I concede, but Bush will not win the fight!!!


UrbanPancake said:
Bush has supported immigration reform in exchange for oil development in Mexico. It seems he's only interested in reform if we can benefit from Mexico's oil.
Was not aware of this but WOOOOOOOO awesome !! Gotta love a guy who tries to work a deal that benefits the USA :yay:

UrbanPancake said:
He supports having immigrants in America to work temporarily but doesn't support any notion of amnesty. He wants to give immigrant Latinos every opportunity to stay here to work, but then he wants them to leave the homes and the communities that they help build and make stronger when their "Time-Limited Worker Cards" run out, and when they leave they will take their hard earned American money back to their country without investing it back into our economy. Who benefits from this policy? Only the immigrant and the country they're from. .
IT is better than having them stay here illegally and be integrated into the entitlement segment. They want the wages, they want the work, we need the labor. Leave it alone, not everyone in the world can be an American citizen, fact of life.

UrbanPancake said:
During his presidency we have lost 1.6 million jobs. Most of the jobs he has gained back are from the government agencies that he created with our taxes. He claims that education is the key to a stronger America; he's right about this, except when someone who has worked in a factory for the last 20 years loses his or her job to outsourcing in another country. This person may be ready for retirement, instead Bush expects them to go back to school and start all over again.
I expect them to start over and find another job too, what is wrong with that? You are only ready to retire when you can afford it. Some people, like my own father, will likely never retire because they have not planned for that day. How is it that you figure I owe anyone a retirement check when they decide they have worked enough, when they through their own poor decisions have poorly planned and are 65, broke and laden with debt?

UrbanPancake said:
This Election has proved that America is divided, and that Bush hasn't united us like he said he would. This election has also strengthened me to become more politically active in the next four years, and to continue my posting on this website. Just because Bush won the election based on his radical social beliefs doesn't make him a winner, it makes his next four years a bust for the Working American Public. .

This election proved that you, your party and the far left politics are NOT what this nation wants. You lost the Presidency, more seats in the Senate The House and had the Minority leader thrown from the bus onto his head and had 11 or 11 states say they do not want Gay Marriage. When will you get it? You go right ahead and gird up your loins and go forth in McAuliffe fashion and spew more venom and drivel like you have here for the last few months. It does more for conservative causes than any rally.

On a personal note, I think you are total scum. It has nothing to do with your politics it is all in your presentation. You came in here and caused crap to no end, you were indignant, disrespectful, lied, exaggerated, and were generally an ass of epic proportion. You purposely goaded and incited hate and discontent for fun and folly. Now you skulk back here after sitting down and composing this larger more civil essay and claim high road without the first hint of shame or embarrassment. Problem is; You have already proved your real nature and I respect you less than whale shiat. and You came in here and posted your essay that was written in the same elitist, snobbish, liberal intellectual lecturing to the ignorant masses style that got your party’s ass handed to it.

As far as I am concerned you do not rate nor do you deserve to have dialog with any member of this forum, you have forfeited that right. This time I promise I will not be replying to you ever again. What the others do is up to them but you are not worth my time and are not worthy of my attention. How is that for condescending?

In closing, I cannot begin to tell you how sincere I really mean this ; BITE MY ASS

Bush....didn't we vote the last one out for ignoring the economy? Father like Son....

Might want to change this sig line too. Our President might think it is amusing.
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I can't believe you spent all this time addressing each and every post/issue :roflmao: how many hours did it take you :roflmao: I didn't even read it let alone try to debate them... :lol:


Why do you think I cut and paste. You don't like me, and you insult my intelligence by saying I cut and paste. I don't. These thoughts are my own, and I take ownership for them.

If you would read the first post on this thread, you would see that I have plenty of thoughts, and plenty intelligence. Because you don't agree with me, that makes me stupid. Your insults, again don't bother me. I'm looking forward, not backwards. I have hope for the future.

-I guess it will take another four years of record job losses, and economic meltdown for the people to see that the Conservative Right is wrong, and the left is right.


So I stumble into the forums and the first word I see is FIGHT.

What about Kerry's grand consession speech about "healing" yesterday? Healing the rift? Healing the divided America? And now I see all this talk about not giving up, and continuing the battle.

