Nanny Pam
Does this sound OK? I am not good at this type of thing. I would appreciate any & all help ya'll can lend me in this letter writting thing. See....I am not good with words.
This is a letter that I am putting together to send to the Grandparents of a child in my care.
These are people I also socialize with (on occasion,) so yes, I know them well.
Dear **** & ****
I understand, according to your daughter that you really like doing the "Grandparent thing" however, can you do it on weekends only. I do not appreciate it you getting her all sugared up then sending her to me to deal with for the day.
Therefore, please do not send her to me with lollipops, gum, candy, cookies, cupcakes etc. in her hands. I cook breakfast for all children as long as they are here before 8:30. I'd be more than happy to include ****.
If she has breakfast at home before coming to daycare, how about oatmeal, or a bowl of LOW sugar cereal, or fruit & toast.
What you are doing is not fair to:
1)****... for nutritional reasons. She has developed serious disclipline issues, ending in "time out" because she can't control herself. (sugar)
2) The other kids... because they want the junk food too. They are normal kids who would rather have licorice than a cheese omlet.
3) Me. The sugar high lasts too long. I spend too much time trying to calm her down & less time doing things with everyone else.
Also, I know ****'s Doctor asked you last year to take her off the bottle & pacifier. Her teeth are now showing definate signs of needing braces when she gets older. When ever she gets the chance, she steals the baby's (8 months old) bottle from her, (formula) as well as her pacifier.
We have been friends for awhile and I really want to keep it this way.
Does this sound OK? I am not good at this type of thing. I would appreciate any & all help ya'll can lend me in this letter writting thing. See....I am not good with words.
This is a letter that I am putting together to send to the Grandparents of a child in my care.
These are people I also socialize with (on occasion,) so yes, I know them well.
Dear **** & ****
I understand, according to your daughter that you really like doing the "Grandparent thing" however, can you do it on weekends only. I do not appreciate it you getting her all sugared up then sending her to me to deal with for the day.
Therefore, please do not send her to me with lollipops, gum, candy, cookies, cupcakes etc. in her hands. I cook breakfast for all children as long as they are here before 8:30. I'd be more than happy to include ****.
If she has breakfast at home before coming to daycare, how about oatmeal, or a bowl of LOW sugar cereal, or fruit & toast.
What you are doing is not fair to:
1)****... for nutritional reasons. She has developed serious disclipline issues, ending in "time out" because she can't control herself. (sugar)
2) The other kids... because they want the junk food too. They are normal kids who would rather have licorice than a cheese omlet.
3) Me. The sugar high lasts too long. I spend too much time trying to calm her down & less time doing things with everyone else.
Also, I know ****'s Doctor asked you last year to take her off the bottle & pacifier. Her teeth are now showing definate signs of needing braces when she gets older. When ever she gets the chance, she steals the baby's (8 months old) bottle from her, (formula) as well as her pacifier.
We have been friends for awhile and I really want to keep it this way.