, the government controls the healthcare for the Federal employees and would have had its hands all in it under the Kerry plan, to say otherwise is absurd and unknowing of how much involvement the government has in the FEHB plans already.
We need to do something about immigration reform, though I have heard nothing about the oil connection you claim with Mexico, link please.
dems4me said:I guess you believe in conspiracy theories.
UrbanPancake said:This is actual news. Not something I created.
-I remembered this time.
UrbanPancake said:This is actual news from a tree-huggers rag. Not something I created.
-I remembered this time.
I agree. It's rude and shows poor character. Most of you would never dream of calling a black person a "######", but you don't hesitate to flame someone with gay slurs. It's just wrong.Aimhigh2000 said:can some of you lay off of the nasty gay epithets please?
Aimhigh2000 said:Yeah, some of you have already flooded the bad karma, thanks, and I am not bi**chin. I am just saying that I was offended by some of the comments.
Nope, not at all as they would have no legal standing for such a suit as long as the unions are in accordance with the state laws.So you don't think the christian coalition will use this at all to sue states that offer civil unions?
Where did I say that the economy of the 90s was either good or bad? What I said was that President Bush took immediate action upon coming into office to halt the recession that Clinton failed to recognize or do anything about at the end of his term.So your saying that the economy in the 90's was bad? I remember it being a hell of a lot better than it is today. If you read what I said I also agree that something needs to be done about SS. I just don't think Bush has a real plan when it comes to securing the benefits for the seniors and baby boomers who will be withdrawing SS in the very near future. (especially with the tax cuts)
Nope being a realist. I participate in the FEHB of which the government picks up the tab for roughly 75%, now if this is expanded to include all citizens the cost would be prohibitive to our government. I also know that there are many government officials involved in determining the rates and which insurance companies get to play in the system. So tell me how it would not be a government controlled program?I guess you believe in conspiracy theories.
Checked your link and see in the text that credit for the amendment to the State Department funding bill was given to Cass Ballenger. I checked his legislative initiatives for both the 107th and 108th Congress and he made no such amendment. And I really like how in that article they have statements attributed as being made by the company Pemex.