Even though the battle is over, with a clear victor and a clear loser.

I got part of the way through the immense bile-saturated screed that launched this thread, and I am continually amazed at the dichotomy which is so apparent thoughout the left wing. Democrats continue to decry Bush as a "Divider" not a uniter, all the while clutching their "Us versus Them" philosophy, and talking about "fighting" and offering no quarter, thereby perpetuating the very schism they lament.

Kerry wants Bush to offer olive branches of peace, but makes no such offer himself.

Doesn't he get it? Doesn't he realize that Bush won. Doesn't he understand that the winner does not change to suit the whims of the loser?

There is no more fight.

It's over.

Clinging to this so-called fight, is just... pathetic.


dems4me said:
I can't believe you spent all this time addressing each and every post/issue :roflmao: how many hours did it take you :roflmao: I didn't even read it let alone try to debate them... :lol:

I will not even honor that Pete with an opposing post. What he quoted me on is the answer to his statements.

Why didn't you read it? That tells me that no one read what I said, and that they would rather attack me, instead of reading the free flow of ideas. I think what I wrote was important, I can accept Bush as President but I will not support him, unless he changes and becomes more moderate.


UrbanPancake said:
Because you don't agree with me, that makes me stupid.

Do you like that?

It's the philosophy that liberals have taken as their aegis for the past two days.

"The red states voted for my opponent, therefore they are full of hillbillies, and idiots".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
It seems to me you are in favor of a liberal led Dictatorship because we are too stupid to know what is right. Face it, THE NATION DOES NOT WANT IT ! YOU LOSE ! If you find your ideas outside of the majority it does not mean you are an elite progressive and smart and everyone else dumb bigots, it means you are out of touch and a minority.
People like TurbanNutCake would have made great Communist dictators.


Toxick said:
What about Kerry's grand consession speech about "healing" yesterday? Healing the rift? Healing the divided America? And now I see all this talk about not giving up, and continuing the battle.

Even though the battle is over, with a clear victor and a clear loser.

I got part of the way through the immense bile-saturated screed that launched this thread, and I am continually amazed at the dichotomy which is so apparent thoughout the left wing. Democrats continue to decry Bush as a "Divider" not a uniter, all the while clutching their "Us versus Them" philosophy, and talking about "fighting" and offering no quarter, thereby perpetuating the very schism they lament.

Kerry wants Bush to offer olive branches of peace, but makes no such offer himself.

Doesn't he get it? Doesn't he realize that Bush won. Doesn't he understand that the winner does not change to suit the whims of the loser?

There is no more fight.

It's over.

Clinging to this so-called fight, is just... pathetic.

Yes the battle is over. But the fight will never be over. There will be another election. I would rather start today, then wait 2 or 3 years from now. Of course Bush is the clear winner, I'm not debating that. I know that Kerry lost, I'm not debating that either. (Personally I think Howard Dean would have been a much better candidate) I'm not being a sore loser. I'm trying to keep everyone informed. If Bush wants to heal America he needs to adapt a moderate platform. He needs to embrace all Americans regardless of who they are, and regradless of how God created them. He also needs to become a better informed President before he starts the next war. I'm not going to become a conservative right wing extremist in the name of healing. No, I will not. I can not.


This Space for Rent
UrbanPancake said:
Because you don't agree with me, that makes me stupid.

Kind of like saying all Republicans are unintelligent rednecks and all Democrats are geniuses? :lol:

Maybe we can beat this dead horse some more you sniveling hippocrite. I am all for it. You ignore Pete's responses to you point by point because we know you are once again wallowing. I advise you to just take the time to log off the board and go back to enjoying your latest dose of man seed.


UrbanPancake said:
I will not even honor that Pete with an opposing post. What he quoted me on is the answer to his statements.

Why didn't you read it? That tells me that no one read what I said, and that they would rather attack me, instead of reading the free flow of ideas. I think what I wrote was important, I can accept Bush as President but I will not support him, unless he changes and becomes more moderate.

