Was not aware of this but WOOOOOOOO awesome !! Gotta love a guy who tries to work a deal that benefits the USAUrbanPancake said:Bush has supported immigration reform in exchange for oil development in Mexico. It seems he's only interested in reform if we can benefit from Mexico's oil.

IT is better than having them stay here illegally and be integrated into the entitlement segment. They want the wages, they want the work, we need the labor. Leave it alone, not everyone in the world can be an American citizen, fact of life.UrbanPancake said:He supports having immigrants in America to work temporarily but doesn't support any notion of amnesty. He wants to give immigrant Latinos every opportunity to stay here to work, but then he wants them to leave the homes and the communities that they help build and make stronger when their "Time-Limited Worker Cards" run out, and when they leave they will take their hard earned American money back to their country without investing it back into our economy. Who benefits from this policy? Only the immigrant and the country they're from. .
I expect them to start over and find another job too, what is wrong with that? You are only ready to retire when you can afford it. Some people, like my own father, will likely never retire because they have not planned for that day. How is it that you figure I owe anyone a retirement check when they decide they have worked enough, when they through their own poor decisions have poorly planned and are 65, broke and laden with debt?UrbanPancake said:During his presidency we have lost 1.6 million jobs. Most of the jobs he has gained back are from the government agencies that he created with our taxes. He claims that education is the key to a stronger America; he's right about this, except when someone who has worked in a factory for the last 20 years loses his or her job to outsourcing in another country. This person may be ready for retirement, instead Bush expects them to go back to school and start all over again.
UrbanPancake said:This Election has proved that America is divided, and that Bush hasn't united us like he said he would. This election has also strengthened me to become more politically active in the next four years, and to continue my posting on this website. Just because Bush won the election based on his radical social beliefs doesn't make him a winner, it makes his next four years a bust for the Working American Public. .
This election proved that you, your party and the far left politics are NOT what this nation wants. You lost the Presidency, more seats in the Senate The House and had the Minority leader thrown from the bus onto his head and had 11 or 11 states say they do not want Gay Marriage. When will you get it? You go right ahead and gird up your loins and go forth in McAuliffe fashion and spew more venom and drivel like you have here for the last few months. It does more for conservative causes than any rally.
On a personal note, I think you are total scum. It has nothing to do with your politics it is all in your presentation. You came in here and caused crap to no end, you were indignant, disrespectful, lied, exaggerated, and were generally an ass of epic proportion. You purposely goaded and incited hate and discontent for fun and folly. Now you skulk back here after sitting down and composing this larger more civil essay and claim high road without the first hint of shame or embarrassment. Problem is; You have already proved your real nature and I respect you less than whale shiat. and You came in here and posted your essay that was written in the same elitist, snobbish, liberal intellectual lecturing to the ignorant masses style that got your party’s ass handed to it.
As far as I am concerned you do not rate nor do you deserve to have dialog with any member of this forum, you have forfeited that right. This time I promise I will not be replying to you ever again. What the others do is up to them but you are not worth my time and are not worthy of my attention. How is that for condescending?
In closing, I cannot begin to tell you how sincere I really mean this ; BITE MY ASS
Bush....didn't we vote the last one out for ignoring the economy? Father like Son....
Might want to change this sig line too. Our President might think it is amusing.
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