What about honoring that vrai :shrug:

I didn't read most of it because all I saw was anger, anger, anger, hatred, anger, there's enough of that in the world as it is. Try to find the positives in the current situation is all :shrug: maybe things happen for a reason :shrug:
Why is your anger sooo deep rooted :shrug:


Pete said:
It looks like Gay Marriage issue is taking care of itself, 11 out of 11 ballot initiatives were approved defining marriage as between a man and a woman, even Oregon which is a liberal state. The Federal Marriage Amendment would have given consistency and reciprocity for states to use to recognize marriages from other states. You know as well as I do it is an interstate issue. In addition you are wrong in thinking that by using an Amendment to the constitution would not be representative, as the amendment would have to be passed by ¾ of the state legislatures thus reflecting the will of the citizens. Conversely the liberals have elected to use the judicial activist method, which does not respect the wishes of the citizens at all. It seems to me you are in favor of a liberal led Dictatorship because we are too stupid to know what is right. Face it, THE NATION DOES NOT WANT IT ! YOU LOSE ! If you find your ideas outside of the majority it does not mean you are an elite progressive and smart and everyone else dumb bigots, it means you are out of touch and a minority.

This was a political ploy by conservatives to get out the evangelical vote. Do you dispute that?


dems4me said:
What about honoring that vrai :shrug:

I didn't read most of it because all I saw was anger, anger, anger, hatred, anger, there's enough of that in the world as it is. Try to find the positives in the current situation is all :shrug: maybe things happen for a reason :shrug:
Why is your anger sooo deep rooted :shrug:

I'm not angry. I started this thread to concede, and to show why I voted against Bush, and all I got in return was name calling. How would you take that?


UrbanPancake said:
This was a political ploy by conservatives to get out the evangelical vote. Do you dispute that?

You're honoring that Pete again :mad:



FromTexas said:
Kind of like saying all Republicans are unintelligent rednecks and all Democrats are geniuses? :lol:

Maybe we can beat this dead horse some more you sniveling hippocrite. I am all for it. You ignore Pete's responses to you point by point because we know you are once again wallowing. I advise you to just take the time to log off the board and go back to enjoying your latest dose of man seed.

I guess you didn't read the post were I mentioned I was married for six happy years, and I have a daughter. Do use namecalling as a defense mechanism? I will not honor his breakdown of my points because my pionts are well informed and well researched. Man seed? If only you knew how dumb you sound.


This Space for Rent
UrbanPancake said:
I guess you didn't read the post were I mentioned I was married for six happy years, and I have a daughter. Do use namecalling as a defense mechanism? I will not honor his breakdown of my points because my pionts are well informed and well researched.

New Jersey's Governor was married and had kids, too. :killingme

Man seed? If only you knew how dumb you sound.

Well, I could have just called you a , but Vrai doesn't like that language out here. It called for putting it mildly. However, you did get the point, and I am glad you could put two-and-two together. It gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, there is some thought process going on there.
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UrbanPancake said:
If Bush wants to heal America he needs to adapt a moderate platform.


His right wing agenda appears to be pretty goddamned popular from where I'm sitting. Why does he need to adapt to placate the few?

UrbanPancake said:
He needs to embrace all Americans regardless of who they are, and regradless of how God created them.

I haven't seen him not embracing all Americans.

I've heard a lot of liberals SAYING that he's racist, and such-like, but I haven't seen any evidence of it. And contrary to what you may say, I do not see homophobia in the anti-gay-marriage stance. Make of that what you will.

UrbanPancake said:
He also needs to become a better informed President before he starts the next war.

Either that, or he needs to move faster - so that the psycho who's targetted doesn't have so much time to hide their bad-things.

UrbanPancake said:
I'm not going to become a conservative right wing extremist in the name of healing. No, I will not. I can not.

Never said you will, or should. But it might behoove you, and a great many others, to try and temper your vitriolic hatred of anything right of center.

After all, isn't it you liberals who are (supposedly) against Hatred and Intolerance?


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
This was a political ploy by conservatives to get out the evangelical vote. Do you dispute that?
Yes. Kerry said he wanted to leave it in the hands of the states. That's what the states were doing. Now if there are a bunch of judges that overturn the votes, the Constitutional Amendment may go through.